Talk given by Ian Waller FSG on the 8th January entitled 'All Drawn By Horses' a must see for family historians. PLEASE NOTE video will only be available until the 24th January 2025
Sevenoak branch January Newsletter now available on the website
Happy New Year to all our members and the 1st January 2025 Newletter is now available on the website
In a Christmas present 'Genealogy, Essential Research Methods' by Helen Osborn in the forward it opens with 'Sources, and the skills to understand them, are the key tools we need to unearth our family history'. A statement that resonated with me and if the rest of the book lives up to this then it's a welcome addition to my family history reference...
The Really Useful Bulletin No 52 December 2024 has two interesting articles, the first 'The Story of Pantomime by Alan Ruston and the second 'Christmas 1910-1914, The Fletton Experience' by Dr Sadie McMullon. The Federation also offer their subscribers the chance to win one of four books. Among the books is 'Introducing Health Care in Times Past' b...
Two new Zoom video talks available to members first '1827 Beadle of Enfield Poster' and second one 'Lets Talk about Christmas' both by David Cufley
Peter Allen gave an excellent talk to the Dartford Branch on Saturday 7th December entitled 'Oh No It Isn't - A History of Pantomime' it ranged from the Greeks to the modern celebrity pantomimes of the current theatre circuit. Among the pantomimes mentioned was those put on in the WW2 prisoner of war camps by Allied military troops. The prisoners e...
Three new Zoom workshops have been added which brings the total of workshops to 40 inaddition 28 zoom talks which are all available to our members. Please explore the list for a subject that interests you
Now available on the members only area under Research, Zoom workshop videos. Please join the society to view A workshop giving sources and places to search when looking for your Agricultural Labourers.
Two more workshop videos have been entered on the website giving information on how to breakdown brickwalls Login as members then go to Zoom workshops page
Watch workshop video showing the society Library and what it contains plus extra piece on accessing external databases Login as members then go to Zoom workshops page
The talk on Greenwich Park Wall History is now available in the members only area of this web site. If you missed this or other zoom talks, workshops and discussions register by emailing and giving your membership and email address to get the links for the coming month's zoom sessions.
mThe Really Useful Bulletin No 44 April 2024 has two interesting articles. The first a longer piece deals with illnesses cures and death of our ancestors. Written by Lady Teviot, one of the Federations Vice Presidents, has brought her experience in researching family history to focus on deaths and the causes of death as well as the legislation that...
The Bricks and Brickwork of Greenwich Park Wall are normally not seen, as the viewer looks passed and into the park and at its Observatory. This talk explores the boundary wall and how it has been changed over its 400-year life. It discusses not only its construction and materials but also the buildings that were built onto or through it. Built at ...
Breaking down brick walls workshop 10th April 2024 at 7.30 pm will include three subjects 1. Finding Missing death, 2. Finding Zinc Mill at Dartford 3. Searching for a lost Grandfather's birth and parentage. These topics may also give you clues as to sources you can use in your own research. Or maybe you can help the members with your research...
The video produced for the Family History Federation Really Useful Show last November (2023) has now been put on our web site. There is a button link on the Royal Arsenal Woolwich page. North West Kent Family History Society includes the area that was the Royal Arsenal Woolw...
Chance for you to talk about anything to do with Family History that puzzles you or may help you solve your family line brick wall. Perhaps you wonder about the big FH question! How come I'm here and how did my ancestors survive, the Black Death 1350, the plagues of 1665, the Spanish Flue of the 20th century and Covid of the 21st century?
Regeneration Team in Bromley Council want your feedback regarding the Crofton Roman Villa. See link on members home page for details
The talk was about the Sevenoaks to Swanley Railway and the Eynsford Viaduct's need for Labourers, their wages, living and working conditions all were mentioned by David Cufley in his talk. It was recorded and has now been put in the Members only area. The railway brickfield at Eynsford provided bricks for the Viaduct and other structure...
On Wednesday 31st January 2024 at 7.30 the Breaking down brick walls workshop will cover the question that has been raised at a number of discussion sessions 'Why can't I find my ancestor in Post 1837 records when I know he was alive as I have other events in his life and when he dies'. The second case study during the workshop will be helping to l...
The Latest RUBulletin has two articles and an offer that may help your family history research. The Family History Bookshop (FHB) has obtained big savings on four DNA tests done by FamilyTreeDNA. AtDNA the autosomal test Family Finder. YDNA 37 marker test for men. Family Finder plus the 37 marker YDNA test MtDNA the mitochondrial test to trace your...
oson The Latest RUBulletin has an article by Martin McDowell that is part of 'Really Useful DNA Notes'. It explains how the segments of the Chromosome can be compared with your matches. Martin talks about uploading your results and the advantages of doing so with numerous companies. This is one of a series of periodic articles to help readers devel...
An additional zoom session put on at the request of one of our members. This extra discussion session will explore the National Archives web site and its search engine 'Discovery' Discovery holds more than 32 million descriptions of records held by The National Archives and more than 2,500 archives across the country. Over 9 million records a...
The Latest RUBulletin has an article by Nick Barratt entitled 'Through the Mists of Time' which tells of the sources for searching your ancestors in pre 19th century England. Nick takes you through the English economy, the disadvantages of Latin, land and the manorial records and into local government. He shows what is online and availa...
This is a session when we can talk about our family Christmas Traditions. What did your family do before to prepare and what special activities did you have over the Christmas period. It's a chance to tell us about those special memories passed down in your family. Was your father's line doing anything different from your mother's line? Membe...
The society eNewsletter is now on the website please read it as it contains important information regarding the future of the society
The Really Useful Bulletin No 38, October 2023 has an interesting article 'BMDs in Scotland before 1855' by Emma Maxwell which will prove to be of interest to our Scottish Interest Group (SIG). As usual the RUB has a lead article of interest to our members. You can access the Bulletins by subscribing to do this go onto the main FHF w...
The Society has produced the 2024 program of Zoom talks, discussion groups, workshops and coffee meetings which will be published in each quarter Journal as well as the Enews.. Now that more Face to Face meetings and events are occuring a number of members have asked about changing times for the Zoom sessions. Please can you ema...
As requested at a discussion group meeting I'm putting out this aide memoir for this talk which was previously given to the Society 7 years ago. It has changed and been extended by further research. It was requested by the previous workshop coordinator and Trustee Carolyn Barclay. A talk on the 19th century profession of ratcatchers using Enfield a...
Do you know the wages your ancestor earned and how many hours did they need to work to get these wages? Two books that may give you answers to these questions are:- 1) The Economy of Kent 1640-1914 edited by Alan Armstrong as part of the Kent History project published jointly by the Boydell Press and the Kent County Council in 1995. ISSN 1352805X. ...
There are moments when you have a burning question or you just want to share a family history fact. These can be voiced at any of the discussion groups held every Wednesday. The next session with an open agenda is the 'Lets talk family history' on the 27 September when any subject can be discussed. Sometimes voicing a family history query the act o...
The FHF has issued the latest Bulletin No 37 September 2023 with two articles about using the four types of DNA tests and their results to help prove and or disprove family history documentary research. Go to and click on the banner heading for the 'Bulletin' and don't be put off because it says subscr...
Tyler is usually used for someone who tiles a roof. It was also 'tiler' which not only is the person who covers building roofs with burnt clay tiles but also a tile layer or a tile maker. The Penguin Dictionary of surnames (1979) says it's chiefly a Leicestershire and Lincolnshire surname. Sir William Addison in his book 'Understanding English Surn...
The members of the cataloguing team were looking for a collective name for themselves as a group of people. In our mind the Cataloguing Cadre is a small group of people specially trained to carry out a particular purpose, which in this case was cataloguing the Society Library books. They are the 'Fundi' of cataloguing our books. Fundi i...
Have you ever visited a place and stood on the same spot as one of your ancestors. You look around yourself and either its as they would have seen it or as in my case its now totally disfigured. Three generations of my family were costermongers/fishmongers on Beresford Square, Woolwich. Recently I visited Woolwich and from memory and old photograph...
Three of the WW! British campaign medals, the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and the Victory Medal are affectionately known as Pip, Squeak and Wilfred. These medals were primarily awarded to the Old Contemptibles members of the British Expeditionary Force (B.E.F.). and by convention all three medals are worn together and in the same order from lef...
TOMMY ATKINS In 1815 a War Office publication showing how the Soldier's Pocket Book should be filled out gave as its example one Private Thomas Atkins, No. 6 Troop, 6th Dragoons. Atkins became a sergeant in the 1837 version, and was now able to sign his name rather than merely make his mark. By the 18805 the expression 'Tommy Atkins' was in wide use ...
"Mutt and Jeff" Among your family heirlooms is there the two WW1 British campaign medals commonly found and nicknamed Mutt and Jeff: They are the British War Medal and the Victory Medal. When only the British War Medal and Victory Medal are on display together they are sometimes known as "Mutt and Jeff".
The 5th July discussion zoom 'Migration' session went on till 12.40 and ranged from the 20 min presentation that was recorded to other topics:- Occupations and how did people know there were jobs to go to. Word of mouth, Newspapers, trade links, parish correspondence. Religion and its prosecution forcing people to leave their native area to safer p...
The Really Useful Bulletine No 34 June 2023 has a fascinating article 'When the Saints go marching in' by Ian Waller on the Mormons and the emigration of their British Church members. Predominately the British and Scandinavians migrants were among the 65,000 early church members who travelled across America to finally settle in Salt Lake City. The ...
The society now has 25 recorded talks and 49 recorded workshop videos which members can view at anytime. A wide variety of subjects are covered on family research why not have a look to see what could help your research. You can find them on our website under RESOURCES / Zoom Talk or Zoom Workshops
As we were closing the DNA discussion Zoom meeting today (16-8-2023) a number of members asked about NPEs (Non parental events) to be discussed not only as a DNA subject but also within the normal family history research. David mentioned the article in the Journal Vol 16 No 2 page 77-78 which is available on the web site in the MOA. There is also a...
This Zoom BDBW Workshop will have three case studies. John Moore's family, John Shaw's family and 'Windycroft' and its occupiers missing from the 1939 register. The case studies will be recorded for the MOA on the web site. John Moore's family is a modern case of a person still living although the internet says she's dead. John Shaws family a...
On Wednesday (12 July 2023) the workshop was on Visitations and Hatchments; now available in the members only area of our web site. At a talk by Celia Heritage entitled 'Above and below: exploring a pre-reformation church and churchyard' she showed a picture by the Artist Samuel Prout 1738-1852. The name of the church was not given but the interest...
A visitor to our web site is doing research and asked "I wonder if you can point me in the direction of records for Woolwich Arsenal for the 1700s please. A friend in the USA has a cannon which was on the HMS St Lawrence and then Diana in 1775... and we are trying to trace it back as to when it was made and despatched to the ships off Boston". Than...
Click HERE to see new workshop video How to Draw a Pedigree Chart lead by David Cufley
Discussion group on Apprentices run by David Cufley. Video now on website Click HERE
The cataloguing group of volunteers know as the Cadre have been hard at work and the new catalogues have been updated. Check the Library page and the list of catalogues available for the stock of books, microfiche, pictures and postcards. If your ancestor was found outside Kent look at our Strays Index for people who were born in Kent but have been...
David Cufley's workshop on Basic Excel is now available to view on the website. Click HERE
This session in addition to the normal for those wanting to discuss particular aspects of DNA research Laura will be showing how you can group your DNA Matches to represent your four grandparent lines. This may help you target which of your DNA Matches might help you understand a particular branch of your tree. Maybe this could provide a clue...
New workshop by David Cufley added to the website Click HERE to view
The myth is that attendees don't need to submit their brickwall. So why don't you attend this workshop to learn about how to solve research queries and methods of research others use. Make sure you have booked to get the Zoom link. Contact
Due to unforeseen circumstances the planned discussion on Migration due on 5th April has had to be changed to an open discussion. Ann will now lead a general discussion on any family history subject the attendees want to raise. So bring your research queries and gain from the experience of other members. The Migration session is now planned for the...
The April Society eNewsletter now on the website to view Click HERE
The 'come and talk FH' zoom today (29-3-2023) had topics that varied from the usual Zoom talks getting to know you pre-chat, RAW people with changing names, Migration into Woolwich, Plaistow Bike shop, Hobbs, Wireman, assisted passage in 17th c, drawing up time lines, 1780 Clerkenwell records, How DNA could show up on matches when there was possibl...
During one discussion session members asked for a repeat of the 'Basic Excel' Workshop so they can understand how it can be used for family history research. Microsoft 'Excel' is a spread sheet program that is a useful tool for organizing and researching your family history. If you want a method for organising your records or trying to break d...
At todays (22-3-2023) DNA discussion group the chance of your lineage having two people on both the maternal line and paternal line was considered as likely where they had come from a 'tribe', 'clan' or a small community. Endogamy means marriage between one's own tribe or similar unit. An example is a brother and sister marrying a sister and b...
Our Discussion group leader Ann asked for subjects for the next sessions. She has received and agreed the following subjects for discussion for the next three months. 5th April...... Migration. 3rd May....... Apprenticeships 7th June...... What record types have we been surprised to find and how effective have they been? Out of one session me...
New workshop "Drawing Trees & Charts by Hand " added to website Click HERE to view
If you have not heard about the Family History Federations free 'Really Useful Bulletin' then take a look at the latest edition. This edition has a fantastic article on Postcards by Helen Baggott. Helen tells of her motivation to research the family that sent/received the postcard and their background. It brings a new source from which if we are lu...
Latest video workshop added on website "Creating Family Trees form GEDCOM files" a workshop by David Cufley. Click RESOUCES on top menu then ZOOM WORKSHOP VIDEOS
The Mid-February Society newsletter is now on the website see below Download PDF File Here
Don't miss Saturday's meeting for a talk on DNA for Family Historians by Dr Geoff Swinfield He has lectured widely on all aspects of genealogy, its sources, and research techniques including the use and application of DNA testing to Genetic Genealogy.
The February edition of the society newsletter has been added to the website
New workshop added to website " What makes a good Family Tree" by David Cufley Find it under Resources tab on home page then Zoom workshop videos
The question asked at discussion group meetings answered on the 18th Jan at 19.30 to 21.30 hrs. A Workshop showing and explaining about recording your family History on a family tree. This workshop will cover both family trees and pedigree charts with other formats a family historian can use to record their research. A good starting point for...
See the latest society information and details of the next ZOOM Talk: A Grandmother's Legacy with Jenny Mallin on the 26th of January from 7.30 pm to 9 pm
14 JANUARY 2023 Speaker PETE ALLEN talk entitled "Oh No It Isn't! A History of Pantomime" And what is it really like to play the back end of a Pantomime Cow? and the answer to whether something really is behind you. Pete works extensively as a professional theatre director and filmmaker.
The newsletter for 7th January Dartford meeting is on the website. The talk 'Tracing Your Ancestors During Lockdown' is by Clare Walker a former journalist, author & pilot. Clare's presentations are highly visual, using rarely seen historical footage, photos & fascinating anecdotes & are based on in-depth interv...
Happy 2023 to everyone see the January Society newsletter on the website
The index to all our journals are now available and includes the latest issue December 2022 Vol 16 No 4. See web page which allows you to do a word search to find if your family or subject of interest has been published in an article....
After the Cataloguing Cadre finished their session before Christmas they had brought the master book catalogue up to date. 263 Pages listing 5502 books and maps in the catalogue. All the latest donations have now been entered and you can see or download the catalogue from M...
The paper publications of the 1851 Census produced by the Society in the 1990s have now been digitally converted and are now available on our web site. The Introductions and street indexes are available on the public pages The Names indexes are available to members after the...
If you have not heard about the Family History Federations free 'Really Useful Bulletin' then take a look at the latest edition. Among the articles are two that you might find interesting. Most family historians will have used one of Jeremy Gibson's guides. Jeremy died on the 28th October 2022 and an appreciation by Colin Chapman one of ...
We have now added or updated the Introductions, Streets Index and Name indexes to the 1851 Census page resources. Bromley does not have a Street Index but the others Dartford, Deptford, Greenwich and Lewisham do. The introductions should be compulsory reading for family historians interested in these local census areas. These indexes were pub...
We are sorry but this workshop has been cancelled. If you want to attend it, it is being run again on the 12th July 2023. However, if there is sufficient demand contact and ask if it can be run earlier. If there is another subject that you want to have featured in a workshop or if you want research advice it can be do...
This workshop will look at the Heralds Visitations which were collected and compiled from the 16th century. From 1530 at intervals of approx. 30 years the Heralds made tours of the country to examine the claims to have arms and had the right to destroy all unlawful arms and crests. The visitations continued until c1686. Although some are suspect ma...
Another useful workshop added to the website and if you have ever wondered if you are Royalty this is the one to see. On the home page top menu under "Resources" click on "Zoom Workshop videos"
Have you found details of your family that are a total mystery? Do you believe we are all related to Royalty? Is there a place named after an ancestor? Just a few mysteries that crop up in family history research A Mystery Workshop with David Cufley. Please log in from 7.15 pm for the 7.30 pm start.
The Surnames interest list has been updated with more names tonight (3-12-2022).. If you are a member of the Society and would like your surname interests added to these web pages, please download the Interests Submission Form (see button link on Complete all details and eithe...
The December Society newsletter is online. On the home page go to Community on the top menu then click newsletters
The vast majority of the defibrillators near Joydens Wood are not available 24/7/365 and have restrictions placed upon their use. This will have a dramatic effect possibly fatally on a person if they have a heart attack and there is a delay in accessing a defibrillator. Barry and Liz have already obtained permission from KCC Library and the KCC Est...
Downloaded the Surname, Subject and Place members interests to the web site today. All three interests are up to date as the December 2022 Journal. If you are a member of the Society and would like your surname interests added to these web pages, please download the Interests Submission Form (see button link on
We now have 25 recorded talks and 34 recorded workshops for members to view at their leisure. Three new ones were added today. Take a look at the variety of relevant subjects covered, all planned to assist you in your family research.
Example 8 Angus Gunn workshop breaking down brick walls now on MOA of website
The Society part of the new Really Useful Show being run by the Family History Federation has produced a new Promo Video. You can viw it before the show by going to the home page and on the Member Benefits banner is a link called "Who we are video". You can also view the video by using the 'about' menu and the 'Promo Video' link. We hope you enjoy ...
The promotional video prepared for the Really Useful Show being held on the 11th and 12 November by the Family History Federation is available on our home page under the Benefits banner. Have a view and see what good value £10 annual membership gives you. If you join now your membership will run until 31st december 2023. Our thanks go to...
Go to Community tab on top menu of website and pick Newsletters to see the latest editions
May we stress that the Society belongs to the members and that this gives you an excellent opportunity to have a say in its management. Sign in and go to the web page The September Journal had the CVs of all the candidates so you know who was running the Society for you.
The Society belongs to you the members and that this gives you an excellent opportunity to have a say in its management. Sign in and go to the web page The September Journal had the CVs of all the candidates so you know who was running the Society for you.
We would like to stress that the Society belongs to you the members and that this gives you an excellent opportunity to have a say in its management. Sign in and go to the web page Want to know who is running your Society see the CVs of all the candidates that was included in the September Journal.&n...
The Society belongs to the members and this gives you an excellent opportunity to have a say in its management. Sign in and go to the web page The September Journal had the CVs of all the candidates so you know who was running the Society for you.
The research aid 'What is proof of Fact' was updated today following a workshop 'Errors Lies and Misinformation' by our President David Cufley. The research aid diagrams and charts are available on our web site under the resources menu. The page address is This is only ...
We would like to stress that the Society belongs to the members and that this gives them an excellent opportunity to have a say in its management. Sign in and go to the web page Know who you are voting for see the CVs of all the candidates which was included in the September Journal.
Mapping Family Movements workshop by David Cufley on 5th October added to Zoom workshop page
You can take a horse to water but you cannot make him drink. It's the same for asking you to vote for your Society Committee. Sign in and go to the web page Don't forget the Society belongs to you the members and that this gives you an excellent opportunity to have a say in its management. A CV of all the candi...
Please don't forget to vote for our Society Committee who run the Society for you and the other members. This is an excellent opportunity to have a say in its management. Sign in and go to the web page Going to the Sevenoaks meeting tomorrow why not take your voting form and give it to Jim Murchie and save the ...
The master Catalogue has been updated. We were asked about the search facility in the pdf data files. In windows use your control key and the 'F' Key pressed at the same time, its easy to remember F=Find. [ctrl+f pressed together] The question was raised when a member asked about Horton Kirby. If you Ctrl +F and in the search box that pops up type ...
The newsletter for the Sevenoaks meeting on the 8th of October now on the website Click community on home page top menu then down to newsletters
Go to Community tab on top menu of website and pick Newsletters to see the latest editions
In a discussion today we were talking about expressions used in the family that were variations on the normal public and familiar versions. Try out these three variations. A problem shared is a problem doubled. Give a man enough rope and he will hang you. I'm not paranoid. I'm mononoid, there's only one person to distrust but nobody will tell ...
As a member of our great Society the AGM voting gives you the chance to support our Society Committee and an excellent opportunity to have your say in its management. Sign in and go to the web page Going to the Dartford meeting on the 1st October why not take your voting form and give it to Jim Murchie and save...
Handout for Births & Deaths Registration talk held on 15th September 2022 added to Zoom Talk page of website
The Family History Federation Really Useful Bulletin 25: September 2022 has an article about North West Kent FHS. It is really worth reading. If you don't subscribe to the Federation Bulletin then you can subscribe or read a copy at It will also help to keep you up to date with what's hap...
At the talk by Anthony Marr on the 15th September he was asked this question. Apart from a lack of registration in the 19th century he made a suggestion that is obvious when you think deeply about it. He said that perhaps the child was registered with a surname that was one that they did not use in their life time. Why could this be? Our thoughts a...
If you are a member of our great Society don't to forget to vote for its officers before the 14th October. Sign in and go to the web page Don't forget the Society belongs to you the members and that this gives you an excellent opportunity to have a say in its management. A CV of all the candidates was included ...
The three members interests 'Surname', 'Subject' and 'Place' have been updated today. If you are a member then you can submit your interests and perhaps link up with another member to solve your mutual family, place or subject interests. To have your details added to our web site send them to with your name and m...
Fear not, is the postal strike delaying your September Journal? Members can read their journal on line at One benefit of the MOA (members only area) is that your Journal copy is available online anytime of the day or night.. On holiday and need something to read, Have a look at some back edi...
Don't forget that the advice at the BDBW workshops can help everyone. So come and hear how we try to solve the 'brick walls' that other members have encountered. Having the chance to discuss the research problems we all encounter may help you solve your 'brick wall' Email to request the link to join us on th...
You will have received your September Journal and know its time to vote for the management committee of the Society. These are all Volunteers who give of their time to organise and make the Society work. Please support them. Please take the time to vote either by Post or digitally. It only takes a few minutes. The closing date is the 14 Octobe...
Gill Thomas gave a talk at Dartford branch meeting on the 6th August on Creating a One Street Study. Go to 'Resources' on top menu and 'Reserch' then click on 'Workshop Handouts' for useful guide
Do you have the thought that you have seen an article in NWKFHS Journal but don't know when? Did you realise all the back journals for not only NWKFHS but also Tonbridge Wells FHS are on the web site in the MOA. There is also an easy to use search facility to find the article you want. Use the 'Community' menu and click on 'Quarterly and Back Journ...
Have you found your ancestors among these prominent families from Dartford? Phil Taylor one of our members has written a series of articles on these Dartford people. If you want a short article on your ancestor and have not written it and submitted it to our Journal perhaps this is where it could be lodged so they will not be forgotten. See how Phi...
Have you ever purchased a certificate only to discover it is not of your family and does not add to your family tree? Members who have certificates that they don't want have donated them to the Library. These certificates are on the Library open shelves under the IDLocation reference BGR0023 in three volumes. We have listed all these certifica...
The Strays' Index was an inititive by the FFHS back in the pre-2000 years. NWKFHS slips have sat in our library unused since Audrey Rainer stopped being the Strays Co-ordinator. When we were clearing out the cupboards a few months ago the strays were unearthed and it was decided that the slips should be indexed into a digital database. Strays are r...
Do you want to know what is in the Society library? You can go to the Society Library page and there is a button to take you to the Master Catalogue that has been updated on 9th August 2022. There is also a page that gives all the resources in the library, not only the Master Catalogue but also:- Stray Birth Certificates Stray Marriage Certificates...
Please note the workshop starts at 2.30 pm (14.30 hrs) and NOT at 10.30 am. Sorry for the misunderstanding. To book a place in this workshop contact If you cannot attend this workshop but would like it re-run please contact the workshop coordinator to ask if it can be run on another day at perhaps another time. All w...
You will know by now that tonight we had a problem with members signing onto the talk. The problem appears to be a change and update by Zoom a couple of days ago. It now appears that unless you have the FREE 'Basic' licence or better on your computer you will have problems joining the meeting whether you use the link or you use the ID and passcode....
Bring your research talents and know how to our 'People' and 'Place' Workshop on the 3rd August 2022. Ray Fordham left a number of documents and databases to the Society that he had rescued from the Royal Arsenal Woolwich when it closed. Among the files are WW2 lists of names without source or exact date, but they give addresses within the Arsenal ...
Ray Fordham worked at the RAW when it closed and among the documents and photographs that were being thrown away he saved some of those that related to local history and family history. He had over his retirement been recording the details into a number of databases, some of which are already on our web site. Now the Society has been given th...
The Federation have issued the latest Really Useful Buletin full of Really Useful sources and advice. Robin McConnell gives us 'Tracing your family history with the whole family' Shropshire FHS explain the advantages of Zoom and how it changed their Society. The Beresford (ONS) Family Society gathering held in May 2022. Dorset FHS follows NWKFHS an...
The 14th of July newsletter for Sevenoaks meeting is now available on the website
At the recent 'Breaking down brick walls' workshop a member said that she thought you had to submit a research problem to attend. Not so.The workshops are designed to explain sources and how you can organise your research to help find that elusive ancestor. Other members' 'brickwalls' can be of help to other family historians as the think...
New workshop video added breaking down brickwalls Example 5 Alexander Duff Calico printer
New workshop video added Example 6 "My Incredible Hulkes Mystery"
Catching up with Family Search website Sharon Hintze
Emma Smith has created an art installation at the Brickworks Museum, Swanwick, Hampshire to remember all those people that were employed in the brickmaking industry. On the 31st May the mayor of Fareham opened the exhibition to the public. The installation consists of thousands of brickettes each made by hand by Emma with the initials of a person t...
In 2016 this blog was written but again cropped up recently when discussing Eynsford Viaduct. Its amazing what areas family historians venture when ancestor hunting. One of our members asked about the temporary camps set up to house the navvies working on the railway in the Sevenoaks area. The answer to the query is given in 'Sevenoaks, an his...
If you have been waiting for the update to the names indexes then today is your day. We are still recovering these indexes but the latest introduction notes and surname index have been added in the MOA (members only area) Enjoy the work of our 1990s Census team.
The Federation's Bulletine available to all family historians that subscribers see The June edition contains an article'The Great Storm of 1703' by Wayne Shepherd. Our area of South East London and North West Kent was damaged. Daniel Defoe mentions that part of the wall to Greenwich Park having been blown d...
During the recent Society Library cataloguing exercise we have found an old Strays slip index (2002). We are trying to get it digitalized for the use of members. We anticipate it may contain over 7000 entries when completed. WHAT IS A STRAY? A stray is a recorded event in which a person is described in the record as being from, or connected with, a...
1851 Census is most important, as it was the first census to give the birth place of one's ancestors. NWKFHS created surname indexes in the 1980s and 1990s when there were no commercial subscription online data providers. While these indexes do not include all the schedule data, they are a finding aid using the piece number with folio number of the...
New recorded workshop talk to Essex FHS by David Cufley on Brickmaking now available to view on Workshops page.
Workshop handouts and talk 'Fluctuated Population Numbers' by David Cufley on 4th May has been updated
tinFree bulletin produced by the Family History Federation which provides lead articles on different aspects of family history research. The latest edition No 20 April 2022 features School Records. To subscribe to the RUBulletin go to the federation's web site at North West Kent Family Hi...
Ian Waller's talk Family History Frustrations now on website to view log in as member and go to Zoom Talk page
Walter Eves has granted us permission to record his presentation. It is now on the MOA area for members to catch up and learn about Flickr and how it can assist with our family history research by holding documents and photographs that are not in the archives.
David Cufley has granted us permission to record his presentation. It is now on the MOA area for members to catch up and learn about Trade and Occupation sources and how they can assist with our family history research by suggesting documents and photographs that are in the archives and record offices. One of the Trade Union sources that has c...
The two exercises undertaken at the 23 March workshop have been recorded and are now available on the MOA. The first exercise covering the Barnett family of Tunbridge Wells and Devon connections with Coast guards is on the MOA area for members to catch up and learn about possible research source that could help find the true place of birth George B...
Flickr is a document and photo sharing and hosting service that can be a gold mine for family historians. NWKFHS has had a presence on Flickr since 2009 and Walter Eves one of our Vice Presidents will be leading a workshop on Wednesday 13 April at 10.30 am. He will explain the documents and photographs we have and how they can add to your family hi...
A member wrote to HMCTS (Her Majesty's Courts and Tribune Service) Wills Help desk because of a problem obtaining a Will. The member said and asked, I was searching for GRACE WINIFRED PAILTHORPE who died 19 July 1971 Ninfield, Sussex. The Probate index on Ancestry has the entry but on the it returns 'no record found' ...
The intriguing title spotted when a member checked out the day's weather recently. Following the Met Office archives links to view the historic rainfall data for many parts of the UK and, at a local level, was data for Welling, Bexleyheath, Kent, in many of the years of Queen Victoria's reign. In 1861, these were collected by Henry Septimus Hyde Wo...
Its the 1st April and its not a joke when you lose access to the MOA (members only area). No longer can you access the databases, indexes, back journals and the video recordings of the talks and workshops. Whats the solution? Pay your £10 subscription and all will be well again.
The Parish Chest workshop run on the 16th March's recording is now available on the resources menu to members. If you missed the workshop and want to learn about the records available in the Parish Chest watch the recording. If you would like the Workshop run again so you can benefit from the Q & A session after the presentation email...
Be aware if you have not renewed your membership for 2022 you will lose your access to the members only area (MOA) in the next 14 days. Membership is only £10 per year and in our opinion very good value. Membership is cheaper than a meal out. An advantage is that you can sit at home and not wear a mask to avoid Covid-19
The Video recordings from the two Medieval Records Workshops are now available online. Sign in to the MOA and go too the Workshop videos to see our archive of recordings including the latest Medieval Records Workshops.
Updated fully searchable tables of Members Interests have been loaded. These tables are for Surname Interests, Subject Interests and Places Interests. You can also see the latest in the March Journal which came out at the beginning of the month.
NWKFHS was represented on this session of Rootstech by our President David Cufley. Despite a number of technical problems experienced the panel of representatives from five family history societies were able to explain the advantages of joining a Family History Society (FHS). If you could not see the original session and want to its now available o...
Over the years members have donated BMD certificates that they obtained only to discover they are not of their family. These have been collected at the library in three volumes on the open shelves at BGR0023. The index to these volumes under the Birth, Marriage and Death headings are available as PDF files to download under the buttons ...
"Did you know that there was a murder in your house?" These words were uttered to me by a cousin. He was wrong, but not by much!In 1956 mum, dad, my sister and I moved into Leahurst Road in Lewisham. Back in 1942 the body of an 11 year old girl was discovered under the floorboards of the housenext door. Much wartime crime, including murder, went un...
A family? ( My family? Your family?)But not The family, or the family of man or even such nebulous bodies as the Commonwealth family. The Oxford English Dictionary defines family as, amongst others, "The body of persons who live in one house or under one head, including parents, children, servants etc. (1545)" (Contentious I know, but who wouldn't ...
Evacustes. You know how a name can lodge in your mind? As part of a NWKFHS writing workshop, I researched Frankwell, Shrewsbury, Shropshire especially the work of artist Evacustes Phipson. He was a prolific British topographical watercolourist in the 1890s and throughout the opening decades of the twentieth century but I couldn't find any that info...
The Family History Federation has organised a panel of Angela Malin, David Cufley Hillary Blanford, Ian Waller and Malcolm Austin at Rootstech 2022. These representatives of some UK family history Societies will explain the benefits of joining a UK family history Society. They will be able to advise how their and other Societies can help your resea...
Query 4 June 2020 Query from Albany, Western Australia. Two members of my family, Aunts Mabel Elsie Wheeler and Beatrice Nial are buried in Bexley. My Grandfather, William Fogarty, could be William Seymour also died in the area around 1948. The two aunts went to his funeral, they were living at 73 and 51 Rowley Avenue Sidcup at the time, we have he...
We have received the first pictures of local Lucy Boxes. This one is in Martin Dene, Bexleyheath.
14th September at 7.00 pm the Society presents the zoom talk by Jackie Depelle a family history tutor and speaker. The talk explains the value of using wills, perhaps the most useful resource after certificates & censuses. It is a personal insight into relationships & possessions. Find indexes & associated records. Jack...
Handouts available for researching merchant navy relatives following a talk by Penny Allen at Dartford meeting on the 4th September 2021 Click HERE for link
Video of Cloud Recording-DNA Clustering using Excel by David Cufley now available
Only available until 19 March 2022 recorded talk by Penny Walters searching adopted ancestors Go to page
The 1917 Daily Mirror had pictures of military figures mentioning their exploits with a picture entitled 'King of the Costers' of Frank Russell who had died, He was a stall-holder on Beresford Square Market, Woolwich and lived in Salutation Alley, a convenient location to store his barrows and move them into the market. He had resided in Wool...
Searchable Journal contents index is available for you to check if your family or a subject has been previously published. The index is now up to date; December 2021; Volume 15 No 12. Our Journal has been published since 1978 and all its editions are online for you to search. Anyone can check the index out. If you want to read any pa...
The Microfiche and microfilm catalogue has been updated after the catalogue session on the 21 January 2022. Our thanks go to the Cataloguing Cadre . There are now 157 pages to the catalogue covering 3155 items. When you consider the GRO index in two large cabinets covers 48 entries you will realise how many fiche and films are included in our ...
New recorded talks be quick as one only available until 11th March Click HERE to view or join
A blog gives news, details of events and workshops, talks about research and advice on doing your family history If you want to get regular updates why not subscribe to the blogs to Stay Informed by clicking on the boxes and filling in 'your name' and 'E-mail address'. To get more out of our web site learn about the Talks, Workshops and Discussion ...
Look on the 'Resources' menu for the latest recordings of Zoom workshops that have been added to the site. The page link is If you have missed any workshops or talks, all the recordings are available to members on our web site. If you cannot find the subject you want help wi...
The Society has a Scottish Interest Group (SIG) that discusses aspects of researching their ancestors that were born, lived married or died in Scotland. At the last Zoom meeting on the 12th January, we discussed the highland clearances and the families that were affected by them. This raised a question about the timeline for this period of tho...
The Mid January 2022 Society Newsletter is now available on the website click HERE
The Editor is seeking new articles for future issues of NWKFHS Journal. Celebrate your research, challenge readers to solve your brickwalls, share the story of an inherited object or explain about some aspect of our area especially to distant members. Send your article to, as a Word file or in the body of your email, Target 300...
Where is a parish located.? The question that we all ask during our research. For many years we have used 'Great Britain, Atlas and Index of Parish Registers' to standardise parish name spellings. It means indexes are all of the same 'parish' field. If you want to map your family using GENMAP when the index database is loaded it gets accepted easil...
Submit your brickwall by 12th January 2022 if you have booked to attend this workshop. If you are only attending to learn about how to solve research queries then make sure you have booked to get the Zoom link. Contact
The Society has a number of second-hand books, both reference and indexes that may be able to help your research. Have a look at the list on the web site which covers part of our surplus stock. If you want any of these books make a donation and come to the library to pick them up.
There are now 32 (31-12-2021) video recordings of Zoom worshops and Talks. Did you miss one? Do you want to see it? Do you want to see one for advice to breakdown your brick wall? Then go to the members only area to see all the available recordings..
At this morning's DNA discussion group, Zoom meeting (22-12-2021) the question was asked about illegitimacy. We were talking about Adam Rutherford's book, 'A Brief History of Everyone who ever lived'. On page 175 when AR is discussing the research for Richard III DNA matches he mentions 'false paternity' (NPE) as 2% out of hundred people were ...
We have updated the Microfiche and Microfilm catalogue so you can see the extent of fiche and films available at the Library. Look at All the catalogues are in seachable pdf format. The main catalogue of books and maps is also available online at the same address and can be accessed by selecting the...
The library will open to members who book an appointment by telephoning the Librarian Janet Rose on 01322 384836. Let Janet know what Wednesday you want to attend and the time of the 2 hour slot you would prefer. If you need help then explain it to Janet so she can arrange for the right volunteer to be in attendance. The Book collection catal...
From 30 November 2021 in line with governmwent instructions ALL members and visitors who attend Face to Face meetings of the Society are asked to wear masks.
The Society has now submitted over 300,000 burials to Find My Past (FMP) for the National Burial Index. These are burials from our area but the site has other Family History Societies submissions. You can also find details on our web pages such as Ladywell and Brockley Cemetery.
On the calendar there is a zoom meeting booked for next Tuesday 23rd November 2021. The talk is by Chris McCooey on Scandals of Kent and Sussex, Sensational, Salacious and Sad, Including HG Wells, Noel Coward, grave robbers and prison hulks. The host will open the zoom at 7pm for members to join, the talk starts at 7.30.&n...
The Really Useful Show booth for NWKFHS was manned by 7 volunteers who were there to help and answer questions from the vistors to the show. A glitch with the software running the show meant all the Family History Society booths were effected. Some people did not get to ask their questions of our volunteers. If you were one of...
The volunteers enjoyed meeting and greeting the visitors to our booth in the Exhibition Hall of the Show. They will be available again from 10am to 6 pm on Saturday 13th November. So if you have a question on North West Kent FHS area of Kent come and talk to us.
Family History Federation's REALLY USEFUL Family History Show 12-13 November 2021 The Exhibition Hall is FREE to access on Friday night Lots of interesting Booths. Come and have a chat with NWKFHS There is something for everyone Just go to and join us on Friday from 6pm - 10pm Talk to a Family Hist...
We have updated the home page today and you will see changes to the Web site in the coming months. If you have any ideas for its future developement write to the us.
We are grateful to John Hanson and Jackie Depelle to allow their talks to be recorded and put on our Members Only area. This is for a limited period permission only They will be available from the 15th to 30 October 2021.
Only 24 hours to vote The postal voting for the AGM of Society Trustees and the changes to the constitution following Covid-19 pandemic ends on the 14th October. Please vote now either using the form in the Journal or digitally on this web site Your vote is important and may make a difference.
The members interests for Surname, Subjects and Places have been updated 12-10-2021
The postal voting for the AGM of Society Trustees and the changes to the constitution following Covid-19 pandemic ends on the 14th October at Midnight. Please vote now either using the form in the Journal or digitally on this web site Your vote is important and will make a difference. PLEASE ACT NOW
The postal voting for the AGM of Society Trustees and the changes to the constitution following Covid-19 pandemic ends on the 14th October at Midnight. Please vote now either using the form in the Journal or digitally on this web site Your vote is important and may make a difference.
The National Burial Index (NBI) project was initiated and produced by the then Federation of Family History Societies; now known as Family History Federation; and their Associates. The aim was that a researcher could look for, and hopefully find, that elusive ancestor in any part of England and Wales. This information meant that the researcher coul...
The talk explained the value of using wills, perhaps the most useful resource after certificates. A member has written to express her thanks for Jackie Depelle's talk on wills. She has been inspired to order a few wills already, with more to follow. She wanted to add some information that may be useful to others. She said if you sear...
The Who Do You Think You Are? magazine in its October's edition the 'Ancestors at Work' series features an article on Brickmakers. The article gives some basic facts about the trade and sources that may help you find your brickmaking ancestors. There is also a short list of resources and link to the British Brick Society.
On the 19th October Lady Teviot will be talking about the 'Parish Chest' what it is and what it contains. It's a valuable source to use in conjunction with parish registers and shows how people lived, including overseers accounts, settlement and removal orders.
1921 CensusThe 1st October Newsletter is out and you can link to it above in the main banner heading. News of Face-to-Face meetings and their talks, Zoom talks, workshops and discussion groups that you really should not miss. Plus, news of the 1921 census coming in early 2022.
The editor's team needs a volunteer to help with the emails and their attachments submitted by authors and society taskholders for inclusion in the Journal. If you can use emails and open their attachments received from members and can pass them on to others in the Editorial team please email This is a new role on the Editorial...
Mike Weeks is leading a Coffee Morning open discussion about family history, the Society and the family history world in general. Got any burning questions or queries come and ask Mike. For the zoom link email