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Three things you should want to consider – Really Useful Bulletin No 41

The Latest RUBulletin has two articles and an offer that may help your family history research.

The Family History Bookshop (FHB) has obtained big savings on four DNA tests done by FamilyTreeDNA.

AtDNA the autosomal test Family Finder.

YDNA 37 marker test for men.

Family Finder plus the 37 marker YDNA test

MtDNA the mitochondrial test to trace your direct maternal line.

It's a limited time/stock offer.

The Ministry of Justice is threatening to destroy post 1858 original Wills and other documents. Richard Holt in his article on this proposal asks that Family Historians respond to the consultation before the 23rd February, sign the partition to preserve the original Wills, write to your MP and invite other FHs to do the same. Please read Richards Article.

Finally, there is an excellent article by Lucy Saint-Smith on Quaker Genealogy that explains the Religious Society of Friends and the records that they created. It gives you a link to the Library of the Society of Friends.

If you want access to the Family History Federation Really Useful Bulletins go to the web site https://www.familyhistoryfederation.com and subscribe to the Newsletter on the banner icon. 

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