During the recent Society Library cataloguing exercise we have found an old Strays slip index (2002). We are trying to get it digitalized for the use of members. We anticipate it may contain over 7000 entries when completed.
A stray is a recorded event in which a person is described in the record as being from, or connected with, a place outside the area; county; in which they were born or were normally living at the time of the event. We interpret this as, "out of county"
The most frequent types of strays are from parish registers and census records.
reflecting the systematic indexing material from poor law records, death and burial records, monumental inscriptions and baptisms. Some of the most interesting are: the burials in coastal parishes of drowned seamen washed up from wrecks, where the name of the ship is often given; militiamen marrying girls from the parishes in which they were stationed during the Napoleonic Wars. The list is endless, and browsing can become addictive!
The strays collected by the Kent Group are entries found outside the county of Kent of people born or normally living in Kent.
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