Every family has them …
As we were closing the DNA discussion Zoom meeting today (16-8-2023) a number of members asked about NPEs (Non parental events) to be discussed not only as a DNA subject but also within the normal family history research.
David mentioned the article in the Journal Vol 16 No 2 page 77-78 which is available on the web site in the MOA. There is also an index to all the journals so you can recover any article using the search box. Give it a try.
David was volunteered to kick off the discussion. As we do not have a zoom for Wednesday 30th August 2023 at 10.30 to 12.30.3 it was suggested we could discuss NPEs. The link will soon be forward to workshop.booking@nwkfhs.org.uk who will distribute it to any members who want to attend.
If anyone wants something specifically covered in regard NPEs let workshop bookings know and we will try to cover it.
Memory says there was a home for unmarried mothers in Kent set up by some of the London boroughs and we will try to find out the details for the 30th. August.
We look forward to meeting you on the 30th August
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