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Quarterly & Back Journals

Since 1978 the Society has published a quarterly Journal 'North West Kent Family History' (ISSN 2631-5947), which is available to all members in the MOA and is posted to any member choosing to have  a paper copy. It generally contains some 40 to 50 pages of articles on family history in north west Kent and elsewhere, news items, and surnames , place and subject interests being researched by members. It won the FFHS Elizabeth Simpson award for the best family history society journal on a number of occasions.

The first two volumes (1978-82) were published at a size of 10" x 8", but this was altered to A5 format in 1983. At the same time the number of issues per volume was increased from eight (covering two years) to twelve (three years).

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Journal Editor Pauline Heathcote is always looking for new material for publication from members - articles, letters, snippets & photos (as PDFs).

Write an article about your research including your questions. Providing GDPR forms have been completed, the membership officer will pass on any messages from readers offering help and advice. Each issue of The Journal is available on line for the foreseeable future which has, in the past, led to members contacting authors several years later.

Journal Index Search

113 to 4AUT78Drakes, Mrs K. J.Inaugural Meeting of NWKFHS on 14 July 1978 at the Central Library, BromleyNote by the SecretaryGambier FFHS Federation society name subscription Bourton constitution committee Rayment
115 to 11AUT78Rayment, JohnThe Functions of a Family History SocietyEdited version of the talk given by John L. Rayment at the inaugural meeting of the society on 14 Jul 1978London FFHS Federation members communication research project meetings programme MI survey
1112 to 13AUT78Birchenough, JosephineLee - A Village in the Hundred of BlackheathDetails of research being carried out by the author into the residents of LeeLee residents parish register burial churchyard non-conformist
1113 to 15AUT78Copeland, H. RobThe Hoares and the Burrells of BeckenhamBrief history of the HOARE family 1655-1835 & the BURRELL family 1688-1820Foxgrove Langley Kelsey Burke peerage Walton mayor Gwydir
1116 to 20AUT78Whyler, FredDowne Old Churchyard - Monumental InscriptionsList of M.I.s from 64 gravestonesCudham Darwin
1121 to 22AUT78NWKFHSList of NWKFHS founding membersList of Members who had joined the Society by 31 October 1978individuals corporate members
1227 to 28AUT78Lucas, MerielThoughts on joining the North West Kent Family History SocietyAuthor writes about the advantages of joining a local FHSRayment local history London
1228 to 33WIN79Birchenough, JosephineAn Eighteenth Century Family in LeeHistory of the FLUDYER family of Lee c.1744-1808 and associations with families of Romilly, Champion, Newland, Edison & Roper etc.Huguenot Romilly Tyler Bricklayer mayor Baron Dacre Brandram
1233 to 35WIN79Barrow, Geoffrey B.Tracing Medieval FamiliesBrief survey of potential sourcesBromley heraldry chivalry Domesday court records manuscript heraldic visitation Ruxley
1235 to 37WIN79Pullen, DorisSome notes on WillsAuthor provides information about how to search for and obtain a copy of a proved willPCC Prerogative Court Canterbury administrations Camp Gibson
1237 to 40WIN79Fothergill, JeanThe Catmores and OthersAccount of the author's attempt to recreate a lost family tree. also some information on the distribution of CatmoreBlue Coat school Thames lighterman barges canals Berkshire village
1240 to 43WIN79Whyler, FredThe MANNINGS of Cudham, Downe, St Mary Cray and GreenwichConcentrates mainly on the Downe branch, 13th cent - 1671Mannheim Cade rebellion Greenwich Chislehurst
1243 to 48WIN79Harrison, CarlLewisham Archives and Local History DepartmentDescribes the materials available to family historians and local historians in the Lewisham archives collectionslibrary directories Kelly Deptford newspaper microfilm Blackheath map card index land occupier
1249 to 50WIN79Greenwich librarianGuide to Family History Resources held at the Local History Library of the London Borough of GreenwichDescribes the materials available to family historians and local historians in the Greenwich archives collectionsWoodlands Blackheath Martin collection newspaper parish register vestry minutes Corey charity overseers
1251 to 52WIN79Smith, G AKent Marriage Index (1750-1812)Describes the marriage index that covers over 60 parishes in West KentRochester diocese bishops transcripts indexing Gandy
1357 to 59JUN79Journal EditorFirst Annual General Meeting of NWKFHS on 20 April 1979 at Stockwell College, BromleyA brief report of the first AGM of the Society attended by 54 membersAGM FFHS Federation Biggs Bourton committee election Pullen
1361 to 64JUN79Lucas, MerielBromley Settlement CertificatesA list of names on 116 certificates brought to Bromley by newcomers 1697-1735, and 26 certificates granted to parishioners moving away, 1718-35Bromley Act of Settlement poor rate overseers
1365 to 66JUN79NWKFHSThe Parish Registers and Records Measure, 1978Description of its provisions regarding the preservation and care of parish records and depositing with archive officesAct of Parliament legislation parish chest diocesan record office PCC archives
1366 to 67JUN79Whyler, FredThe MONTAGU Family of Montagu House, BlackheathBrief history of the MONTAGU family c.1517-1775 & the BRUDENELLS c.1730-97, owners of Montagu HouseMontagu Brudenell Blackheath Boughton Northampton Roper Well Hall Wriothesley West Indies
1368 to 68JUN79NWKFHSNorth West Kent RoyalistsList of 33 persons suspected of Royalist sympathies from returns made in 1655Cromwell gentleman tradesperson yeoman
1369 to 70JUN79Barrow, Geoffrey B.Further Notes on the Family of MANNINGFollows up article by Fred Whyler in Winter 1979 journalDowne visitation arms pedigree Worth monument Kerkener
1371JUN79NWKFHSFarnborough (Kent) - 1798Transcript of a survey giving owners, occupiers, acreages and land-use. Document in Bromley Central Librarylist landowner crop
1372 to 73JUN79NWKFHSKent Archives Office - Genealogical InformationDescribes the materials available to family historians and local historians in the Kent archives collectionsMaidstone opening hours parish registers Colyer-Fergusson
1374 to 75JUN79Lucas, MerielBridging the YearsHow an illegitimate birth in the family c.1805 was concealed from later generations, and was eventually uncovered by the authorIllegitimate birth pedigree research New College Oxford curate vicar
1376JUN79Bristol & Avon FHSNorth West Kent StraysList of N.W. Kent residents buried in the Bristol area - 13 surnames 1724-1939Bristol strays 1724-1939 MI memorial inscription
1484 to 88OCT79Harrison, PeterFour Generations of Water Flour Millers in N.W.KentHistory of the CANNON family, c.1773- c.1946South Darenth Edmeads Shorne Chartham Bexley Northfleet Horton Kirby Dartford Medway Milling
1489 to 90OCT79Pipe, DaphneThe National Maritime Museum and the Family historianDescription of the resources available at the National Maritime Museum Museum biographical reference books naval officer navy merchant seaman Cutty Sark crew manuscript
1490 to 91OCT79Biggs, JuneIn TradeAccount of the search for information on John WOOSTER, cycle manufacturer of Peckham, 1885-93directories magazines newspapers Colindale exhibitions Surrey Wheelers Blenheim Cycle Club
1492 to 96OCT79Wollam, E. R.Sources of Legal Biography: A Selective DescriptionAuthor provides information about searching for biographical details of members of the legal professionKing's Bench attorney solicitor Chancery Law List Inns of Court Inner Temple Bar barrister judge advocate
1496 to 97OCT79Graham, Norman H.My Launching PadAccount of the author's first experiences of family history in the 1940sSociety of Genealogists Percy-Smith Puttnam Puttenham Olney Reeve Melford Bristol
1498 to 100OCT79Birchenough, JosephineThe Parish ClerkAccount of the lives and families of three parish clerks in Lee: Thomas WHITFIELD, Isaac HEARNDEN & John HEARNDENWhitfield, Thomas of Lee-Hearnden, Isaac/John of Lee
14100 to 102OCT79Whyler, FredThe Petts and Petts WoodAccount of the PETT family, shipwrights of Deptford/Chatham etc., 16th-17th centsPett: shipwrights
14103 to 105OCT79NWKFHSCudham Churchyard - Monumental Inscriptions to 1900Alphabetical list of inscriptionsCudham: M.I.s
14105 to 108OCT79Barrow, Geoffrey B.Genealogy Connected with a Monument at ChelsfieldDescents of the families of COLLET of Essex/London, 15th-17th cents, FITZAUCHER of Kent c.1300-1692 & HEYMAN of Kent 1527-1619Collett of ESS/LND, 15-17c-FitzAucher of Kent, 14-17c-Heyman of Kent, 16-17c
14108 to 110OCT79Clifford, Lady AnnThe Household at Knole in the 17th CenturyNames of more than 100 members of the household at KNOLE House, Sevenoaks, 1613-24Knole House Sevenoaks Sackville West
14110 to 112OCT79NWKFHSBexley Library Service - Genealogical InformationBexley Library Service
14113OCT79Doo, A. G.Doo Family and its ConnectionsOffer of information on the surname DOO, with list of surnames linked by marriage, 1500-1800Doo surname
14114 to 115OCT79Whyler, FredThe Spencers/Gees/Carews of the Priory, OrpingtonDescent of the Priory through SPENCER/GEE/CAREW, c.1593-1864Spencer Orpington Gee Carew
15123 to 127JAN80Gladwyn, DorothyWilliam the Tinman - The Story of a North West Kent Trading FamilyAccount of the KENNERLEY, ALDEN, HART & HILL families of Dartford & Erith c.1812-1936Kennerley: of Dartford/Erith, 19-20c Alden of Dartford/Erith, 19-20c Hart of Dartford/Erith, 19-20c Hill of Dartford/Erith, 19-20c
15127 to 128JAN80Richardson, Joan A. CarewFurther Notes on the Petts and Petts WoodPresents the case for believing Commissioner PETT of Chatham, 1667, to be Peter b.1610Pett: Commissioner, of Chatham
15128 to 131JAN80NWKFHSThe 1801 Census of BromleyAn index to 415 heads of householdsBromley: 1801 Census
15132 to 133JAN80Pullen, DorisThe Funeral of Lord Louis MountbattenEye-witness descriptionLord Louis Mountbatten
15135 to 136JAN80Lucas, MerielHow Far Have You Traced Back?Some thoughts on the real value of family history to the searcher and to other kinds of historianValue of Family History research
15136 to 139JAN80Whyler, FredThe Filth and Scum of KentAccount of Jack CADE's rebellion in 1450 with an alphabetical list of 225 N.W.Kent people who were later pardonedCade's rebellion
15140 to 141JAN80Barrow, Geoffrey B.The Tropenell and Wallis FamiliesDetails of the pedigree of TROPENELL of Edenbridge and WALLIS/WALYS of Cudham etc., c.1436-1503Tropenell of Edenbridge, 15c-Wallis of Cudham
15141 to 144JAN80Tester, Miss M.HatchmentsShort explanation of how funeral hatchments were used, with a list of 85 hatchments in N.W.KentHatchments, North West Kent
15144JAN80NWKFHSHaworth Mausoleum, MottinghamDescription of the mausoleum built 1875 by Thomas Chester HAWORTH, and a list of the 7 M.I.s 1875-95Haworth, Thomas Chester of Mottingham
15145 to 146JAN80Whyler, FredThe LethieulliersNotes on LETHIEULLIER of Lewisham/Beckenham etc., c.1674-1782Lethieullier, Lewisham, Beckenham, 17th century to 18th century
16154 to 158APR80Filmer, LenThe Kadwells of Hayes, Keston and GreenwichHistory of KADWELL c.1786-1885, and of the earlier Kadwells of Rolvenden c.1631-1748Kadwell, Hayes, Keston, Greenwich
16158 to 160APR80Fitterer, GeoffreyBills of MortalityBrief account of how the London Bills of Mortality were compiled; example from Jan 1664 illustrated.Bills of Mortality London
16160 to 163APR80Whyler, Fred; Nevill, GuyNunhead Cemetery of All SaintsHistory of the cemetery, 1840 to date, with details of the Society's M.I. recording activities thereNunhead Cemetery history
16164 to 166APR80NWKFHSThe 1821 Census of BeckenhamSurnames & occupations of 229 heads of householdsBeckenham 1821 census transcription
16167APR80Laing, KeithMilitary MomentosThe author's own experiences of beginning on family history research, inspired by certain military momentosMilitary Momentos
16168 to 171APR80Teague, DorotheaThe Blundell ConnectionHistory of the BLUNDELL family of Horley (Surrey), Chelsfield, Shoreham Bromley etc., c.1680-1900Blundell, tree diagram
16172 to 175APR80Lucas, MerielFinding the Common Man in Medieval SourcesMedieval sources
16175 to 176APR80Barrow, Geoffrey B.The Gratwick FamilyGenealogy of the GRATWICK family of Bromley, 1611-1758, and earlier ancestry in SussexGratwick of Bromley/Sussex, 17c to 18c
17189 to 191JUL80Davies, SylviaNot Just Head HuntingStory of the search for the elusive MARTIN and BUCKHURST families of Erith etcMartin of Erith-Buckhurst of Erith
17192 to 195JUL80Birchenough, JosephineThe Smiths of LeeHistory of the SMITH family, c.1656-1816Smith: of Lee, 17-19c
17195 to 197JUL80Whyler, FredVictuallers Recognizances - 1605List of 41 victuallers/innholders in the St. Mary Cray/Bromley/Dartford area, with names of their suretiesVictuallers Recognizances, 1605
17199 to 200JUL80Harrison, PeterIntrusion into PrivacyAuthor's thoughtsIntrusion of privacy
17200 to 202JUL80Lucas, MerielA Member's Query: How to trace the Persechino FamilySuggestions for researching the life and origins of Antonio PERSECHINO who arrived in England from Italy c.1900Persechino, Antonio: origins in Italy
17202 to 204JUL80Hunt, HildaI'm a Beginner TooFirst experiences in family historyBeginning your family history
17204 to 206JUL80Barrow, Geoffrey B.The Cheyney Family: Particularly in connection with KestonDescent of CHEYNEY c.1086-1348Cheyney: of Keston, 11-14c
17206 to 207JUL80Jones, JaneThe Richardson/Clark Connection - IIIDescent of Augustus Clark RICHARDSON from the Richardson, Clark & Simonds familiesRichardson: family
17207 to 208JUL80Stewart, David S.Monumental Inscriptions: Old Burial Ground at Darenth Park HospitalList of 14 surviving inscriptions with introduction etcDarenth Park Hospital MIs
17209 to 210JUL80Biggs, JuneI Leave My Cottage ...Use of a will, manor court rolls, maps & churchwardens' Book etc. to identify the location of cottages where ancestors livedWills, manor court rolls, maps, churchwardens' Books
17211JUL80Doo, GeorgeHow I Got HookedBrief account of the origin and distribution of surname DOODoo: Origins & distribution
18222 to 223OCT80Allen, JeanArmy Records: Tracing my GrandfatherProblems of conflicting information from the Army Records Centre and the Commonwealth War Graves CommissionArmy Record contradictions
18223 to 224OCT80Webb, DavidThe Bishopsgate Institute - Its History and CollectionsBishopsgate Institute
18224 to 225OCT80Nunns, GertrudeThe Petts and Petts Wood - IIIIdentification of the William PETT who owned Petts WoodPett: William (Petts Wood)
18225 to 227OCT80Birchenough, JosephineThank You Lady Luck!!!Notes on the TEULON and WAGNER families of Lee/Greenwich/ Lewisham etc.Teulon: of Lee-Wagner of Lee
18227 to 228OCT80Richardson, Joan A. CarewThe Search for the Survivors of the Charge of the Light BrigadeAccount of this project by David C. Harvey, with brief details of the careers of 8 of the survivorsCharge of the Light Brigade
18229OCT80Whyler, FredBromley Charity School 1716 - SubscribersList of 47 namesBromley: Charity School 1716
18230 to 231OCT80Thompson, HaroldThe Elusive EaglesStory of the search for the surname Eagles traceable as a Christian name through the Ford, Hartley & Davis familiesEagles: surname
18231 to 234OCT80Barrow, Geoffrey B.The Heydons of Norfolk &Amp; West Wickham, and their ConnectionsBrief history of HEYDON, c.1221-1689 etc.Heydon of West Wickham, 13-17c
217 to 8JAN81Richardson, Joan A. CarewCarew at West WickhamStory of Dr Matthew CAREW's brief occupancy of Wickham Court from 1577Carew West Wickham 16th century
218 to 10JAN81Alderman, MariAsk Your Elderly Relatives FirstAdvice for interviewing relativesInterviewing relatives advice
2110 to 15JAN81Whyler, FredBromley's Declaration of Loyalty - 1792Explanation of the background to the Declaration and list of more than 350 signatoriesBromley Declaration of Loyalty 1792
2115JAN81Antrobus, EdnaThe Arctic StareHow a letter to the Royal Geographical Society produced information on George BUTLER's service in a North West Passage expeditionButler, George (N.W. Passage)
2117JAN81Barton, MargaretRalph The WreckerStory of 'Ralph the Wrecker' who looted wrecks near Crosby, LiverpoolRalph The Wrecker of Liverpool
2117 to 18JAN81Binns, RoyWhere There's a Will...How the discovery of a will, William BINNS 1672, brought a family tree to lifeBinns: William d.1672 Yorkshire
2118 to 19JAN81Graham, Norman H.The City of London RegistersParish Registers: London
2122 to 25JAN81Barrow, Geoffrey B.The Aguillon Family and RelationsGenealogy of the AGUILLON family of Sussex, Addington etc. c1066-1323. Also descents from FITZAILWIN & CHEYNEY etcAguillon of Addington/Sussex etc, 11-14c-FitzAilwin, medieval-Cheyney
2125 to 26JAN81O'Neil, DennisCanadian CapersExtracts from correspondence of Owen CAWTHRON 1885-90 who emigrated to TorontoCawthron, Owen, emigration to Toronto
2127 to 28JAN81Birchenough, JosephineThe Crutchley FamilyGenealogy of the CRUTCHLEY family of Lee, c.1727-1806Crutchley of Lee, 18c
2128 to 30JAN81Lucas, MerielFurther Thoughts on Intrusion into PrivacyFollow-up to Oct 80 articleIntrusion into Privacy
2244 to 47APR81Nightingale, JohnFrom Crooked Island to Valencia IslandAccount of the search for Jonathan JUTTON, b.1821 Margate, and family using PRO Admiralty records etc.Jutton: Jonathan b.1821
2247 to 48APR81Whyler, FredThe Boyds and Plaistow LodgeAccount of the family of BOYD, owners of P.L., Bromley, c.1815-63Boyd: of Plaistow Lodge, 19c
2249 to 51APR81Gibson, J.S.W.Inventories in the Records of the Prerogative Court of CanterburySurvey of the scope and availability of PCC inventories at the PROInventories, PCC-PCC: inventories
2252APR81Whyler, FredChelsfield - Land and Window Taxes - 1771Alphabetical list from originals now at Bromley LibraryChelsfield: Land/Window Tax, 1771
2253 to 54APR81Phillips, AdrianTelephone Directories and the Family HistorianBrief history of the growth of telephonic communications from 1878 and the availability of early directoriesTelephone directories
2255 to 56APR81Windiate-Hall, RhodaDiscovering the Unexpected, or Patience RewardedAccount of the discovery that Richard WINDEYATE of Long Sutton Hants m.1608 had come from DevonWindeyate, Richard of Hants m.1608
2257 to 58APR81Bower, JacquelineThe City Livery CompaniesThe use of Livery Company records to the genealogist, taking the Bower family of London 19th cent. as an exampleCity Livery Companies London
2258 to 59APR81Allen, JeanThe Value of Members' QueriesAccount of the discovery of an informative M.I. at Nunhead Cemetery for a member of the Devon F.H.S.Nunhead Cemetery
2259 to 61APR81Barrow, Geoffrey B.The Search for the Origins of my Heirlooms - The Heron CrestAccount of the HAYNES family of Sth. Wales c.1786-1849 & the BATTISCOMBE family 1859- who owned silver spoons with the heron crestHaynes of Sth Wales, 18-19c Battiscombe family: 1859-
2261 to 62APR81Antrobus, EdnaMy StreetAccount of the CHARD family of Molyneux St. Marylebone, c.1810-82Chard of Marylebone, 19c-
2262 to 63APR81Scherr, JenniferWestbrook WanderingsDetails of various branches of the WESTBROOK family in Bromley, Beckenham, Orpington etc., c.1690-19th cent.Westbrook: family of N.W.Kent, 17-19c
2264APR81Bowra, MrsMonumental Inscriptions in Kent: The Bowra Collection at Maidstone MuseumDetails of the index of Kent/Sussex M,I.s, late 17th-mid 18th cents., made by Brig. E.V.BowraBowra collection of M.I.s, 17-18c
2265 to 66APR81Stockman, Brian TurnerMystery in Chislehurst High St! - Where was Stockman's Row?Details of the STOCKMAN family of C. c.1797-1860's, & speculation on the location and origin of Stockman's RowStockman: of Chislehurst, 19c-
2268APR81Crowhurst, GraceThe Value of Transcriptions: Evidence from GravestonesHow the discovery of the M.I. of Wm. CROWHURST at Plaxtol 1724 led to the discovery of earlier ancestors at FrantCrowhurst, William of Plaxtol, 1724-
2269 to 73APR81Pullen, DorisDifficulties Experienced in Tracing the History of a FamilySurvey of all of the author's ancestral lines to c.1800, including surnames Lord, Garrad, Holley, Evans, Banks & JewellSurnames: Lord, Garrad, Holley, Evans, Banks, Jewell
2387 to 90JUL81Teague, DorotheaThe Retreat to Corunna: Samuel Silk and the Oral TraditionBiography of Samuel SILK 1778-1859, with special reference to his service in the Peninsula War 1808-09Silk Samuel 1778 to 1859
2390 to 92JUL81Bower, JacquelineTithe Awards and the Family HistorianTithe: awards
2392 to 93JUL81Phillips, AdrianPost Office HQs Record OfficeThe use of this record office for tracing Post Office employees, 1737-1948Post Office record office
2394 to 95JUL81Vaisey, JuneEvidence from NewspapersHow a newspaper report gave details of the death of Charles MOORE in an accident at Godalming, 1864Moore, Charles, d.1864
2395 to 97JUL81Barrow, Geoffrey B.The Search for the Origins of my Heirlooms: II The Family Teapot and the FrasersAccount of the FRASER family of Aberdeen/Yorks. etc, and the Blackburne family who owned a Georgian silver teapotFraser of Aberdeen/Yorks
2398 to 99JUL81Beattie, Arthur L.It Has To Start SomewhereAccount of the author's own experience of starting on family history research
2399 to 100JUL81Vaisey, CliveFamily History Sources: The Two World WarsThe use of military records at St Catherines House PRO Kew and the Commonwealth War Graves Commission in tracing a 1st World War casualty
23101 to 103JUL81Bexley LibraryTombstone Inscriptions at St. Mary The Virgin, Bexley, KentPersonal name index, to a transcript produced in 1957Bexley MIs
23104 to 105JUL81Hunt, HildaThe Eggleton FamilyHistory of the EGGLETON family of Blackheath, 19th-20th cents.Eggleton of Blackheath, 19th to 20th century
23105JUL81Stage, Eileen R.Chown / Brissenden Family BibleList of members of CHOWN family etc. 1887-1924, inscribed in family bibleChown Brissenden 19th to 20th century
23106JUL81Birchenough, JosephineManners Mayketh the Family HistorianSome thoughts on the consideration the searcher should show for other students and for the material being studied
23107 to 108JUL81Lucas, MerielThe City of London Freedom RegistersCity of London Freedom Registers
23108JUL81Scherr, JenniferThe Squerry FamilyInformation extracted from Croydon Homes of the Past by C. PagetSquerry Ham Farm Walsingham
23108JUL81Lucas, MerielChurchyard ElegiesInscription on a tombstone in Lydford, Devon
23108JUL81Moore, C. H.The Legal System in ScotlandAuthor's brief notes about the Scottish legal system
24125 to 127OCT81Humphery-Smith, Cecil R.Family History and GeneticsThe use of family history in the study of genetics.Genetics
24127 to 130OCT81Barrow, Geoffrey B.Family Characteristics: The Results of some Genealogical ResearchesAccount of the WARD family of Guisborough, Yorks, JACKSON of Normanby Hall, WILSON of Greenwich/Yorks & BLACKBURNE of Yorks/London.Ward of Guisboro' YKS-Jackson of Normanby Hall-Wilson of Greenwich-Blackburne of Yorks/London
24131OCT81Bromley Library ServiceSt. Pauls Cray, 1765 and 1786Alphabetical list of names from Land Tax & Window Tax returns now at Bromley Library. Note: this list also contains some names from other returns besides 1765 & 1786; e.g. 1771.St Pauls Cray: Land Tax 1765/86
24132 to 134OCT81Bower, JacquelineBeing Of Sound Mind ..The value of wills in family history research with examples from the 18th & 19th centuries.Wills
24134OCT81Stirk, JeanBeginners Beware!The value of an organised records keeping system in family history research.
24135 to 138OCT81Harrison, PeterFour Generations of Water Flower Millers in N.W.KentContinued from Oct 79: History of the CANNON family with special reference to South Darenth Water Flour Mill 1811-1960.Cannon: of N.W. Kent, 19c-Flour millers: Cannon family-South Darenth: flour mill
24138 to 140OCT81Binns, RoyWhat's in a NameOrigin of the surname BINNSBinns: origins
24140 to 141OCT81Youngs, MalcolmA Croydon TurncockJoseph CLIFFORD 1821-1881, bricklayer then turncock to the Board of Health: transcript of obituary from the 'Croydon Chronicle'.Clifford, Joseph of Croydon, 19c-
24142OCT81Roberts, EdmundAssessed Taxes: Mainly Land TaxBrief history of the Land Tax 1692-1963, and list of 16 other miscellaneous taxes 1662-1883.Land Tax: history
24144OCT81Bromley Library ServiceDowne Residents - 1766List of names from House/Window Tax returns now at Bromley Library.Downe: House/Window Tax 1766
25151 to 154JAN82Barrow, Geoffrey B.The Lady Constance: A Family Scandal of 600 Years AgoAccount of the life and family connections of CONSTANCE of Chalfield Wilts d.c1420.Constance of Chalfield Wiltshire, 15c
25155 to 159JAN82Vine Hall, NickFamily History and Photographs
25159 to 161JAN82Bower, JacquelineThe Lion of Beaufort - John Charles Molteno, First Prime Minister Of Cape Colony, South AfricaBiography & family conections of John Charles MOLTENO, 1814-1886Molteno, John C. South Africa 19c
25162JAN82Wyler, FredHayes (Kent) Landowners and Residents: 1766 1767 and 1794Alphabetical list from tax assessments now at Bromley LibraryHayes: Tax returns 1766/94
25163 to 164JAN82Szachnowski, StellaFamily Legends - A Help or a Hindrance?Using documents to check on the accuracy of family legends, taking the MENEAR family of Cornwall/Kent as an exampleMenear: of Cornwall/Kent
25164 to 165JAN82France, ThelmaChase Your CluesShort account of the STIDDOLPH family of Kent, 1707-1919Stidolph: of Kent, 18-20c
25166 to 169JAN82Vaisey, Clive929 and All That! Reference Sources for Genealogists in Public LibrariesBrief survey of published works with list of 25 useful books
25170 to 171JAN82Richardson, Joan A. CarewGee of Orpington Priory and Carew of BeddingtonConcentrates mainly on GEE of Orpington and their successors, c.1791-1828, and some of the earlier CAREWs, c.1400-1600Gee of Orpington: 18-19c-Carew: 15-16c
25172JAN82Harrison, PeterFamily History and Genetics: An Outline Case HistorySuggestion that a hereditary complaint was introduced into the CANNON family of N.W.Kent causing early death.Cannon: of N.W. Kent
25173 to 174JAN82Stirk, JeanThe Dark House, the Sweet Shop and No.2 SycamoreHistory and occupancy of two cottages in Ightham, esp. 1871-1911cottages at Ightham
25174 to 175JAN82Allwood, JohnIghtham Village RecordDetails of ongoing photographic record project with family details to be added later.Ightham: photographic record
25175JAN82Scherr, JenniferWhat's in a Name - BinnsOrigin of the surname BINNS - follow up to article, Oct 81Binns: origins
25176 to 177JAN82Hand, AnneDon't Let Your Aunt Put You OffAn example of how to approach old people about their family background
25177 to 178JAN82Meaden, LindaLand Tax - 1702Interesting examples of names from a Land Tax Archive for Sevenoaks & surrounding area, now at Sevenoaks LibrarySevenoaks: Land Tax, 1702
26191 to 193APR82Sarsby, JacquelineInterpretation of Material from Diaries, Autobiographies and Letters in Reconstructing Historical Communities
26193 to 194APR82Szachnowski, StellaOld Penge: The Oral TraditionAccount of the 70th birthday party of William MENEAR of Penge, 1923Menear: William of Penge 1923-
26195 to 197APR82Emmison, F.G.Final ConcordsDescription of the content and use of final concords, medieval property conveyances.Final Concords
26198APR82Whyler, FredFarnborough Kent Residents - 1766 &Amp; 1767Alphabetical list from tax assessments now at Bromley Library.Farnborough: tax assessments 1766/67
26199 to 201APR82Tearle, BarbaraThe Davis Family: Innkeepers of BromleyAccount of DAVIS family c.1792-1859Davis: of Bromley 18-19c
26201 to 202APR82Roberts, Elizabeth G.The Rev'd Anthony Huggett, M.A 1585-1647: RoyalistAccount of life of Anthony HUGGETT & family connections.Huggett: Anthony 16-17c
26202 to 203APR82Pullen, DorisJohn Henry Banks: Engraver and ArtistAccount of the search for information on J.H. BANKS of London, d.1879Banks: John H. of London d.1879
26204APR82Meaden, LindaRoyal Naval AsylumHistory of the Asylum at Paddington, 1798-1825Royal Naval Asylum, Paddington Asylum
26205 to 206APR82Nightingale, JohnThe Bath Family of North West Kent: Further Links with the CarewsAccount of work done to prove the assumed ancestry of John BATH of Crockenhill, d.1777Bath: John of Crockenhill d.1777
26206 to 207APR82Stirk, JeanThe Company of Surgeons 1745-1800Short history of the companyCompany of Surgeons
26208 to 209APR82Bower, JacquelineFatal Boat AccidentAccount of accident off Dover, 1869, involving BINGHAM family of KingsdownBingham of Kingsdown
26209 to 210APR82Puttock, Mary A.A Letter from ArgentinaFull transcript of letter, 1889, from James YEA who lived in Argentina 1889-?Yea, James of Argentina
26211 to 212APR82Barrow, Geoffrey B.History of the Battiscombe and Bascom Families: Further NotesAdditions and corrections to his book on BATTISCOMBE & BASCOM families, published 1976Battiscombe family: book-Bascom family
26214 to 215APR82Stirk, JeanBritish Record SocietyHistory of the B.R.S., 1889 to dateBritish Record Society
27228 to 231JUL82Scherr, JenniferShelley's Father-In-Law: John WestbrookAccount of the author's search for links between two John WESTBROOKs in London, 18th-19th cent.Westbrook: John, London
27231 to 233JUL82Wood, LeslieMoravians in EnglandAccount of the author's search for origins of the SCHNEIDER family, Moravians who arrived in England c.1730Schneider (Moravian)
27233 to 234JUL82Fernee, ArthurHuguenot AncestryBrief history of the Huguenots in England with location of their recordsHuguenots in England
27235 to 236JUL82Meaden, LindaThe Compton Census, 1676Explanation plus list of parishioners of Stansted Kent from Compton Census, 1676Compton Census, 1676-Stansted, Compton Census 1676
27236 to 238JUL82Williams, ElaineThe Investigation and Interpretation of Local ArchivesDescription of W.E.A. course
27238 to 239JUL82Stott, MaryCollegium Senescentum: The Story of Morden CollegeHistory of Morden College Blackheath, 1700 to dateMorden College Blackheath
27240JUL82Whyler, FredOrpington Residents - 1767Alphabetical list from Land Tax returnOrpington: Tax return 1767
27241 to 242JUL82Birchenough, JosephineA Quiet WeddingExtracts from letters written by two residents of Lee in 1748Lee: letters 1748
27243 to 244JUL82Brunton, KeithBarking up the Wrong TreeHow the uncritical acceptance of a birth record led to the production of a false pedigree
27244 to 246JUL82Stockman, Brian TurnerMy Mind in FermentAccount of the author's search for STOCKMAN ancestorsStockman family
27246 to 247JUL82Stirk, JeanStrict Alphabetical OrderSome advice on the techniques of indexingIndexes: indexing advice
27248 to 250JUL82Barrow, Geoffrey B.The Search for the Origins of my Heirlooms: III The GriffinhoofesNotes on the family with brief descent 16th-19th cent. from William GRIFFINHOOFE of EssexGriffinhoofe of Essex, 16-19c
27251 to 252JUL82Sleeman, Audrey D.Grandfather WilliamStory of the search for RADCLIFFE origins at Mellor, Derbys, inspired by a 19th century family portraitRadcliffe of Derbyshire
28269 to 274NOV82Bourton, C.L. (Dick)Sullivan's JournalStory of the 1839-43 Antarctic ExpeditionSullivan: Sullivans journal, 1839-43
28274 to 275NOV82Biggs, JuneWith Love from Auntie Lillie: Family History from Picture PostcardsIllustrated with examples from a collection formed by Muriel HAYWARD: 1910-26Hayward, Muriel, 20c
28275 to 277NOV82Archer, StephenMicrocomputers and the Family HistorianIndexing using a microcomputer-
28278NOV82Whyler, FredSt. Mary Cray - 1766/67Alphabetical list of names appearing in tax returnsSt Mary Cray: tax returns 1766/67
28279 to 280NOV82Holden, MaureenAncestors Buried at Bunhill FieldsHow a chance discovery at the Society of Genealogists Library led to the discovery of YEARRON family graves at Bunhill Fields, City of LondonYearron: Bunhill Fields
28281 to 283NOV82Walcot, MichaelSomeone Has Been Here Before Me: How To Discover What Has Been Written on a Family's HistoryComprehensive coverage of the many possible avenues of approach-
28283 to 284NOV82Binns, RoyTo Prove a MarriageAccount of a 1927 Chancery Division court case concerning a fortune left by Edward L'EPINE in 1786; possible connection with DENHAM & ROBEY descendantsL'Epine, Edward 1786-Denham-Robey----
28285 to 287NOV82Hand, AnneHome Thoughts from AbroadSynthesis of views from 12 overseas members about research facilities and problems encountered in tracing English ancestry; suggestions for how English members can help.-
28288 to 289NOV82Williams, ShirleyLongford Mill, OtfordSome notes on owners & tenants 1746-1869; references to RIGARLSFORD & PALMER families etc.Longford Mill, Otford 18-19c-Otford: Longford Mill 18-19c-Rigarlsford of Otford, 18-19c-Palmer of Otford, 18-19c---
28289 to 291NOV82Packer, JimA Day in the Life of...A selection of news items from the Beckenham & Penge Advertiser of 18th October 1888.-
28291 to 293NOV82Barrow, Geoffrey B.Family Legends and OriginsExamples of families with romantic or mythical origins-
28294 to 297NOV82Meaden, Linda; Stirk, JeanConvict Prison HulksThe story of prison hulks at Woolwich etc., 1776-1857
28294 to 297NOV82Meaden, LindaConvict Prison HulksThe story of prison hulks at Woolwich etc., 1776-1857Prison hulks: Woolwich, 18-19c-Woolwich: prison hulks 18-19c-
314 to 7MAR83Valentine, GillianThe East India CompanyBrief history, with reference to company recordsEast India Company-
317 to 10MAR83Rogers, EvelynThe Diary of a Young Officer in 1854: Part IConcerns John Thornton ROGERS of Riverhill House nr. SevenoaksRogers: John Thornton-
3111 to 12MAR83Vaisey, JuneFoundling: A Child Found AbandonedConcerns Hester ONLY, bap. North Nibley, Gloucs 1784Only, Hester-
3112 to 13MAR83Meaden, LindaChildren of the PoorExtracts from the Vestry Book of Farningham - 1805,20Vestry records-
3114 to 16MAR83Doust, SabinaThe Wandering DoustsMainly concerns Australian branches originally from N.W.KentDoust, Australia-
3116 to 18MAR83Storey, RichardWas your Grandfather a Sailmaker?Trade Union RecordsTrade Union records-
3119MAR83Weston, EileenPipemakersInformation extracted from Clay Pipes for the Archaelogist by Adrian Oswald
3119 to 21MAR83Barrow, Geoffrey B.Family fortunes: Ancestral Trades and ProfessionsMusings on great variety of occupations in author's ancestry-
3122 to 24MAR83Larsen, KathleenJames Croft: 'Clerk in Holy Orders'Rector of Saltwood nr. Hythe, and Archdeacon of Canterbury, d.1869Croft: James d.1869-
3124 to 27MAR83Scott, KennethThe Record of John ClappAccount of the life of John CLAPP of New York 1649-c1732, inspired by page from a family bibleClapp, John b.1649-
3131 to 32MAR83Kyte, C.H.J.The Times IndexBrief account of Samuel Palmer's work, and of later indexing attemptsTimes index-
3238 to 39JUN83Biggs, June; Lucas, Meriel; Roberts, EdmundDick Bourton - Retiring ChairmanAppreciation from several members of Dick Bourton as Chairman, and note on becoming President of the SocietyBourton Dick
3241 to 42JUN83Pingram, Fred & PatReport from the Census Indexers MeetingReport on meeting in BirminghamCensus: indexers' meeting-
3243 to 46JUN83Lucas, MerielThe Search for an Elizabethan Adventurer: Sir Carew ReynellOf Devon, c1563-1624Reynell, Carew d.1624-
3247 to 49JUN83Gulvin, Keith R.Fort Amherst and the Chatham LinesHistory, 1708-dateAmherst, Fort-Chatham: Fort Amherst-
3250 to 52JUN83Rogers, EvelynThe diary of a Young Officer in 1854 - Part IIContinued from Mar 1983Rogers: John Thornton-
3254 to 55JUN83Penney, David G.Roger Penny (Penney)Shipwright of Deptford d.1748Penny: Roger d.1748-
3255 to 58JUN83Masters, ColinThe London Foundling Hospital and its connection with North West KentBrief history of the hospital (Thomas Coram Foundation) 1739-1953, and notes on surviving recordsFoundling Hospital: brief history-Coram, Thomas-
3258 to 59JUN83Meaden, LindaTomsyne Oulters - Elizabethan OrphanExample 1588-94 from Sandwich (Kent) Orphans BookOulters, Tomsyne-Sandwich Orphans Book-
3260 to 62JUN83Wiltshire, ElaineThe Burkin Family: Did they come from Cudham?BURKIN of Cudham 1738-late 19th cent., and possible origins in surrounding parishesBurkin of Cudham 18-19c-Cudham: Burkin family-
3262 to 63JUN83Nunns, GertrudeYet More ManningsMiscellaneous references from Foots Cray area 16-17th cent., follow-up to earlier articlesManning: misc. refs. 16-17c-Foots Cray: Manning family-
3264JUN83Antrobus, EdnaThe Elkington CollectionBrief note on huge Elkington collection at Society of Genealogists libraryElkington: colln. at SoG-
3376 to 79SEP83Bullen, RobertTo Prove a Black SheepTracing ancestor Amos BULLEN, transported to Australia 1844Bullen, Amos-
3379 to 81SEP83Sturges, JenniferLosack of St KittsResearching LOSACK ancestors in St Kitts & London, 17-18th cent.Losack of St Kitts-
3382SEP83Howcutt, FrancisCoppin Family OriginsFamily in Croydon/Addington Surrey 18-19th cent, traced back to Shoreham, KentCoppin of Surrey/Kent-
3383SEP83Sinclair, PeggyF.W.K. and S.H.S.MELLOWS of Woodborough, Notts 19th centMellows, Notts-
3384 to 87SEP83Begley, Donal F.Irish Genealogical RecordsReprinted from 'Ireland Today', Mar 82Irish research-
3388 to 89SEP83Nunns, GertrudeBehind the ScenesNotes from author's research into history of FootscrayFoots Cray: history-
3393 to 95SEP83Barrow, Geoffrey B.The Marriages of the Lady Constance: I. Percy of Gt Chalfield, WiltshireIncludes pedigree of PERCY, 13-14th cent.Percy of Gt Chalfield Wilts, 13-14c-
3395 to 97SEP83Whyler, FredBromley - Window and Land Tax, 1771List of c.300 namesBromley: Land/Window tax 1771-
3397 to 98SEP83Harding, WendyThe History of Marion CottageFrom title deeds 18-20th cent. from author's father's house at Stone nr. DartfordTitle deeds: Stone nr Dartford-
3399 to 100SEP83Weston, EileenWilliam Bligh (1754-1817): A Resident of North West KentBrief biography, and note of residence at Farningham 1813-17Bligh: William d.1817-
33101 to 102SEP83Barrow, Geoffrey B.Notes on the Croft FamilyFollow-up to article in Mar 83Croft: James d.1869-
34114 to 118DEC83Richardson, Joan A. CarewCarew of Stone CastleIncludes links to other CAREW branches, 15-16th cent, with pedigree chart; concluded in Mar 84 journalCarew: Stone Castle, 15-16c-Stone: Carew family-
34119 to 120DEC83Hoad, JoyceDeath Duty RegistersAdvice on their value in supplementing willsDeath Duty Registers-
34121 to 123DEC83Teague, DorotheaEllen and the Elms: A Bexley family of the 19th centuryBiography of Ellen ELMS 1823-93, and family connectionsElms, Ellen-
34124DEC83Birchenough, JosephineMystery Marriages in LeeSpeculation on sudden rise in marriage numbers, 1803Lee: Marriages-
34124 to 127DEC83Stockman, Brian TurnerA Military Intelligence Operation - Without the SecrecyHow the author went about compiling a book about the STOCKMAN familyStockman: family book-
34128 to 129DEC83Rollison, F.R.Now There Are Twice as ManyTracing ROLLISON of Chislehurst etc., 19th cent.Rollison, of Chislehurst-
34129 to 131DEC83Valentine, GillianWhat Shall We Tell Mother?Delving into author's family legend re. CHURCHILL of DorsetChurchill of Dorset-
34132 to 133DEC83Knowlden, PatriciaInhabitants of West Wickham before 1700List of surnames and covering dates, from West Wickham recordsWest Wickham: surnames to 1700-
34134 to 135DEC83Pullen, DorisFollowing the Path of my Great Grandmother's WillEliza Charlotte BANKS of Battersea, d.1900Banks: Eliza Charlotte-
34136 to 138DEC83Antrobus, EdnaFamily Messages from the Edwardian TheatreAuthor inherits interesting collection of postcards from aunt Hilda CHARD-
34141DEC83Szachnowski, StellaReport on the Federation of Family History Societies' ConferenceConference at University of Sussex, Sep 83-
35149 to 152MAR84Richardson, Joan A. CarewCarew of Stone Castle - continuedContinued from Dec 83 journalCarew: Stone Castle-
35152 to 155MAR84Barrow, Geoffrey B.Derivative Arms - IArms derived from those of other families; mentions MANDEVILLE, VERMANDOIS, GLANVILLE and FITZWARIN families, 12c and later, with illus.Mandeville, 12c-Vermandois, 12c-Glanville, 12c-FitzWarin, 12c-Arms-Arms-
35156 to 158MAR84Teague, DorotheaThey Shall Grow not OldDiscovery that father's cousin was shot for desertion in 1916, and account of BBC interview-
35158 to 161MAR84Johnson, JohnGame ActsBrief definition of the Game Acts, and list of 300 Kent people who had obtained game certificates, 1818Game Acts-
35161 to 162MAR84Biggs, JuneThe Deeds of a HouseExtracts from deeds of author's house 1826-1935, built on former Town Court farm land, Chislehurst/Orpington; numerous namesDeeds, house-Title deeds: Town Court-
35164 to 165MAR84Doust, SabinaIs your Granny's Lair in Scotland?Account of a one week family history course at University of Stirling-
35169 to 170MAR84Howcutt, FrancisBeware How You Fill the GapsMentions KNIGHT of Walgrave, Northants, 17-18th cent.Knight: Walgrave NTH-
35170MAR84Pullen, DorisUnsolved MysteriesBANKS of London, etc.Banks: of London-
35171 to 172MAR84Larsen, KathleenHearsayFollow-up to articles in Sep 83 (Croft), and Dec 83 (Chapman of St Pauls Cray)Croft: James d.1869-Chapman: of St Pauls Cray-
35174 to 175MAR84Ratcliff, S. GeoffreyThe Hutleys: An Essex Farming FamilyOf Witham, Wigborough etc., 19th centHutley of Essex, 19c-
36188 to 190JUN84Wilkins, NormaThe Ross Family of KentWatermen of Greenwich, Blackwall (MDX) & Gravesend, 19cRoss: waterman family-Watermen: Ross family-
36191JUN84Brown, NormaThe Clue from the Address BookTracing the origins of Victoria Maude TURNER alias BURROWS b.1897, in Orpington-
36192 to 194JUN84Penney, David G.John PennyWell-researched biography of John Penny 1729-1811, shipwright of DeptfordPenny: John d.1811-Deptford: shipwrights-
36195 to 196JUN84Shields, PamelaThoughts From AbroadDiary of a Canadian's research trip to England-
36197 to 199JUN84Biggs, JuneGetting Returns from the CensusThe value of census returnsCensus: its value-
36199 to 201JUN84Birchenough, JosephineA Census-Taker's View of Lee in 1851A brief picture of Lee in the mid-19th centuryLee: notes, 19c-
36201 to 202JUN84Sturges, JenniferA Small World: Losack, Batty et AliaFollow-up to Sep 83 article-
36202 to 204JUN84Cramp, GeraldManorial Rolls - A Useful Genealogical SourceQuotes examples from Hartley, Kent, 1782-1862Hartley, Kent-Manorial: Hartley examples-
36204 to 205JUN84Roberts, EdmundThe Channel IslandsBrief notes on doing research thereChannel Islands research-
36205 to 206JUN84Richardson, Joan A. CarewMissing Persons - from St Catherines HouseFollow-up to Mar 84 article-
36206 to 207JUN84Packer, JimTracing Scots AncestryAuthor's experience of using New Register House-
37221 to 222SEP84Biggs, JuneThe Postman Always Rings TwiceThe job of being Secretary of the Society-
37223 to 226SEP84Shorrocks, JohnParish Constable to Police ConstableBrief history, and summary of PRO holdingsPolice records-
37227SEP84Harrison, PeterCannon and Gaze, IncFlour millers of N.W.Kent - follow-up to Oct 79 articleCannon: family-
37228 to 229SEP84Larsen, KathleenGrandpa ChapmanAuthor's recollections of Comm. F.H. CHAPMAN, b.St Pauls Cray 1844Chapman: F.H.-
37229 to 230SEP84Pullen, DorisA Lady of CharacterAuthor's 'Aunt Grace'-
37231 to 232SEP84Birchenough, JosephineTithe Maps for the Family HistorianPractical aspects, and their use in conjunction with 1851 censusTithe: maps-
37232 to 233SEP84McQueen, JoyceThomas Deane of IghthamGrocer, 1782-1832Deane, Thomas of Ightham-Ightham: Thomas Deane-
37233 to 234SEP84Stirk, JeanMaps and Plans - A Genealogical SourceBrief summaryMaps: for genealogy-
37235 to 239SEP84Szachnowski, StellaTown and Country - The Missing LinksAccount of Society's one-day conference, May 84, with photos-
37239SEP84Whyler, FredHayes, Kent - 1766 etc.43 names from Window/Land Tax, supplementary to list in Jan 82 journalHayes: Window/Land Tax 1766-
37240SEP84Tapper, AlanHyphenated RelativeAuthor's relative William Allen TAPPER b.1851 appears as Tapper-Watson in some recordsTapper, William Allen-
38259 to 264DEC84Kelvin, PatriciaThe Elusive MarriageStrategies for finding elusive marriagesMarriages: finding-
38265 to 266DEC84Knowlden, PatriciaTrustees of the New Cross TurnpikeDescription of author's listing from Trustees records 1718-1870; photo of New Cross GateTurnpike: New Cross-
38267 to 270DEC84Black, Shirley BurgoyneFarningham Inns and Innkeepers of the Turnpike Road EraHistory of Farningham's inns 18-19th cent, with names of innkeepersFarningham: inns/innkeepers-
38271 to 273DEC84Waghorn, LenLewisham WorkhouseBrief history, and surnames of inmates 1851Workhouses: Lewisham-Lewisham: workhouse-
38274 to 276DEC84Alderman, MariHel Achau (Tracing your Welsh Ancestors)Brief accountWelsh ancestry-
38277 to 278DEC84Nightingale, JohnThe Local Register Office - One ExperienceGood example of the benefits of the local Register Office-
38279 to 283DEC84Barrow, Geoffrey B.Derivative Arms - IIContinued from Mar 84 - families bearing arms with three crescents, mainly 13th cent.Arms-
39295 to 299MAR85Nevill, GuyMonumental Inscriptions and their PreservationRecording methods, with a description of the Society's own MI projectMI's: recording-
39300 to 302MAR85Hall, Rhoda [compiler]Index NominumIndex of 124 names (mainly Kent, 18c) from 'In Search of Gravestones, Old & Curious' by W.T.Vincent (1896)MI's: Kent inscriptions-
39302 to 305MAR85Cufley, DavidWheatley - 19th Century BrickmakersBrickmaking ancestors in the Dartford & Plumstead brickfieldsWheatley, 19c-Brickmakers: Wheatley family-
39305 to 306MAR85Howcutt, FrancisSign Here PleaseSources of evidence for literacy, and ways of presenting the results-
39307MAR85Nunns, GertrudeJohn Calcraft of Ingres, MP for Rochester 1768-72Follow-up to earlier note re. Swanscombe registersCalcraft, John-
39308 to 309MAR85Benwell, Basil B.Benjamin Benwell - Publican and SinnerBrief biography of Benjamin Benwell 1841-1906, publican of London, with photosBenwell, Benjamin d.1906-
39309 to 310MAR85Youngs, MalcolmRobert Tween (1809-1864)Miller of High Easter, Essex; later of Woodbridge, SuffolkTween, Robert d.1864-
39311MAR85Rollison, FredCockcroft and Barkley: Carriers of FlamboroughBrief account, 19cCockcoft of Flamborough-Barkley of Flamborough-
39312 to 313MAR85Fernee, ArthurHuguenot AncestryReprinted from journal Vol.2 No.5Huguenots: in England-
39314MAR85Birchenough, JosephineHuguenots in LeeSome examples from parish registers and other sources, 18cHuguenots: Lee-Lee: Huguenots-
310329 to 330JUN85Bourton, C.L. (Dick)June BiggsAppreciation, on her retirement as SecretaryBiggs: June-
310331 to 334JUN85Lucas, MerielA Desire to KnowThoughts on the reasons for undertaking family history research, with examples from the author's own ancestry-
310335 to 341JUN85Silverthorne, ElizabethSettlement Records: Tracing the WanderersDescription of the settlement system, with special reference to settlement examinations for Bromley; includes facsimiles of three docs.Settlement: description of system-
310343 to 345JUN85Field, JoanEchoes of BrassResearching the PACE family, makers of musical instruments in Dublin and London, 19cPace family-
310345 to 348JUN85Rayment, JohnUp and Down the City RoadLondon as a centre of communications [extracts from talk given at NWK confernce, 1984]-
310349 to 350JUN85Richardson, Joan A. CarewCarew of Stone Castle, but Wiltshire and Wingfield of Stone PlaceNote on the confused ownership of Stone Castle and Stone Place (nr. Dartford)Carew: Stone Castle-
310358JUN85Bromley Library ServiceKeston, 1766-1794Index of 65 names in Keston Window Tax 1766,67,71, & Window Tax 1794Keston: Tax returns 18c-
311371 to 378SEP85Archer, StephenLitigation in the Prerogative Court of CanterburyIllustrated by the case of John BLAZE 1756-1807 of Stamford, LincsBlaze, John d.1807-PCC: litigation-
311379 to 384SEP85Peters, JohnThe Protestants from the Spanish NetherlandsGood historical summary, with reference to tracing ancestors; includes map and illstrationHuguenots: from Netherlands-Protestant immigration-
311385 to 387SEP85Martin-Loat, DoreenThe Lost TrailAuthor follows up stories of her grandfather Ansel GOUGH's life in Canada (1880s) by researching ships' passenger listsGough, Ansel-
311387 to 389SEP85Thompson, MaryCousins - The Australian ConnectionHow the author traced descendants of her gt. uncle Edwin EVANS in Sydney Australia, 1890s to dateEvans, Edwin-
311389 to 392SEP85Kidgell, MernaThe Journal of Ellen CarnellExtract 1848-9 written by author's gt. aunt Ellen, including memories of visits to relations in Kent, and emigration to AustraliaCarnell, Ellen-
311392SEP85Sinclair, RhodaSeamen in the FamilyUsing seamens' recoreds to throw light on ancestor Martin PHEASANT b.1820 of Lynn, NorfolkPheasant, Martin-
311394 to 395SEP85Pattie, T.S.An Unexpected Effect of the Change of Calendar in 1752Presents evidence that some people altered their birthdays etc. to take account of the loss of 11 daysCalendar change, 1752-
312407 to 410DEC85Picton, WilmaA Casualty of the Civil WarResearch into the life of Charles GRIME, rector of Ightham 1616-44Grime, Rev. Charles-Ightham: Charles Grime-
312411 to 413DEC85Woodward, EllenaBy Appointment - Makers of PerambulatorsAccount of the firm of Burton & Johnson, 19th cent., and of author's gt-grandfather John JOHNSON c1832-1893Perambulators: Burton & Johnson-Johnson: John d.1893-
312414DEC85Birchenough, JosephineEdmund Halley, The Comet ManAstronomer Royal, bur. Lee 1741Halley, Edmund d.1741-Lee: Edmund Halley-
312415 to 420DEC85Brunton, KeithThe Patersons - A Family of EnterpriseSpread of PATERSON branches from roots in Aberdeenshire, to Sth. Africa etc., 1791-20th cent.Paterson: Aberdeenshire etc.-
312418 to 422DEC85Barrow, Geoffrey B.WordsworthAccount of the WORDSWORTH family 1741-1950's, with special reference to Christopher W., rector of Sundridge 1816-20; detailed pedigree chartWordsworth family, 18-20c-Sundridge: Christopher Wordsworth-
312422 to 424DEC85Teague, DorotheaBlundells: The Writing of a Family HistoryBrief account of author's BLUNDELL research in Kent/ Surrey/ Sussex, with special reference to new book 'Shadrach Blundell, His Family and Property 1580-1880'Blundell: book-
312424 to 425DEC85[not stated]Chislehurst - 1766 and 1767List of c.170 names from Window Tax 1766/67 & Land Tax 1767Chislehurst: residents 1766/67-
312426DEC85Williams, ElaineAnd The Roof Came Tumbling DownAccount of the collapse and rebuilding of St Alphege Greenwich, 1710-18Greenwich: St Alphege-
418 to 11MAR86Curtis, JuneWatermen and Lightermen on the River Thames: The Chapman Family of DeptfordSix generations of association woith the River Thames 18-19c, and details of new watermen and lightermen indexWatermen: Chapman family-Lightermen: Chapman family-
4112MAR86Targett, SidneyFrom Sea-faring FolkTARGETT of Rotherhithe, Thames watermen, 19cWatermen: Targett family-Targett of Rotherhithe-
4113 to 15MAR86Penney, David G.The Dockyards Story: and the fortunes of William Penney, shipwrightWilliam Penney 1772-1840, of Deptford, SheernessPenney: Willam, shipwright-Shipwrights-Deptford: shipwrights----
4115 to 17MAR86Birchenough, JosephineWatery North West Kent - A MiscellanyReferences to Deptford, Lee, Edith Nesbitt etc.-
4117 to 18MAR86Kell, BrianWilliam Kell - Drowned in the ThamesRefers to author's grandfather, Thames pilot d.1911Kell: William d.1911-
4118 to 20MAR86Gladwyn, DorothyThe Sorrows of HannahHannah KNAPP of Erith, c.1816-99Knapp, Hannah-
4122 to 26 MAR86Valentine, StuartRecords Through TimeReport of 1985 One-Day Conference, plus photosConference: 1985-
4127 to 28MAR86Antrobus, EdnaBy Adoption OnlyBrief notes on late husband's Antrobus familyAntrobus: family-
4247 to 50JUN86Biggs, JuneA Long Line of CarpentersVINE family of Laughton & East Hoathly, Sussex, 1620-1773Vine: family-
4251 to 54JUN86Holden, MaureenA Family of BlacksmithsETHERTON of Danehill, Storrington, Felpham, Easebourne SSX, 19cEtherton family-
4255JUN86Gladwyn, DorothyWilliam Kennerley - BrazierOf Dartford, 19cKennerley: William-
4256 to 58JUN86Wilkins, NormaTrinity House - PetitionsIllustrated with ROSS family of Greenwich, 18-19cTrinity House petitions-Ross: of Greenwich-
4258 to 60JUN86Youngs, MalcolmA Bigamist in the Family?Concerns author's grandfather Levi Charles EDWARDS alias LAWRENCEEdwards, Levi Charles-
4260 to 62JUN86Coomber, JohnSamuel Coomber - A Notable SennockianAccount of Samuel COOMBER of Sevenoaks 1787-1871Coomber, Samuel-
4263 to 68JUN86Stirk, JeanThe Paper TrampsThe tramping system, illustrated with details of PUTTENHAM of Langcliffe, YKS & Maidstone KEN, papermakers, 1830's; 2 illus.Puttenham, papermakers-Papermakers-
4390 to 93SEP86Gandy, MichaelNon-Conformists - The Early BackgroundGood introductionNonconformity: introduction-
4394 to 95SEP86Birchenough, JosephineBarkers Chapel, Butt Lane, DeptfordBrief account, & photo from 1839 paintingDeptford: Butt Lane chapel-
4396 to 97SEP86Meaden, Linda; Anstruther, Father G.Catholic MarriagesList of 14 marriages of Kent people in London Catholic churchesCatholic marriages-
4398 to 100SEP86Stage, EileenIndex of Coastguards: Reflecting the history of anti-smugglingBrief account of coastguard origins, and details of author's coastguard index (24,000 references)Coastguards-
43100 to 101SEP86Williams, SandraMind Your Own Business?Chatting to fellow researchers at record office pays off-
43102 to 103SEP86Pateman, AnnetteJumping to ConclusionsPATEMAN of Bobbing/Bredgar, Kent, 18-19cPateman: of Bobbing etc-
43107 to 109SEP86Barrow, Geoffrey B.The Diversions of a GenealogistBrief account of author's enquiries into descents from royal lines and Roman emperors-
43109 to 110SEP86Edwards, HarryChurch BriefsDefinitions, with examples from North CrayChurch briefs-North Cray: church briefs-
43111 to 113SEP86British Records AssociationArchives at RiskDiscusses destruction of title deedsTitle deeds: destruction of-
44123DEC86Barnes, MaureenSevenoaks BranchAccount of the opening of the Society's Sevenoaks branch in September 1986Sevenoaks branch: inaugural meeting-
44128 to 132DEC86Lucas, MerielCautionary Tales Concerning Printed SourcesContains references to Heralds' Visitations and Hugo Revel d.1278Revel, Hugo-
44132 to 135DEC86Silverthorne, ElizabethHayes Parish Census 1790Includes list of 58 families, with occupations etc.Hayes: Census, 1790-
44135 to 138DEC86Elsden, PatIn Search of my German GrandmotherRefers to FRECHENHAUSER and ROEHRIG ancestors in Cleeberg, Hess, 19cFrechenhauser-Roehrig-
44138 to 140DEC86Elms, MarjorieResearching in BavariaAccount of author's visit to research father's German origins; no surnames given-
44141 to 143DEC86Alderman, MariViews from OverseasResults of a Society initiativeto try and help overseas members.-
44144 to 145DEC86King, JohnH.M.S. Worcester - Cadet ShipBrief account of training ship(s), moored in the Thames 1862-1970sTraining ships-Thames training ships-
44146DEC86Shough, BernardThe Metal PeopleSome thoughts on surnames ending in -Smith-
45164 to 166MAR87Nevill, GuyBoundariesBrief account of November 1986 meeting with Kent FHS to define common boundary; includes map of parishes covered by NWKFHS-
45166 to 167MAR87Archer, Stephen1851 Census Indexing ProjectAccount of re-launch of Society's 1851 project, by new co-ordinatorCensus: indexing-
45170 to 174MAR87Field, JoanTheatrical PuzzleFascinating account of search for BURKE theatrical ancestors in Liverpool etc., c.1850s-70sBurke-
45175 to 177MAR87Manthorpe, TomThe Way the Cookie CrumblesAuthor's MIDDLEMASS ancestors, biscuit manufacturers in Edinburgh, 19-20c. Includes photos of factories etc.Middlemass of Edinburgh-
45178 to 180MAR87Nightingale, JohnLooking Forward to Family HistoryDetective work in St Catherines House/Somerset House etc. reveals whereabouts of author's distant NIGHTINGALE cousinsNightingale-
45181 to 183MAR87Richardson, Joan A. CarewThe Story of Martha HalesConcerns HALES of Tunstall nr. Shipbourne & Hales Place, Tenterden, c.1600-60, esp. Martha nee CarewHales, Martha-
45184 to 185MAR87Godfrey, BarbaraLetter from LadysmithConcerns Ernest Maurice PAYNE, 1875-1949Payne, Ernest Maurice-
45186 to 187MAR87Boorer, JackHoly Innocents Cemetery, OrpingtonBrief note on St Josephs Orphanage & Roman Catholic cemetery in Orpington, c1890-Orpington: RC cemetery-
46209 to 212JUN87Birchenough, JosephinePoor - But MobileNotes on settlement examinations, with examples from Bromley/Lewisham areaSettlement: examinations-
46213 to 215JUN87Biggs, JuneSpot the ClueDescription of diptheria outbreak at Lewisham 1896, affecting author's BIGGS familyBiggs: of Lewisham-
46216 to 219JUN87Bedells, JohnBirths, Marriages and Deaths in Heraldry (Part I)Notes on marks of cadency for sons, grandson etc.Heraldry: cadency marks-Cadency marks-
46220 to 221JUN87Fothergill, JeanThat Which was Lost is FoundConversation with next door neighbour leads to amazing rediscovery of a lost pedigree; mentions WEST (17c), CATMORE (18-19c); also RANDALL, GIBBS, NYEWest: 17c-Catmore: 18-19c-Randall:----
46222 to 223JUN87Culshaw, Alice; Culshaw, GeoffreyJohn Banks' Trust - 1716Authors discover trust fund set up by ancestor, and administered by Haberdashers Company, providing evidence of family tree for 260 yrs
46222 to 223JUN87Culshaw, AliceJohn Banks' Trust - 1716Authors discover trust fund set up by ancestor, and administered by Haberdashers Company, providing evidence of family tree for 260 yrsBanks: John 1716-Haberdashers Co.-
46224JUN87Howcutt, FrancisWho Married John Blinco?BLINCO of Hedgerley, BucksBlinco-
46225 to 226JUN87Willson, H.G.A Muller Home for the FamilyBrief history of homes set up in Bristol from 1836 by George Muller, and facsimiles of two DAVIS admissions, c.1850.Muller homes-Davis: Bristol-
46227 to 228JUN87Rawling, JeanA Tapestry of Chelsfield, 1813-1985Notes on Chelsfield, inspired by author's transcript of the P/RsChelsfield: notes-
46229 to 230JUN87Thompson, T.A.The BricksStory of the Alhambra Music Hall, Sandgate, Kent 1858-1921, and of founder Robert RIGDENSandgate, Kent-Rigden, Robert-
46232JUN87Pullen, DorisExciting EncounterChance encounter at SoG library leads to more information about author's SLOGGETT & BANKS ancestorsCloggett-Banks:-
47248 to 251SEP87Forde, HelenThe Hearth Tax 1662-1689Brief historyHearth Tax: brief history-
47252 to 253SEP87Asprey, DavidA Sporting SidetrackAuthor discovers possible link to Welsh rugby player Dr Teddy MorganMorgan, Teddy-
47253 to 254SEP87Marsh, LynneThe Marshes - Bible ChristiansMARSH of Upton, Somerset, 19c, and notes on Bible Christian originsMarsh of Upton SOM-
47254 to 256SEP87Bromly, GordonJohn Bromly - Free Burgess of Colchester 1677Author's search for BROMLY ancestors in Ardleigh, Essex, produces results from the registers of Free Burgesses of Colchester 17-19cBromly of Colchester-
47257SEP87Bryan, DonA Skeleton Laid to RestAuthor's gt. grandfather imprisoned for attempted murder, 1873-
47258 to 259SEP87Field, JoanCollecting Sprigs of ParsleyAccount of author's search for PARSLEY ancestors in Sth Norfolk & Nth Suffolk, 18-19cParsley of NFK/SFK-
47260 to 262SEP87Gowers, E.S.Unravelling the Authorship of a Letter on Press-Gang activity in the late Seventeenth CenturyConcerns Henry SYDNEY, Earl RomneySydney, Henry-
47263 to 264SEP87Barrow, Geoffrey B.Descents from Domesday Book TenantsDescent to author from Richard FITZGILBERT de TonbridgeFitzGilbert-
47265 to 266SEP87Archer, StephenInheritance of English SurnamesBook reviewSurnames: inheritance of-
48287 to 291DEC87Morris, Jennifer150 Years of Civil RegistrationInteresting account of the origins of civil registrationCivil registration: origins-
48291 to 295DEC87Valentine, GillianIn The Beginning....or 1836 and all thatBrief history of Lewisham Registration DistrictLewisham: Reg. District-
48297 to 300DEC87Pritchard, EricThe Birth of the North West Kent Family SocietyDescribes origins of Society, 1978-
48300 to 302DEC87Ross, EddieGeorge Ogilvie Ross in Four ContinentsAcquisition of handwritten biography leads to discovery of globe-trotting ancestor G.O.ROSS (1778-1825)Ross: George Ogilvie-
48302 to 303DEC87Larson, JeanAll Aboard the Prussian Ship 'Germania', 1849Brief account of author's SMITH ancestors from Bexley, emigrated to US 1849.-
48304DEC87Youngs, MalcolmFoots Cray's Missing RegistersStory of their theft from the church, 1948.Foots Cray: PR's-
48305DEC87Underwood, DavidSix Lucys and a PinSix generations of women called Lucy-
48306 to 308DEC87Antrobus, EdnaA Little Glamour in the FamilyBiography of author's cousin Peter GODFREY (1899-1969) - theatre producer, actor, etc.Godfrey: Peter d.1969-
48309DEC87Bedells, JohnThe Language of the MottoIllustrated by brief account of life of John RUSSELL, 1st Earl of Bedford-
49319 to 320MAR88Nevill, GuyA Change of VenueSearch for the HEAPS family of Bethnal Green & Yorkshire, 19th cent.Heaps, of LND/YKS-
49327 to 331MAR88Batchelor, SylviaLooking Back at Queensland in the 1880sAccount of author's immigrant ancestors (from LND/KEN). Mentions COMLEY, FULLER, JARRETT (Bristol), OWEN (Lambeth).-
49332 to 333MAR88Excell, StanleyCaesar Lands at SydneyConcerns John CAESAR of Deptford, deported on First Fleet 1787.Caesar, John of Deptford-
49334 to 336MAR88Hearn, OliveShepherd to Gold SpeculatorRegards author's gt. grandparents James & Martha WISE, emig. 1857 Kent to AustraliaWise, James & Martha-
49337 to 339MAR88Commons, JenniferThe Mote in my Mind's EyeALLEN/COOPER of Southfleet/Sutton at Hone, & possible links with SELBY of Ightham Mote, 18th cent.Allen of Southfleet/Sutton at Hone-Cooper of Southfleet/Sutton at Hone-
49340 to 342MAR88Birchenough, JosephineAway from Home on Census NightList of convicts aboard hulk at Deptford, 1841 (200 names)Deptford: convict hulk-Convicts: Deptford hulk-
49343 to 345MAR88Bedells, JohnBirths, Marriages and Deaths in Heraldry (Part II)Descibes effect of marriage on coats of armsHeraldry: coats of arms-Coats of arms-
49346 to 348MAR88Hignett, H.M.Maritime History and ResearchBrief introductionMaritime research-
410360 to 361JUN88Archer, StephenSecond Census Indexers' MeetingReport of 2nd Census Indexers meeting at Birmingham, and launch of 1881 trancribing project1881 Census Project-
410365 to 367JUN88Kitchen, FrankManning the BeaconsDescription of English beacon system, 14th-17th cent.Beacon system-
410368 to 373JUN88Whyler, FredMilitia: Some AspectsIncludes description on the Bromley Militia Returns; list of Brolmey cavalry 1796 (c.60 names); Invasion scare 1803/4, list of special constables (c.160 names)Militia: Bromley area, 1796,1803-
410374 to 375JUN88Fothergill, JeanBack to the ArmadaJohn & Frances WEST bur. NunheadWest: John & Frances-
410376 to 384JUN88Cornford, JohnTracing a Name: The origins of the Cornford, Comport and Comfort familty namesComprehensive account of these surnames, with origins in Kent & Sussex, possible derivation from Comports (Birling); includes map, graphCornford in KEN/SSX-Comfort in KEN/SSX-
410385 to 386JUN88Gledhill, FredThe Gledhills of StainlandAuthor tracks family back to Stainland nr. HudersfieldGledhill of Huddersfield-
411400 to 402SEP88Excell, StanleyThe Ag. Lab.Describes the work of an agricultural labourerAg. Labs.-
411403 to 404SEP88Asprey, DavidLearning the RopesBrief note on ropemaking ASPREY ancestors in BedfordshireAsprey of BDF-
411404 to 408SEP88Field, JoanEdward Townly - The HorticulturalistEdward TOWNLY (1776-1846), seedmans & nurseryman of Walworth, later BexleyheathTownly, Edward d.1846-
411409 to 411SEP88Biggs, JuneThe MillerBIGGS family of Kempston & Bromham BDF, 18th-19th cent.Biggs: Beds, 18-19c-
411413 to 414SEP88NWKFHSThe Lord of the ManorBrief account of manorial systemManorial: notes on system-
411416 to 417SEP88Holden, MaureenPrinter's CompositorMentions Horatio YEARRON of Bermondsey m.1863Yearron: Horatio-Printers compositor-
411418 to 419SEP88Stirk, JeanSix Generations in the ForgeBrief account of OLDFIELD family, blacksmiths of Herts/Bucks 18th-19th cent.Oldfield of Herts/Bucks-
411420SEP88Birchenough, JosephineThe National SchoolmasterBrief note on WEDLOCK of Lee, 19th cent.Wedlock of Lee-
411422 to 424SEP88Teague, DorotheaEscape to LondonMentions Charles COLE, coachman in London mid 19th cent.Cole: Charles-
411424 to 426SEP88Smith, NormaFollow the Yellow Brick RoadAccount of various brickmaking ancestors in London, 19th cent, especially Alfred PINK b.1838 FarehamPink, Alfred-Brickmakers: Pink family-
411427 to 429SEP88Shillcock, VicPostmaster Cured Corns and GoutResearch into author's gt. grandfather Joseph Bradley SHILLCOCK of Bromley 1812-84, chemist & postmasterShillcock, Joseph of Bromley-
411430 to 433SEP88Morgan, PamelaGrandfather Dewey - Community ManAlfred DEWEY of Sidcup 1862-1931, music shop keeper, photographer & local councillorDewey, Alfred of Sidcup-
412454 to 460DEC88Valentine, GillianConference 1988Account of conference, including two pages of photographsConference: 1988-Society: 1988 conference-
412461 to 463DEC88Alderman, MariRunning Away with the CircusConcerns Ralph LIVESEY c1805-1863, bandaster with Wombwells menagerieLivesey, Ralph d.1863-
412466 to 468DEC88Richardson, Joan A. CarewThe Descendants of Martha Hales and the Glorious RevolutionConcerns CAREW & HALES, late 17th cent.Carew: Glorious Revolution 1688-
412469 to 471DEC88Wingham, GaynorLife on the CutCanal life, with mention of boatman ancestor James HOLLOWAY c1850-1941Holloway, James, boatman-
412472 to 473DEC88Stratton, MichaelReconstructing the PastDescription of the Ironbridge Gorge MuseumIronbridge Museum-
412474 to 475DEC88Holst, MollieConvicts in Western AustraliaBrief account of convict systemConvicts: Australia-
412475DEC88Knowlden, PatriciaWhere there's a WillusExplanation of Latin forms of common forenames found in parish registersForenames: Latin forms-
514 to 5MAR89Alderman, MariProving the Case
516 to 7MAR89Szczepanski, Dr J.Look for Your Polish ForefathersDescribes new centre for genealogical research in PolandPoland, research in-
518 to 9MAR89France, ThelmaIn Search of a SurnameOrigins of STIDOLPH in west KentStidolph: West Kent-
5112 to 13MAR89Beeke, HelenTake Thy Beek(e)Brief notes on BEEK(E)Beeke, Kent/Sussex-
5114 to 15MAR89Starling, HazelWilliam Walsh, my great-grandfather, 1796-1881Of OxfordWalsh, William 1796-1881-
5115 to 18MAR89Starling, GordonMy Grandfather - Alfred John StarlingDairyman of Holloway Rd / Lewisham / Croydon, 1852-1926Starling, Alfred John 1852-1926-
5118 to 19MAR89Collins, KatieJohn Hopkins 1853-1916b. St AlbansHopkins: John 1853-1916-
5121MAR89Trotman, AndrewHMS Warrior 1860Brief note, and cover pictureWarrior, HMS-
5122MAR89Hall, JackThe Halls of Horton Kirby18th centuryHall: of Horton Kirby-
5126MAR89Birchenough, JosephineDartford & District BranchReport on inaugural meeting in Nov/Dec 1988Dartford: inaugural meeting of Branch-
5243 to 45JUN89Manthorpe, TomMy French ConnectionBAILLY of France 18-20c (includes family tree)Bailly, of France-
5245 to 46JUN89Beeke, HelenEnquire into InquisitionsNotes on using Inquisitions Post MortemInquisitions Post Mortem-
5247 to 48JUN89Simpson, KennethAlong the Lazy RiverGIBBONS of Wateringbury, 18cGibbons, of Wateringbury-
5249 to 51JUN89Wingham, GaynorBelow StairsLife in service-
5252 to 54JUN89Filmer, John L.The Norman Family of Bromley Common17-19c, includes family treeNorman, of Bromley Common-
5255 to 57JUN89Curtis, JuneVisit to Watermen's HallAccount of visit to Watermen's Hall, Nov 88Watermen: Watermens Hall-
5258 to 59JUN89Cheeseman, RuthDartford and its HospitalsBrief notesDartford: hospitals-
5260 to 61JUN89Sawyer, MaureenCoincidences and Conference ConsequencesPersonal account of NWK conference-
5261 to 63JUN89Antrobus, EdnaFamily GraveAdding names to a family grave in West Wickham (Godfrey, Antrobus)Godfrey: W.Wickham-Antrobus: W.Wickham-
5264JUN89Meaden, LindaPrisoners from KentList of Kent-born prisoners in Portland, Dorset, 1851 (22 names)-
53102 to 103SEP89Whyler, FredBromley Churchwardens and Overseers 1738 to 1805Index of names and datesChurchwardens, Bromley-Overseers, Bromley-Bromley: churchwardens & overseers----
5383 to 86SEP89Payne, BrendaJoseph Myatt, Market Gardener, 1772-1855b. Staffordshire, later (1827) of Manor Farm, DeptfordMyatt: Joseph of Deptford-
5387 to 90SEP89Robinson, GillianA Missionary in the FamilyThomas James Comber b.1852 CamberwellComber, Thomas b.1852-Missionary - Thomas Comber-
5390 to 91SEP89Howcutt, FrancisRead - An Elusive Family in LondonOf Walworth, Holborn etc., 19cRead, of Walworth/Holborn, 19c-
5392 to 94SEP89Parsons, TonyThe Mesnard FamilyOf France, New York, London & N.W.Kent (includes family tree)Mesnard: of France/NWKent-
5395 to 97SEP89Third, AudreyThree HeirloomsTHIRD family of Dundee, 19cThird, of Dundee 19c-
5397 to 99SEP89Excell, StanleyA Pressing MatterJohn Evelyn mugged nr. Bromley, 1652Evelyn, John-
5399 to 101SEP89Holden, MaureenJohn Yearron, Tax Collector and Deputy Supt. Registrar1806-1883, of BermondseyYearron: John d.1883-
54123 to 127DEC89Birchenough, JosephineChasing an Eighteenth Century LadyConcerns letters written 1730s-40s by Elizabeth Lawry nee YorkeLawry, Elizabeth-
54128 to 130DEC89Pullen, DorisWhat do we know about the Women in our Family?-
54131 to 134DEC89Biggs, JuneOn the Distaff SideTracing back five generations in the female line (Wooster, Walker, Sinden, Vine, Pain)Wooster: Lilian d.1946-Walker, Frances d.1898-Sinden, Mary d.1864-Vine, Ann b.1782-Pain, Frances d.1813-Pain, Frances d.1813-
54134 to 135DEC89Wingham, GaynorOut of the ShadowsTracing back the female line-
54136 to 137DEC89Conway, GeorgeGeorge Bodycomb 1819-1899A founder of the Dartford Co-opBodycomb, George b.1819-
54138 to 139DEC89Langridge, NeilBurial Grounds of DartfordDetails of four burial groundsDartford: burials grounds-
54141 to 143DEC89Cole, JeanKent Vagrants in WiltshireList of people taken from Slack, Paul, 'Poverty in Early Stuart Salisbury' (1975)Wiltshire, Kent vagrants in-Vagrants, in Wiltshire-
55163 to 165MAR90Thompson, MaryThe Philadelphia LawrencesSuccessful search for LAWRENCE relatives in the USALawrence-
55165 to 167MAR90Day, RaymondThe Minnes of MichiganAuthor traces origins of Canadian grandfather Claude MINNE d.1923Minne, Claude-
55168 to 170MAR90Law, LenoraFrom London Cooper to Canadian Homesteader - Part IConcerns JACK family of Deptford, later East End, 18-19cJack of SE London, 18-19c-
55171 to 173MAR90Bedells, JohnBirths, Marriages and Deaths in Heraldry (Part III)Heraldry: births, marriages, deaths-
55173 to 174MAR90Kell, BrianA Trollop in the FamilyTROLLOP of Wiggenhall St German, Norfolk, 18-19cTrollope of Norfolk-
55175 to 177MAR90Woodward, PatriciaThe IGI and the ExcisemenResearch into PEPLOE family, excisemen, 18-19cPeploe: family, 18-19c-
55177 to 178MAR90Meaden, LindaThe PalatinesAccount of local response to the Palatine refugee problem, 1709Palatines, in Kent-
55179 to 182MAR90Bull, Ursula M.Beware of RecordsResearch into KERRIDGE family of Shenley/Hendon, Herts, 19cKerridge family, Herts-
55182 to 184MAR90Lawes, WynLetter to a friend George in AustraliaTranscript of 1853 letter from Joseph Bradley in SevenoaksBradley, Joseph, letter-
55184 to 186MAR90Marsh, LynneHow to Survive at St Catherines HouseSt Catherines House: surviving-
56203 to 208JUN90Spiller, MargaretThe Eltham MurderConcerns murder of Jane Maria CLOUSEN 1871, including detailed account of trialClousen, Jane Maria-
56209 to 212JUN90Larson, JeanCreeping BACK-wardResearch into BACK and SMITH families of Woolwich/Bexley etc., 19cBack family, Woolwich-
56213 to 214JUN90Quarmby, JeanA Grave ResponsibilityPersonal experiences of MI recording at Southborough nr. TonbridgeMI's: recording-
56215 to 217JUN90Manthorpe, TomTracing One of World War I's CasualtiesConcerns Thomas FULLER, d.1915 FranceFuller: Thomas d.1915-
56217 to 218JUN90Whyler, FredBromley Surveyors of the Highways, 1737-1805List of c.160 namesBromley: surveyors-
56219 to 220JUN90Fothergill, JeanA Question of ValuesQuotes examples from 16-17c willsWills:-
56221 to 222JUN90Sanders, BrigitFirst Consult the Living-
56225JUN90Bourton, C.L. (Dick)Guy Nevill - Retiring ChairmanAppreciationNevill: Guy, retiring chairman-
57243 to 246SEP90Barnard, John E.William Barnard, Shipbuilder of Deptford 1763-1795Includes plan of Deptford Lower YardBarnard: William d.1795-
57247 to 250SEP90Bennett, KenHitting the JackpotSuccessful search for SMITH ancestry in India & Australia, 19cSmith: India/Australia, 19c-
57251 to 253SEP90Pinnell, Martin; Walsh, AnneWas This a Scandal in Gravesend in 1850?Concerns COXWELL family
57251 to 253SEP90Pinnell, MartinWas This a Scandal in Gravesend in 1850?Concerns COXWELL familyCoxwell family-
57253SEP90Birchenough, JosephineThe Compton Census-
57254 to 255SEP90Antrobus, EdnaPoor Uncle TomShort account of Thomas H. ELKINGTON d.1866 of Sydenham; includes photosElkington: Thomas H.-
57256 to 257SEP90Valentine, GillianBattlefields Tour, 5-8 June 1990Account of tour of France/Belgium battlefields-
57257 to 260SEP90Alderman, MariFinding Relatives Through NWKFHSResponse from members to letter in Sep 89 journal asking re. discovery of relatives through membership of NWKent FHS-
57261 to 263SEP90Law, LenoraFrom London Cooper to Canadian Homesteader - Part IIContinued from March 90 journal-
57264SEP90Jackson, AudreyWhere Family History Can Lead YouKing, Timothy b.1750-
58283 to 287DEC90Whyler, FredRoadsBrief history of roads with special reference to New Cross Turnpike Trust; includes list of 140 Trustees (1747)Roads, turnpike etc.-Turnpike: New Cross Trust-New Cross Turnpike Trust----
58288 to 289DEC90Stratton, MichaelThe Toll HouseResearch into toll house built nr. Shrewsbury 1820 and re-erected at Ironbridge Gorge MuseumToll house-
58290 to 291DEC90Wingham, GaynorBeyond The PailNames of firms etc. lifted from adverts in "Builders and Contractors Price Guide" (1893)-
58292 to 296DEC90Field, JoanJenny....a Victorian Provincial ActressResearching ancestor Jane GURDEN aka DE BRENT c.1839-1885+, actressGurden, Jane, actress-De Brent, Jane, actress-
58297 to 298DEC90Birchenough, JosephineAccording to the RubricRefers to instructions printed in 1662 Book of Common Prayer, with references in local parish registersRubrics-
58299 to 301DEC90Cornell, RoyA Pioneer from BexleyLife of Mary Ann Vines d.1907 British Columbia, a native of Bexley,KentVines: Mary Ann d.1907-
59319 to 323MAR91Kell, ShirleyQueen MariaBiography of 'Marie TEMPEST' (born Mary Susan ETHERINGTON) 1864-1942, theatrical personalityEtherington, Mary Susan-Tempest, Marie-Theatre ancestry----
59324MAR91Ward, KathleenDockland AncestorsConcerns Richard ROPER 1829-1908Roper, Richard-
59325 to 326MAR91Birchenough, JosephineHMS Chichester and the Homeless BoysResearch into training ship moored 1866-89 at GreenhitheHMS Chichester-
59327 to 328MAR91Law, LenoraFrom London Cooper to Canadian Homesteader - Part IIIContinued from Sep 1990 journal-
59329 to 332MAR91Manthorpe, TomA Branch Line of the ManthorpesAccount of three MANTHORPE ancestors with railway associations. Includes family tree 18-20cManthorpe-
59333 to 334MAR91Clay, Sybil1991 CensusProposal for compleating the census to leave clues for futur generationsBurns family of Cumberland and Northumberland-
59335 to 337MAR91Pittman, SusanGoldsmiths' Company Travelling Grant, 1989-
59337 to 339MAR91Szachnowski, StellaThe Computer Day ConferenceAccount of joint conference with SoG at SevenoaksComputing: Sevenoaks conference-
510355 to 359JUL91Biggs, JuneThe Court BaronAccount illustrated with examples from author's own researchManorial: Court Baron-
510360 to 362JUL91Howcutt, FrancisA Former "Ancestor" - Stafford, Balchin & Lamb OriginsWhat to do with research details that are not of your family.Stafford, Edmund Henry-Balchin, Thomas-Lamb, Kezia----
510363 to 364JUL91Bright, BobIn Search of Sarah AnnSearch for Sarah Ann RANDALL birth c1865 uses paid search of 1891 censusRandall: Sarah Ann-
510365 to 367JUL91Pittman, SusanCrockenhill - the place and the peopleHistorical notes on the villageCrockenhill, local history-
510368 to 370JUL91Packer, JimErith Parish RegistersDetails of project to transcribe badly fire-damaged PR's. Includes photos of two surviving fragmentsErith: parish registers-
510371 to 372JUL91Antrobus, EdnaAnd I Found "Mrs Sam"Names published in the Readers' Interests section of the journal bears fruit (concerns GODFREY family, 19c)Godfrey: family-
510372 to 373JUL91Barr-Hamilton, MalcolmChrist Church, Bexleyheath, Parish RecordsBexleyheath, Christ Church p/registers-
510373JUL91Brown, TonyPhotographers in the Dartford AreaPhotographers: Dartford-Dartford: photographers-
510374 to 375JUL91Youngs, MalcolmThank You for Bringing the Wrong File, StephenChance discovery of 1753 marriage at Fleet Prison (Strickland = Finch)Strickland-Finch-
511391 to 393OCT91Parsons, TonyAn Actress, a Playwright and a Master MarinerMainly concerns WHITE family from Somerset 18-19c. Connections to Greenwich, Southwark, Crayford, Royal Navy.White: of Somerset-
511394 to 396OCT91Teulon, AlanGreenwich - 300 Years OnTEULON of Greenwich 17-19cTeulon: of Greenwich-
511396 to 397OCT91Morris, ShirleyFollowing GeorgeSMITHERS of Ramsgate (Kent), and StepneySmithers-
511398OCT91Bennett, KenHitting the Jackpot - AgainConcerns author's gt-grandfather Captain John Sydney SMITH d.1882 AustraliaSmith: John Sydney d.1882-
511399 to 401OCT91Silverthorne, Elizabeth; Valentine, JillAnswers to Questions
511402 to 403OCT91Fothergill, JeanWhose Daughter was JaneDarrell-
511404 to 405OCT91Hough, ChrisHow Wrong Can You Be?Cathrill, James W.-
511405 to 406OCT91Freeman, R.P.A Cricketing FamilyFreeman familyFreeman: cricketers-Marychurch Russell-
512425DEC91Valentine, JillObituary - Alex FreemanBromley local studies librarian from 1983 to 1991Freeman: Alex d.1991-
512427 to 429DEC91Birchenough, JosephineThe Villages of the Darent ValleyBrief notes on Otford, Shoreham, Lullingstone and EynsfordOtford: notes on village-Shoreham: notes on village-Lullingstone - notes on village-Eynsford - notes on village---
512430 to 432DEC91Robinson, GillianFour Grey SheepNotes on various ancestors - George Andrews, Richard Latham, George Matthew, George ThompsonAndrews, George b.1765-Latham, Richard b.1833-Matthew, George b.1767-Thompson: George b.1834---
512433 to 435DEC91Thorne, DaphneFrom Ag. Lab. to Master BuilderKnight family of N.W.Kent 18-20c (Horton Kirby, Sidcup etc.)Knight: of N.W.Kent-
512437 to 441DEC91Teague, DorotheaJoseph Blundell, Australian Pioneer: A Tale of Transportationb.1798 nr. Maidstone, transported to Australia 1826Blundell: Joseph-Convicts: Jospeh Blundell 1826-
512441DEC91Birchenough, JosephineInfants from the Foundling HospitalFoundling Hospital: infant burials-
512442 to 444DEC91Culshaw, GeoffreyJohn Banks's Willc.1652-1719, master of Haberdashers CompanyBanks: John d.1719-
512445 to 446DEC91Valentine, JillFamily History for AllAccount of recent family history exhibition at Bromley Library
613 to 7APR92Seymour, JohnThe Seymours of Crescent Road, SidcupMemories of Ernest F. SEYMOUR (1857-1943)Seymour: of Sidcup-Sidcup: Seymour family-
618 to 10APR92Birchenough, JosephineFrom the Parish ChestUsing parish accounts and overseers books of Ryarsh and Birling to trace the EVEREST clanEverest of Ryarsh/Birling-Ryarsh-Birling----
6111 to 12APR92Valentine, JillMissing, Believed DeadDeath entry missing from St Catherines House (Rachel Hall, d.1884) is finally located in church burial register and local Registration officeHall: Rachel d.1884-St Catherines House: missing entries-
6113 to 15APR92Brunton, KeithA Place called ImaAccount of holiday in New Mexico to visit American cousins
6116 to 17APR92NWKFHSThe Society CommitteePhoto of 1991-92 committee and list of responsibilitesimage
6239 to 42JUL92Birchenough, JosephineThe Villages of the Darenth ValleyNotes on Farningham, Horton Kirby, Sutton-at-Hone, South Darenth & DartfordFarningham: notes-Horton Kirby-Sutton-at-Hone-South Darenth: notes-Dartford: notes-Dartford: notes-
6242 to 44JUL92Blackall, SueThe Chapman Family of HorsleydownSouthwark family, 18-19cChapman: of Southwark-
6245 to 48JUL92Third, AudreyTalk of the Household 1865Relates to a book of poetry published by author's gt. grandmother Maria RICHARDSON of Bishopsgate London, 1865Richardson: Maria 1865-
6248 to 50JUL92Wingham, GaynorIn Search of a Heroine - Right Act, Wrong Place?Family story of heroic ancestors Jessie & Margaret ACE gets confused with Grace Darling legendAce, Jessie & Margaret-
6251JUL92Cufley, DavidLeaving One's MarkRecord of 9 carpenters' signatures in the roof of St Nicholas Strood, 1813-1913Strood, church-
6252 to 54JUL92Midgley, VioletJohn Warham (d.1890) - EmigrantAccount of author's gt. grandfather's temporary emigration to Illinois 1852-53, illuminated by surviving lettersWarham, John d.1890-
6255JUL92Pullen, DorisDon't Ignore the Newspapers-
6256 to 57JUL92Slater, BrianOral Tradition - The Fact and the FancyConcerns author's grandfather Harry Oliver SLATER during Boer WarSlater, Harry Oliver-
6375 to 76OCT92Knowlden, PatriciaNapoleon Bonaparte: My (great great great great grandfather's) part in his downfallStory of ancestor John ELLACOTT 1777-1822 and military careerEllacott, John 1777-1822-
6377OCT92Birchenough, JosephineOld Soldiers Never Die - They Turn Up in WO97Personal experiencees of PRO project to index army discharge certificatesWO97-Army: discharge certificates-
6379 to 80OCT92Hopkins, WalterThe Sergeant's WifeConcerns Marie Louise RYDING b.1848 m. Berkley CAYFORDRyding, Marie. L. b.1848-Cayford, Berkley-
6381 to 82OCT92Hopkins, WalterWorld War I Regimental War DiariesAuthor investigates the circumstances surrounding WWI death of father Walter Wyndham HOPKINS, using war diaries at PROWar diaries-PRO, war diaries-Hopkins: Walter Wyndham d.1918----
6383 to 84OCT92Slade, PamelaCrushed to Death: Kiln Collapse at SwanscombeConcern's author's grandfather William PRIOR 1861-1900Prior: William-Swanscombe, kiln collapse 1900-
6384 to 85OCT92McNair, BillElectric Cable Manufacture in Green Street GreenBrief Note on TCM Company at Green St Green 1940-53Green St Green-
6386 to 89OCT92Simpson, Carol D.A Family Divided and ReunitedAccount of search for origins of (Canadian) author's WALTERS family in England leads to a name change and discovery of cousinsWalters, 19-20c-
6389 to 90OCT92Milne, GeoffreyPhillimore's....Or BussedSociety day trip to Phillimores bookshop in Chichester-
6391OCT92Fincher, Sally; Hudson, KennethThe Symbolism of Churchyard MonumentsAlphabetical list of symbols and their meanings-
6392OCT92Ball, AnnA Grave MatterWht it's important to record a transcription the first time you see it-
6394 to 95OCT92Youngs, MalcolmA Postcard DiscoveryAccount of a postcard showing a YOUNGS family business, and how it was identified as being in GorlestonYoungs of Norfolk-Postcards-
6395 to 96OCT92Stockman, Brian TurnerLavatorial PedigreeBrief male line of STOCKMAN of Chislehurst 18-20c, and Devon roots back to 16cStockman: of Chislehurst 18-20c-
64111 to 114JAN93Biggs, JuneWho Needs Parish RegistersWills and court records used to trace MIDMORE family of Chiddingley/Laughton Sussex 15-17cMidmore: of Sussex 15-17c-Medieval sources:-
64114 to 115JAN93Hough, ChrisKilled in the BlitzAuthor tracks down records of aunt Dorothy Helen BEAMS killed in the blitz 1940Beams, Dorothy H. d.1940-
64116 to 118JAN93Birchenough, JosephineDeptford Victualling Yard c.1760 - Some Preliminary NotesBased on author's researches at PRODeptford: Victualling Yard-
64120 to 123JAN93Fothergill, JeanOne James or Two?Unravelling the CATMORE family, London lightermen 18cCatmore: lightermen of London-
64124 to 126JAN93Parsons, TonySarah JervisPursues probable descent of Sarah JERVIS 1754-1837 from Jervis of Staffs. & CheshireJervis of Staffs/Cheshire-
64127JAN93Evans, Brian & JoyceIn Search of Nelson's MenWith particular reference to ancestor & Trafalgar veteran Charles LEGG 1784-1848Legg, Charles 1784-1848-
64129 to 130JAN93Anthony, RonBirths, Marriages and Deaths in a 19th Century Bromley NewspaperDescribes Society housegroup project to index the BMD entries from 'Bromley Journal & West Kent Herald' 1869-75Bromley: BMD entries in Journal-
65147 to 151APR93Yeoman, JeremyA Medieval Family - Stanford of Hever and EdenbridgeDescription of medieval sources used to research STANFORD family, and list of findings c1250-1500Medieval sources:-Stanford of Hever/Edenbridge 13-15c-
65152 to 155APR93Seymour, JohnBeaters and Spurgins in SidcupAccount of these families c1890s-WW1Beater: Sidcup 19-20c-Spurgin of Sidcup 19-20c-
65156 to 158APR93Carroll, LadyAd Valorem of the Parish of St Mary Cray, 1831List of 156 names from rating valuation, with type of property, acreage and valueSt Mary Cray: Rating valuation, 1831-
65159 to 161APR93Birchenough, JosephineThe Villages of the Cray ValleyBrief notes on Orpington, St Mary Cray, St Pauls Cray, Foots Cray and North CrayOrpington: brief notes-St Mary Cray: notes-St Pauls Cray: notes-Foots Cray: notes-North Cray: notes-North Cray: notes-
65161 to 162APR93Beer, V.M.Picking at the BonesBONE family of Hawkhurst 18-19c, were they originally GRAY?Bone of Hawkhurst 18-19c-Gray: of Hawkhurst 18-19c-
65163APR93Morton, Olive; Birchenough, JosephineReluctant SoldiersRefers to West Kent Regiment of Militia 1803Militia: West Kent 1803-
65164 to 165APR93Marsh, LynneOther Indexes in St Catherines houseList of overseas series of BMD indexes on open shelvesSt Catherines House: overseas indexes-BMD indexes, overseas-
65166APR93Stirk, JeanFamily History Experience DayReport on Society event at Sevenoaks-
66183 to 186JUL93Fothergill, JeanThe Prince of Vaccination MartyrsConcerns NYE of Rochester etc., 19cNye: of Rochester 19c-
66187JUL93Hill, MargaretPost Office RecordsAccount of a visit to Post Office Archives at Mt. Pleasant, London-
66188 to 190JUL93Birchenough, JosephineWorking Deptford in the 18th CenturyDescribes mid-18c records at the PRO relating to Royal Dockyard & Victualling YardDeptford: Dockyard 18c-
66191 to 192JUL93Brunton, Ann; Godfrey, BarbaraRoyal Alfred Institution for Old Seamen, BelvedereBrief summary of history 1857-1980, and list of 98 residents/inmates, 1891
66191 to 192JUL93Brunton, AnnRoyal Alfred Institution for Old Seamen, BelvedereBrief summary of history 1857-1980, and list of 98 residents/inmates, 1891Belvedere, Royal Alfred Inst.-
66193 to 195JUL93NWKFHS MembersWorkhousesSummary of workhouse history, with various notes contributed by Society membersWorkhouses: history-
66196JUL93Birchenough, JosephineSt Pauls Swanley Village Burial RegistersBrief notes on origins of the people buried there, and reference to Society transcript/indexSwanley St Paul burials-
66197 to 198JUL93VACRO; Geelong FHGThe History of PrisonsBrief notes on prison historyprisons Australia offenders
67215 to 218OCT93Seymour, JohnBlackheath Proprietary School and the Beater BrothersBrief history of school 1830-1907, with special reference to Claud and Orlando BEATER, 1885-90Blackheath: Proprietary School-Beater: Claud/Orlando-
67219OCT93Picton, WilmaSchooling in a Kent VillageIghtham village school 1815-1901Ightham: village school-Schools: village-
67220OCT93Hill, MargaretGrandfather MartinStory-
67221 to 222OCT93Langford, GerryA Poor Law Union SchoolResearching gt. grandfather in Poor Law Union schoolsSchools: union-Union schools-
67223 to 224OCT93Birchenough, JosephineSome Schools in West KentBlackheath Bluecoat School, Holy Trinity Primary School Dartford, Addey & Stanhope School DeptfordBlackheath: Bluecoat School-Dartford: Holy Trinity School-Deptford: Addey & Stanhope School-Schools: Notes---
67225 to 226OCT93Antrobus, EdnaFamily History of a PianoMentions ELKINGTON and CHARDElkington: re. piano-Chard-
67227 to 228OCT93Cheeseman, RuthAn Odd StoryODD of Limpsfield, Westerham, Crockenhill & Croydon 18-19cOdd, 18-19c-
67229OCT93Pullen, DorisWho Was GeneresUnusual middle name in BANKS family of London, 19cBanks: 19c-
67230 to 231OCT93Teague, DorotheaOne More Step Along the Road - An Irvingite FamilyBARKER family of Southwark, members of the Irvingite church 1830sBarker of Southwark, 1830s-
67232OCT93Kidgell, MernaThe Crays - Australian StyleNotes on Footscray (Melbourne)-
67233 to 234OCT93Harding, WendyKent Strays41 Entries from Bedfordshire Marriage Licence Allegations 1747-1885-
67236 to 237OCT93Cufley, DavidOur Society1993 Committee members and responsibilitiesCommittee: 1993-
68250 to 253JAN94Woodward, PatriciaInsurance Records Expose a Painful SecretConcerns William PEPLOE 1814-84 of Chatham (later Blackheath), and research in insurance recordsPeploe: William 1814-84-Insurance records-
68254JAN94Pounce, Wilfred G.A Horner at 15Search for Herbert POUNCE d.1915 amongst merchant seamans' recordsPounce, Herbert d.1915-Merchant seamans' records-
68255 to 257JAN94Szachnowski, StellaEducation from an Autograph AlbumBrief history of Joseph Lancaster and the British & Foreign School SocietySchools: British & Foreign School Soc.-British & Foreign School Society-
68257 to 228JAN94Knowlden, PatriciaLocal History for Family HistoriansDescription of local history booklets published by Bromley Local History SocietyBromley: local history booklets-
68259 to 260JAN94Asprey, DavidWas Your Ancestor at Agincourt?List of 86 namesAgincourt: list of names-
68261JAN94Keon, Freda M.A First Look at Genealogical Data on CD-ROMBriefly describes FamilySearch programFamilySearch-Computing: FamilySearch-
68262 to 263JAN94Cole, JeanYet Another Source for Finding a Missing AncestorList of adverts from the Poor Law Union Gazette 1858 for arrest of W.Kent peoplePoor Law: Union Gazette-
68264 to 265JAN94Harrop, AudreyWhat a Coincidence!Chance meeting between two people at evening class reveals that mothers lived next door.-
68265 to 266JAN94Jones, KenA New Boy's ThoughtsComments on starting family history research and the advantages of joining a family history society-
68266 to 267JAN94Langridge, BarryCorporal Robert Needham, 60th Regiment of FootResearch amongst discharge & pension papers at PRO throws light on career of Robert NEEDHAM 1793-1872Needham, Robert 1793-1872-
68269JAN94Birchenough, JosephineCoal PostsBrief note, with drawingCoal posts-
69287 to 289APR94Szachnowski, StellaEducation from an Autograph Album(Part 2)Story of Stockwell CollegeStockwell College-
69289 to 290APR94Rance, BrianMurder or Suicide?Concerns Florence Lilian JONES b.1902-
69291 to 293APR94Alexander, CyrilWilliam (The Villain) AlexanderAuthor traces back to gt. gt. grandfather William ALEXANDER of Bacton Suffolk, transported to Australia 1828.Alexander: William of Bacton SFK-
69294 to 295APR94Pittman, SusanMosses and Lichens in Churchyards - Conservation Guidelines-
69296 to 298APR94Copus, GeoffreyThe "Paper Register" of Farnborough - A New TranscriptDescription of author's transcript 1538-1646, and confusion with Chelsfield PR'sFarnborough: PR's 1538-1646-
69300APR94Stirk, JeanInsurance RecordsBrief bibliography, and list of extant insurance policy registersInsurance records-
69301 to 302APR94Birchenough, JosephineHe Listed for a SoldierRecords of Pte. William WADMAN of Lee 1830s-140sWadman, William-
69303 to 306APR94Fothergill, JeanSir George, Doddles and Other FothergillsSearching for William FOTHERGILL in Newcastle/Aberdeen, late 19c, with links to AustraliaFothergill, 19c-
69307 to 308APR94Brunton, AnnA Lucky FindPiece of scrap paper leads to discovery of manuscript about ancestor John PATERSON (1822-80)Paterson: John 1822-80-
69308 to 309APR94Hoare, JanetThe Clue of a Curious NameUnusual christian names in the family of PRYER of Eynsford, 18-19cPryer of Eynsford, 18-19c-
610322 to 324JUL94Hoad, JoyceWere They Discharged in New Zealand?Description of book "Discharged in New Zealand" (1988), and list of 42 Kent men discharged from army 1840-70New Zealand: army discharges-Army: Kent men discharged in NZ-
610325 to 326JUL94Evans, BrianWhere There's a WillResearch into KEMP family 19c of Marylebone & Chailey Sussex produces PCC will and military career incl. Waterloo 1815Kemp of Marylebone/Sussex 19c-
610326 to 327JUL94Greene, FrancesAlmost Fifty Years On - News From the Other Side of the World-
610328 to 330JUL94Field, JoanThree Years of Our LivesAccount of Bromley housegroup project to research lives of ancestors 1800-25 & and mount an exhibition-
610331 to 334JUL94Fox, JeanWills in Seal - 1545 to 1610Wills throw light on life in Tudor & Stuart SealSeal: wills 1545-1610-Wills: Seal, Kent-
610334JUL94Stirk, JeanThe Archivist's Dilemma - Preservation vs. Use-
610335JUL94Jones, KenPostscript to 'The Tragic End of An Ancestor'Grisly tale of murder and cannibalism at sea, 1884-
610336 to 337JUL94Pullen, DorisMy Grandmother had a Baby at 51BANKS of London etc, 19c-
610337 to 338JUL94NWKFHS Editor; Times NewspaperThere's One Born.....Extract from The Times (1807) concerning lawsuit over pedigree investigation-
610342 to 343JUL94NWKFHS MembersJosephine BirchenoughObituary of a founder member of NWKFHSBirchenough: Josephine (obituary)-
610343 to 344JUL94Kell, BrianA Visit to Nunhead Cemetery - March 1994Nunhead Cemetery: visit-
611358 to 360OCT94Biggs, JuneTake Heed From Mr Casaubon's DilemmaAdvice on writing up a family historyWriting a family history-
611361 to 362OCT94Dwyer, BeverleyFrom Kent to Australia via New ZealandROBINSON family in Sydney Aus. & New Zealand 1830s with roots in N.W.KentRobinson in Aus/NZ 1830s-
611362OCT94Greengo, Tony; Fraser, AntoniaThe Tomb of Catherine ParrStory of 18c desecrationParr, Catherine-
611363 to 364OCT94Smith, Norma JeanA Letter to Sister in AustraliaTranscript of letter written Tunbridge Wells 1875 by Jane BEDFORD nee KEYS-
611365OCT94Birchenough, JosephineThe Poor Parish ApprenticeInformation from 17c apprenticeship indentures-
611366OCT94Birchenough, Josephine; Stirk, JeanSerendipityList of 117 surnames from Farningham settlement papersFarningham: Settlements-
611367OCT94Rawling, JeanNames of Tradesmen of Orpington and District Extracted from the Registers of All Saints Parish Church 1783-99List of 29 people with address and occupationOrpington: Tradesmen 1783-99-
611367 to 368OCT94Fox, JeanNurse Children in SealInspired by 25 burials 1565-98 of "nurse children"Nurse children-Seal: nurse children-
611368 to 369OCT94Rance, BrianMurder or Suicide (continued)Follow-up to Apr 94 article-
611369 to 371OCT94Carroll, LadyA Nineteenth-Century FuneralExtracts from letters written Lamberhurst 1824 by Dr Charles THOMPSON to daughter Mary Ann CARNELL, describing a funeral in RochesterThompson: Dr Charles-
611374OCT94Fothergill, JeanA Small Comment on CordwainersBrief history of the tradeCordwainers: history-
612394 to 395JAN95Birchenough, JosephineLee - A Village in the Hundred of BlackheathReprinted from Vol.1, No.1-
612395 to 396JAN95Birchenough, JosephineManners Mayketh the Family HistorianReprinted from Vol.2 No.3-
612396 to 397JAN95Birchenough, JosephineCensus: Analysis of OccupationsReprinted from Vol.3 No.2-
612397 to 398JAN95Birchenough, JosephineMystery Marriages in LeeReprinted from Vol.3 No.8-
612398JAN95Birchenough, JosephineSome Light on the Mystery Marriages in LeeReprinted from Vol.3 No.8-
612399 to 400JAN95Birchenough, JosephineEdmund Halley, The Comet ManReprinted from Vol.3 No.12-
612400 to 402JAN95Birchenough, JosephineWatery North West Kent - A MiscellanyReprinted from Vol.4 No.1-
612402 to 404JAN95Birchenough, JosephineAccording to the RubricReprinted from Vol.5 No.8-
612404 to 408JAN95Birchenough, JosephinePoor - But MobileReprinted from Vol.4 No.6-
612408 to 411JAN95Birchenough, JosephineHardwicke Was More Than An ActPhilip YORKE Earl of Hardwicke 1690-1764, with family connections in Dover, Kent etc.Hardwicke, Earl of d.1764-Yorke of Dover 17-18c-
712 to 3APR95Hunnable, RodThere's Not Always a Welcome in the Hillside
713 to 4APR95Hanney, JennieI Give and Bequeath
714 to 8APR95Bright, BobA Mariner in my FamilyAccount of research into Merchant Navy career of Thomas Edmund WARRINGTON, 1830s-40s, at PRO and Maritime Museum, GreenwichWarrington, Thomas Edmund-Merchant Navy research, 19c-
718 to 9APR95Rydings, TonyAid in IndexingIntroduction to new Genealogical Group within Society of IndexersIndexes: Society of Indexers-
719 to 12APR95Szachnowski, StellaTales from the WorkhouseLife in Croydon Union workhouse, from minute book of 1902/03Croydon Union workhouse-Workhouses: life in- image
7112 to 13APR95Windiate-Blackmore, RhodaYour Godfather was Who?Godfather to author's father was local baronet Sir Thomas COLYER-FERGUSSON of Wombwell Hall, NorthfleetColyer-Fergusson, Sir Thomas-Northfleet: Wombwell Hall-
7114 to 15APR95Birchenough, JosephineRural Kent Registers during the CommonwealthVarious entries extracted from parish registers of FarninghamFarningham: PR's-
7115 to 16APR95Richardson, Joan A. CarewTo Inhabit the Realm Peaceably and Enjoy his GoodsDescription of Oath of Fealty sworn by Aliens 1436, with list of 31 people of N.W.Kent, born abroadOath of Fealty 1436-
7238 to 43JUL95Martin-Loat, DoreenAaron Smith (1792-1866)Farmer & fruiterer of Crockenhill - biography and family connectionsSmith: Aaron 1792-1866-
7245 to 47JUL95Watson, MargaretTranscribing Parish RecordsExperiences of transcribing PR's 1813-42 of Holkham (Norfolk)-
7247 to 48JUL95Copus, GeoffreyOn The Circuit - Methodist RecordsAccount of discovery of records of Rye methodist circuit (overlapped into Kent) at East Sussex Record Office; includes 1775 list of 52 Shoreham & Otford "Society" membersMethodist records, 18c-Shoreham: methodists-Otford: methodists----
7249 to 52JUL95Richardson, Joan A. CarewThe Reverend William Pritchard (1787-1838) - Incumbent or Encumbrance?Descendant of GEE family of the Priory, Orpington; account of career in Surrey & Essex, family connections and long-standing dispute with Gee grandmotherPritchard, Rev. William 1787-1838-Gee of Orpington: 18c-
7253 to 55JUL95Cufley, DavidNorth West Kent Family History SocietyNote on the relationship between NWKFHS and other societies in Kent; includes map of Society "area"Society: area covered-Kent: FHS societies-
7259 to 60JUL95NWKFHS MembersDick Bourton CB, 1916-1995Obituary of Society's first Chairman, later PresidentBourton: Dick-
7374 to 77SEP95Langridge, Barry18th Kent (Bromley) Rifle Volunteer CorpsBrief history, 1859-1935, with mentions of first commanding offer Lt. Clement SATTERTHWAITE, and details of some early volunteersSatterthwaite, Lt. Clement-Rifle Volunteer Corps-
7379 to 82SEP95Stirk, JeanA Brief Survey of Trade Union RecordsBackground, membership and locating recordsTrade Union records-
7383 to 84SEP95Whyler, FredRoyalist Sympathisers, 1655-57List of 126 persons fron North West Kent suspected of being Royalist sympathisersRoyalist sympathisers 1655-57-
7384 to 85SEP95Szachnowski, StellaDo Dilly-Dally on the WayEncourages reader to look at material outside the normal F.H. sources-
7387 to 90SEP95Pullen, DorisPassage to IndiaFacsimile of 1828 printed list, of suggested items travellers to India-
74110 to 113DEC95Fothergill, JeanCordwainers ContinuedIncludes brief history of Cordwainers Company, 15c-dateCordwainers: Company-
74114 to 117DEC95Cufley, DavidBritish Navy Sailors in the 19th CenturyLiving conditions, etc.Navy: 19c-Royal Navy, 19c-
74118 to 122DEC95Everett, JudithA Twentieth Century Manorial CourtAccount of court held at Stockbridge (Hants) in 1995Manorial: 1995 Court-
74122 to 123DEC95Slade, PamelaBill Prior - A Cri de CoeurLight-hearted account of search for Bill PRIOR, 1861-1900Prior: Bill-
74124DEC95Whyler, FredOrpington Land Taxes 1767Facsimile of document, 15 namesOrpington: Land Tax, 1767-Land Tax: Orpington 1767-
74125 to 126DEC95Anthony, RonIGI 1992 - Use of the Term "Relative"Reproduces part of letter received from LDS ChurchIGI: Use of "Relative"-
75143 to 146MAR96Nightingale, JohnProgress with Irish Research - Thank You F.H.S.How access to Irish birth, marriage & death indexes at LDS Family History Centre in London helped illuminate the career of Jonathan JUTTON (d.1896) and family. Describes coverage of BMD indexes.Jutton: Jonathan d.1896-
75146 to 150MAR96Teague, DorotheaThe Blundell ConnectionReprint of Apr 1980 article (q.v.)-
75151 to 155MAR96Harrison, PeterFour Generations of Water Flour Millers in N.W.KentReprint of Oct 1979 article (q.v.)-
75156 to 157MAR96Crowhurst, GraceThe Value of Transcriptions - Evidence from GravestonesReprint of Apr 1981 article (q.v.)-
75157 to 160MAR96Tearle, BarbaraThe Davis Family: Innkeepers of BromleyReprint of Apr 1982 article (q.v.)-
76179 to 182JUN96Cufley, DavidRecord Keeping and One Name Studies (Part 1 - Organisation of Family Records)Describes author's own systemRecord keeping-One Name Studies:-
76182 to 185JUN96Knowlden, PatriciaSeventeenth Century Inhabitants of BromleyLists 70 surnames from 1645 Bromley tax return, also c.150 surnames from 1664 Hearth Tax returnBromley: Tax returns 1645, 1664-
76187 to 188JUN96Walker, JoyceWest Wickham in the South African WarExtracts from West Wickham parish magazine relating to Boer War 1899-1902, & local celebrationsBoer War-West Wickham: parish magazine-
76188 to 190JUN96Hill, A.F.Cohabiting in CanterburySearch for HILLS origins in Canterbury 1850s-60s reveals illegitimacy in the familyHills of Canterbury, 19c-
76190 to 191JUN96Barrow, Geoffrey B.The Gratwick familyReprint of Apr 80 article (q.v.)-
76192 to 194JUN96Pooley, Colin; Turnbull, JeanMigration in the Past: Some Key Results from the Residential Histories ProjectSummary of findings, from research based on responses from family historians
76195JUN96Birchenough, JosephineDon't believe all you read on CertificatesConcerns BIRCHENOUGH of Stockport; how the purchase of birth certificates for all siblings 1841-61 was needed to clarify family relationshipsBirchenough: of Stockport, 19c-
76196 to 197JUN96Anthony, RonComputing CornerProblems of database date fields, with special reference to MS AccessComputing: database date fields-
76199JUN96Rubie, BobIGI - Problems with InterpretationMeanings of source batch numbersIGI: Batch Numbers-
77217SEP96Nicholls, MaureenComputer Databases - Date FormatsLetter following up Mar 96 article on date formatsComputing: date formats-
77218 to 221SEP96Cufley, DavidRecord Keeping and One Name Studies (Part 2 - One Name Studies)Describes the Guild of One Name StudiesGuild of One Name Studies-GOONS-One Name Studies:----
77222 to 223SEP96British Association for Local HistoryLocal History: Why it Matters to the Family HistorianReprinted from "Local History News", Summer 96 supplement to the "Local Historian"Local History-
77224 to 226SEP96French, Bert A.Boyhood Memories of Eltham 1928 to 1933Extract from recent bookEltham: 1928-33-
77226SEP96Manning, PatThe Leighs of the 1881 Census Surname Index (Surrey)Value of census index in tracking down LEIGH families in SurreyLeigh of Surrey-
77228 to 230SEP96Gearing, LeslieGetting StartedAuthor's experience, with special reference to GEARING in N.W.Kent, (late 19th cent) and South Stoke (Oxon)Gearing of N.W.Kent-
77230SEP96Copus, GeoffreyThe Early Registers of FarnboroughDescribes author's new transcript of Farnborough paper register 1538-1652, and confusion with ChelsfieldFarnborough: PR's 16-17c-
77231 to 233SEP96Biggs, JuneAt the Court of Star ChamberValue of Star Chamber proceedings, with special reference to Ellis MIDMORE c1490-1541 of Chiddingley (Sussex)Midmore: Ellis 16c-
78257 to 258DEC96Waters, AlanComputing Corner - Family Tree MakerReview of version 3Computing: Family Tree Maker-
78258 to 259DEC96Jackson, KenComputing Corner - Better than the IGI?Brief description of IGI & Ancestral FileIGI: on computer-Ancestral File-Computing: IGI----
78260 to 261DEC96Dolman, Mrs M.J.Memories of Childhood in West Wickham 1913-1922Author's recollectionsWest Wickham: 1913-22-
78261 to 262DEC96Weeds, PaulineA Treat for George VDartford during George V's coronation week, from school log books and local paperDartford: 1911-
78263 to 265DEC96Hammond, SylviaOther People's Churches - Articles from Snodland Parish MagazineName index to articles 1986-92 by Frank Robinson (A-G)Snodland parish magazine-
78266 to 268DEC96Nightingale, JohnFor the Sake of Music Alone - John Bath at the Guildhall (Part 1)John BATH 1830-1902 of Crockenhill, and his role in the founding of the Guildhall School of MusicBath: John 1830-1902-Guildhall School of Music:-
78269 to 271DEC96Harris, MarjorieThe Labouring Immigrant (Part 1)EDMONDS family of Bromley and West Wickham 1790-1858, with later New Zealand connectionsEdmonds: of Bromley/W.Wickham-
78272 to 273DEC96Stirk, JeanDon't Take Names for GrantedChanges to surnames, with research suggestions-
78274 to 277DEC96Pratchett, John WilliamNovember 23rd 1939Reminiscences written 1939 by John William PRATCHETT b.1857, of East End and HendonPratchett, John William-
78277 to 278DEC96Miles, MurraySome Old Bromley WorthiesJabez CLARK, late 19th cent. parish clerk of Bromley, reprinted from 6.9.1929 Bromley TimesClark, Jabez of Bromley 19c-
78279 to 280DEC96Watson, MargaretThrough the Letter BoxHow a love of letter writing inspired the author to become the Society's new 'Out of Area' coordinator-
79299 to 301MAR97Cufley, DavidRecord Keeping and One Name Studies (Part 3 - Statistics and the Numbers Game from a One Name Study)Ways to estimate the total population of a surnameOne Name Studies:-
79302 to 303MAR97Walton, MrsMemories of Old St Mary CrayPoem, by resident born 1905St Mary Cray: poem-
79303 to 306MAR97Hammond, SylviaOther People's Churches - Articles from Snodland Parish MagazineName index (G-P), continued from Dec 96 journal-
79306 to 307MAR97Freeman, RonTheory of Pedigree CollapseHow cousin marriages reduce the number of potential ancestors as you go back-
79308 to 310MAR97Nightingale, JohnFor the Sake of Music Alone - John Bath at the Guildhall (Part 2)Continued from Dec 96 journalBath: John 1830-1902-Guildhall School of Music:-
79311 to 315MAR97Harris, MarjorieThe Labouring Immigrant (Part 2)EDMONDS family in New Zealand, 1863-1914 (Continued from Dec 96 journal)Edmonds: of New Zealand-
79315 to 317MAR97Fairfax, NormanIde Hill School Life, 1883-1907Extracts from school logsIde Hill-
79317 to 319MAR97Whyler, FredThe Rt. Hon. William Hart-Dyke, Bart.Baronet of Lullingstone Castle 1837-1931, brief biographyHart-Dyke: William 1837-1931-
79319 to 321MAR97Hough, Mrs C.Are Our Ancestors Important?Motives for research-
7106 to 8JUN97Knowlden, PatriciaFour Generations in the DockyardAccount of GEDYE family, workers at Devonport dockyard 1806-85Gedye of Devonport, 19c-
7108 to 11JUN97Wingham, GaynorA Sea Voyage, Hastings and BeyondSearch for MARSHALL ancestors in Lancs leads to discovery of a birth at sea, 1856Marshall, Lancs 19c-
71012 to 13JUN97Ibbott, MaureenThis Wensday NightTranscript of anonymous (undated) letter home, from son to parents & family-
71013 to 16JUN97Pitcher, Dr C.S.Pitcher's Dockyard at NorthfleetStory of dockyard 1789-1861, founded by Thomas PITCHER 1745-1837Pitcher's dockyard, Northfleet-Northfleet: dockyard-Pitcher, Thomas----
71016JUN97Woodger, JohnJohn Stubbs, Seaman and...Brief note on John STUBBS 1817-96, esp. 1836 voyageStubbs, John-
71017 to 18JUN97Nicholls, M.C.A Seaman's StoryStory of search for Charles Horatio Keen CARR alias KEEN b.c1841, seamanCarr, Charles H.K.-Keen, Charles H.-
71018 to 21JUN97Richardson, Joan A. CarewSome Deptford ShipwrightsRelates to CAREW families in Deptford, c1809-50Carew: of Deptford, 19c-
71021 to 23JUN97Seymour, JohnGeorge Frederick Seymour, Master Mariner & Marine SurveyorBorn 1824 Bridport, died 1915 SidcupSeymour: George F., 19c-
71024JUN97Manning, PatFamily Whispers of Seafaring AncestorsConcerns 19c WATTS gravestone at Brockley cemetery, & family connectionsWatts: Brockley 19c-
71025 to 26JUN97Seymour, JoanAlfred Yarrow in KentEngineer 1842-1932, founder 1865 of Yarrows shipyard, Isle of Dogs; lived Woodlands, BlackheathYarrow, Alfred-Woodlands, Blackheath-Blackheath: Woodlands----
71027 to 28JUN97Barnard, MrWilliam Barnard, Shipbuilder of Deptford, 1735-1793Early BARNARD families in East Anglia, & biography of Willliam BARNARD d.1795, founder of shipyard at DeptfordBarnard: William d.1795-Deptford: shipyard-Shipyard, Deptford----
71029 to 31JUN97Watson, MargaretNil DisprandumBiography of William Cummings BUCK b.1827 Holkham (Norfolk), and naval careerBuck, William Cummings b.1827-
711381 to 382SEP97Knowlden, PatriciaDo You Remember 'Uncles'?Brief notes on PFEIL family of London East End, later BromleyPfeil family, Bromley-
711382 to 384SEP97Hammond, SylviaOther People's Churches - Articles from Snodland Parish MagazineName index (P-Y), continued from Mar 97 journal-
711384 to 386SEP97Alderman, MariFrom a PhotographQuest to identify mystery photograph; concerns NEWMAN family 1870s-9s, butchers of Bermondsey/RotherhitheNewman of Bermondsey, 19c-
711387 to 388SEP97Anthony, RonHundreds and HundredsNotes on meaning of terms 'Hundred' and 'Wapentake'Hundred-Wapentake-
711388 to 389SEP97Whatson, BerylThe Search for Grandpa BriggsSearch for (Sir) William BRIGGS alias SWEET, fl.1900-20 BeckenhamBriggs, William-
711389 to 391SEP97Webb, Miss P.M.Those Difficult AncestorsAccount of search for PIGDEN, Sydenham 1790s-19c, & BIRCH of Pembury 1840s-50sPigden of Sydenham-Birch: of Pembury-
711391SEP97Smith, M.F.Francis Elliston Erwood: World Champion RacketsLived 1824-78, London/Birmingham/WoolwichErwood, Francis Elliston 19c-
711393 to 394SEP97Hurley, MikeThe Overgage FamilyConcerns OVERGAGE of Barking c1840-1880s and search for origins, posibly in Delft (Holland)Overgage of Barking 19c-
711394 to 397SEP97Cole, LionelMaking Use of Judicial RecordsDesciption of author's index of names from Assizes & Quarter Sessions records of S.W.Kent, Tudor-1850, with examples relating to COLECole: of S.W.Kent-Assize records, Kent-Quarter Sessions records, Kent----
711397 to 400SEP97Langridge, BarryBromley Workhouse and Bromley Union (Part 1)Brief history of Poor Law in Bromley, and story of parish workhouse 1731-1770sBromley: parish workhouse-Poor Law: Bromley-Workhouses: Bromley----
711400 to 402SEP97Pittman, SusanThe Long Trek to New ZealandQuest to identify photo taken 1920s in Sydney (Aus.) leads to discovery of William Elmer LONG, & descendants in New ZealandLong, William Elmer-
711402 to 403SEP97Aust, S.W.H.Royal West Kent RegimentList of 44 men who gained awards in WW1 Aisne or Ypres-Armentieres battlesRoyal West Kent Regiment-West Kent Regiment-
712422 to 425DEC97Langridge, BarryBromley Workhouse and Bromley Union (Part 2)Covers establishment of a workhouse for Bromley Union, 1836-45; also list of about 100 persons who died in Bromley parish workhouse, 1733-1801Bromley: Union workhouse-Workhouses: Bromley Union-
712425 to 427DEC97Cole, LionelPuzzling Out the Past: An Example from Elizabeth EdenbridgeWas John COLE c1520-c1590, butcher of Edenbridge, also a landowner with gentry connections?Cole: of Edenbridge, 16c-Edenbridge: Cole family-
712427 to 429DEC97Knowlden, PatriciaLife on the Ocean WaveConcerns John Abbott WIDGER c1800-1881 of Devon/Cornwall; Royal Naval career & family connections with RICHARD of Talland (Cornwall)Widger, John Abbott, 19c-Richard family of Talland-
712429 to 430DEC97Fairfax, NormanIdle Thoughts on Ancestors' VillagesPleasures of exploring and photographing ancestral locations-
712431 to 432DEC97Shaw, SydneyA Body Picked up off MargateCircumstances surrounding drowning of relation Edward SHAW, 1883Shaw, Edward d.1883-
712434 to 435DEC97Surridge, DennisAm I a Disappointment to my AncestorsTraces movements of SURRIDGE family, leather workers, from Somerset to Bristol, Warwickshire & Kent, 1781-20cSurridge family, 18-20c-
712435 to 438DEC97Pooley, Colin; Turnbull, JeanThe Changing Journey to Work in the Twentieth CenturyDescription of new research project run by University of Lancaster
712435 to 438DEC97Pooley, ColinThe Changing Journey to Work in the Twentieth CenturyDescription of new research project run by University of LancasterJourney to work project-
712438 to 439DEC97Lane, Joy M.Intertwining Branches of the Hollamby TreeBrief notes on HOLLAMBY, HALL & SNASHALL of Penshurst, 1783-1862Hollamby, of Penshurst, 18-19c-Hall: of Penshurst, 19c-Snashall: of Penshurst, 19c-Penshurst: Hollamby/Hall/Snashall 18-19c---
712440 to 442DEC97Fothergill, JeanVisiting HollingbourneAccount of visit to village of gt.grandparents, John & Mary POTTER, with notes on CULPEPER 16-17cPotter, John & Mary of Hollingbourne-Hollingbourne, account of visit-Culpeper of Hollingbourne 16-17c----
712442 to 443DEC97Hoad, CharleyThe Attractions and Cost of visiting Salt Lake CityIncludes hotel recommendations and suggested budgetSalt Lake City-
816 to 7MAR98Archer, StephenNorth West Kent F.H.S. Launches Its Web siteDescription of new websiteWebsite: Society-
817 to 9MAR98Langridge, BarryBromley Workhouse and Bromley Union (Part 3)Conditions in Bromley Union workhouse, 19cBromley: Union workhouse-Workhouses: Bromley Union-
819 to 10MAR98Fothergill, JeanTracking Down CarterDiscovery after long search of 3 x gt. grandfather Carter NYE at CanterburyNye: Carter-
8110 to 13MAR98Vince, AnneIndex of Names in 'Extracts from Riley's Memorials of London and London Life in the 14th and 15th centuriesList of 103 names 1292-1406, and list of early tradesRiley's Memorials-
8113 to 15MAR98Ray, MikeThe Morris Family of Lee and ElthamDairy farming family at Lee & Eltham, c1800-1860s, and family connectionsMorris of Lee & Eltham, 19c-
8116 to 17MAR98Cole, LionelParishes, Manors and HundredsDescription and map of parishes, manors & and hundreds in the south-west corner of Kent.Kent: parishes, manors, hundreds of SW-
8118 to 20MAR98Nightingale, JohnThe Juttons; the Poor Law in Victorian LondonTraces the fortunes 1870s-90s of 4 pauper children of Henry & Elizabeth JUTTON, all born Greenwich/WoolwichJutton: poor law-
8121 to 22MAR98Timms, ChristianaThe Village Post Office - HayesAuthor's own reminiscences of p. office at Baston Rd. Hayes (closed 1937), and earlier history; mentions of HARROD and PEARCE familiesHayes: post office-Harrod of Hayes-Pearce of Hayes----
8242 to 44JUN98Wingham, GaynorThe Murder of the Brides in the Bath, and a Lucky EscapeAccount of Alice REAVIL, and marriage to multiple wife murderer George Joseph SMITH 1872-1915Reavil, Alice-Smith: Joseph, murderer-Brides in the Bath----
8245 to 48JUN98Rhys, StellaGeorge Thomas Joseph Ruthven and the Cato Street ConspiracyStory of G.T.J. RUTHVEN 1792-1844 and involvement in Cato St. Conspiracy of 1820Ruthven, George, & Cato St conspiracy-Cato St. conspiracy-
8248 to 50JUN98Biggs, JuneThe Usefulness of DepositionsIllustrated by examples from families of MIDMORE and INSKIP of Sussex, 16-17cMidmore: of Sussex 16-17c-Inskip of Sussex-Depositions----
8250 to 53JUN98Cole, LionelTales from the Judicial RecordExamples from Kent Assizes and Quarter Sessions, plus a list of 31 people transported from Edenbridge/Hever area to Australia, 1825-50Australia transportees 1825-50-Transportees to Australia 1825-50-Kent: assizes & quarter sessions----
8253 to 55JUN98Oates, JonathanThe Deptford Jacobite ConspiracyStory from PRO Kent Assize records of plot hatched in Deptford 1757 to supply information to Jacobites abroad; mentions William DUNSTER and othersJacobite conspiracy, 1757-Deptford: Jacobite conspiracy, 1757-Dunster, William, 1757----
8255 to 58JUN98Ward, KathleenGuilty or Not GuiltyAccount of 1857 fire at Greenwich home of Richard & Sarah ROPER, and subsequent arson trialRoper, Richard & Sarah of Greenwich-
8258 to 59JUN98Waters, AlanA Case at the Court of Common PleasRelates to the STILL family of Cowden 1471-1761: how a court case was vital to bridging a gap in the pedigreeStill of Cowden 15-18c-
8260 to 63JUN98Vaux, Dr HughLaw and Order in the 16th Century was not all it should have beenDescription of three court cases involving Rowland VAUX of Catterlen, Cumberland 1578-80, and his two sons William (1586) and Thomas (1601)Vaux of Cumberland-
8263 to 64JUN98Ray, MikeAssassination at Benares, IndiaRelates to George Frederick CHERRY b.1761 Gillingham, assassinated with Resident at Benares, 1799Cherry: George Frederick-
8265JUN98Archer, StephenThames Riverside Parish SeriesDescription of parish register transcript/index series, mainly 19c, available on microficheRiverside P.R. series-Thames Riverside P.R. series-
83101 to 102SEP98Baggaley, P.M.Divorce Before 1857Explanation of divorce pre-1857, contrasted with judicial separation and anulmentDivorce before 1857-
83102 to 103SEP98Rushbrooke, PeterA Victorian Divorce in SuffolkConcerns divorce 1853 by private bill of Major Robert RUSHBROOKE from wife Ablinia MariaRushbrooke, Major Robert-
83103 to 106SEP98Cufley, DavidDunton Green and Otford BrickfieldsNotes on these brickworks, 19-20c, with names of brickworkers/owners, especially CRAMPTON & DURTNELL familiesBrickworks: Dunton Green & Otford-Dunton Green brickworks, 19c-Otford: brickworks, 19c-Durtnell family, Otford brickmakers---
83106 to 107SEP98Stichbury, Judith A.The Stephens Family of KentMainly South London 19c, with brief references to Greenwich/Lee/ErithStephens of Kent-
8388 to 89SEP98Anthony, RonSafeguarding Our Heritage - the Safekeeping of Records in EmergencyAdvice based on attendance at training course, Canterbury Cathedral Archives-
8390SEP98Doust, SabinaFinding My Paternal Grandfather's Place of Birth after 20 yearsRelates to Rev. Henry Crawford Crichton MacLEOD, born 1857 Boulogne, FranceMacLeod, Rev. Henry b.1857-
8391 to 92SEP98Roffey, DoreenKent Born PassengersList of 58 Kent-born passengers, Gravesend to New Zealand, 1874-75Kent: passengers to NZ, 1874-75-
8392 to 93SEP98Gray, RonIt Pays to Keep LookingDiscovery of 1851 home of Richard GRAY of NorthfleetGray: Richard of Northfleet-
8393 to 95SEP98Sanders, BrigitLook After EphemeraStory of discovery of three trunks containing many items 1900-08 relating to GREIVE of Ringwould, KentGreive family of Ringwould-
8395 to 96SEP98Ray, MikeThe Cherry Tree Family and the TitanicBrief account of CHERRY of Burghfield (Berks) & Greenwich, and Gladys Cherry rescued from Titanic disasterCherry: of Berks/Greenwich-Titanic rescue-
8396 to 97SEP98Howard, RogerGreat Aunt Amy was a LunaticSearch for circumstances surrounding death of Amy HOWARD at London County Lunatic Asylum, Banstead 1903Howard: Amy, d.1903-
8398 to 99SEP98Ward, KathleenMelancholy Death of Two Children by FireContinued from 'Guilty or Not Guilty' (June 1998)-
8399 to 101SEP98Manning, PatThe Perfect SolutionAccount of author's search and discovery of Dr William PERFECT d.1747 at West Malling, with links to BIRCH & STRATFORD 19c, also GLEANE of Norfolk 17-18cPerfect: William of West Malling-Birch: connections with Perfect-Stratford connections with Perfect-Gleane of Norfolk, 17-18c---
84129 to 131DEC98Cufley, DavidVital Records Index, British IslesReview of new CD-ROM publication from the LDS churchComputing: British VRI-Vital Records Index-
84131 to 132DEC98Quy, BettyA Little Silver TeaspoonSuccessful search for origin of 18th century heirloom; mentions ENEVER & HARVEY of Essex/NW KentEnever-Harvey-
84132 to 135DEC98Manning, PatSome Thoughts on WillsGeneral adviceWills:-
84135DEC98Baggaley, StellaThe Canham Sisters, Laura and LouieRequest for information about CANHAM & ALBURY of Sevenoaks late 19c-early 20cCanham of Sevenoaks-Albury of Sevenoaks-
84136 to 138DEC98Oates, JonathanSherlock Holmes in North West KentKentish links of famous fictional detectiveHolmes, Sherlock-
84139DEC98Manning, PatDr Williams LibraryBrief noteDr Williams Library-
84141 to 143DEC98Wright, BrianThe Mysterious Case of the Caslard FamilyResearch into CASLARD/HARRISON families 19-20c reveals changes of name, illegitimacy and possible links to the Spanish royal familyCaslard family-
85170MAR99Archer, StephenBritish Vital Record Index - Some West Kent ErrorsNote that some Dartford VRI entries appear as FrindsburyComputing: Vital Records Index-
85172 to 174MAR99Stockman, Brian TurnerWhy Did I Start?How an urge to record the family stories turned into a 350-page bookStockman: Book-
85174 to 176MAR99Manning, PatPerfect LovePERFECT and LUCAS of Bexleyheath, 19cPerfect: Bexleyheath, 19c-Lucas of Bexleyheath, 19c-
85177 to 179MAR99Douch, JohnRooted in the Garden of EnglandEnthusiasm for ancestor hunting is fired during childhood by two maiden aunts-
85179 to 182MAR99Kell, BrianCartersDescription of the occupation of carter during Victorian England, with special reference to Wiggenhall St German, NorfolkCarter (occupation)-
85182 to 187MAR99Dobb, JanThe Grahams of KentGRAHAM of Greenwich, later Bexley/E.Wickham, 1795-1863Graham of Greenwich/Bexley, 18-19c-
85187 to 188MAR99Rason, DeniseCourting Couples Fined - for damaging grass near Bromley HillExtract from 'Bromley Mercury' 1919, with list of defendants-
85189 to 190MAR99Woodger, JohnThe Will of Thomas Woodyeare of CowlingTranscript of will, 1610. ['Cowling' = Cooling, Kent]Woodyear: Thomas of Cooling 1610-
86217 to 219JUN99Harris, Mrs M.J.Josephine Birchenough Memorial Fund Award 1998Account of author's research on N.W.Kent immigrants to New Zealand, funded from the Josephine Birchenough memorial fundBirchenough: Josephine (memorial fund)-
86221JUN99Manning, PatHow Reliable is the IGI?Brief note on some inaccuraciesIGI: inaccuracies-
86222 to 223JUN99Cole, LionelOn IndicesDescription of author's index to inhabitants of Edenbridge, Hever, Chiddingstone, Westerham & Sundridge 1560-1850Edenbridge: index-Hever: index-Chiddingstone: index-Westerham: index-Brasted: index-Brasted: index-Sundridge: index
86224 to 226JUN99Stocker, MargaretMy Plumstead PeopleRUSSELL of Plumstead, 1838-20c-
86227JUN99Fothergill, JeanThe Ellis Family in the Kent Hearth Tax 1675List of 37 namesHearth Tax: Ellis entries-Ellis: Hearth Tax 1675-
86228 to 231JUN99Langridge, BarryThe Chislehurst Double MurderConcerns Edward & Elizabeth ELLIS of St Pauls Cray Common d.1880Ellis: Edward/Eliz d.1880-
86231 to 233JUN99Mills, JeanIf OnlyWHITE of Plumstead 19-20cWhite: of Plumstead-
86234JUN99Woodger, JohnThe Will of Edward Woodyeare of CowlingTranscript of will, 1586 ['Cowling'=Cooling, Kent]Woodyear: Edward of Cooling 1586-
86235 to 239JUN99Douch, JohnA Company of ComediansTheatrical family of STANTON, 18-19cStanton, 18-19c-
86239JUN99Holden, MaureenGeneral Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. Records and IndexDescription of author's index (1850-1918) to staff book at National Maritime MuseumGeneral Steam Navigation Co.-
86241JUN99Hurst, JaneChrist Church, East GreenwichExtracts from church Annual Report 1894-
87270 to 274SEP99[various]Formation and Early Experiences of NWKFHSReminiscences from founder members of the SocietySociety: formation in 1978-
87275SEP99Rayment, JohnThe Members' ContributionReprinted from Autumn 78 journal-
87276 to 281SEP99Hoad, JoyceTime and TideHistory of the Plumstead/Erith Thamesside marshes 10-16th cent, with details of Exchequer Court case 1592Exchequer Court case-Plumstead marshes-Erith: marshes----
87281 to 282SEP99Woodger, JohnA Woodyear WillThomas Woodyear of Camberwell, 1792Woodyear: Thomas d.1792-
87283 to 285SEP99Cufley, DavidAvery Hill, the Location for the 1999 Autumn Conference - Historic Owners and Adjacent PropertiesCovers 1836-1904, families of HALE, BOYD and NORTHHale of Avery Hill-Boyd: of Avery Hill-North of Avery Hill-Avery Hill---
87286 to 287SEP99Allcott, CatherineExtract from the Memoirs of E.A.Sandford (1855-1938)Tug-boat owner and engineer of GravesendSandford: E.A.-
87287 to 289SEP99Curtis, JuneThe Chapman Family of Deptford (Part II)Finding the death and burial of William Edward Chapman d.1854 (follow-up to Mar 1986 article)Chapman: William E.-
87289 to 290SEP99[not stated]Eltham's AboriginesHow two aborigines came to Eltham in 1793Aborigines-Eltham: aborigines-
87291 to 294SEP99Meaden, Linda; Stirk, JeanConvict Prison HulksThe story of prison hulks at Woolwich etc., 1776-1851 (reprinted from Nov 1982 journal)
87295 to 297SEP99Harris, MarjorieOverview of Immigration IndexDescribes author's index to emigrants from Kent who settled in New Zealand (compiled as part of Josephine Birchenough prize competition)New Zealand: immigration-
88322 to 323DEC99Fothergill, JeanA Bonus for CarterNotes on ancestor James Charles CATMORE b.1814, Thames barge ownerCatmore: James-
88323 to 324DEC99Manning, PatWills are WorthwhileNotes on some wills of PERFECT familyPerfect: wills-
88325 to 326DEC99Stocker, MargaretLetter from the PastTranscript of letters, 1888-
88327 to 330DEC99Gater, MichaelEarly DaysExperiences of undertaking genealogical research in 1959, with reference to GATER etc. of RochesterGater of Rochester-
88330 to 331DEC99Crawley, PeterWith a Little help from my FriendsNew CD-Rom 1881 Census Index reveals author's CARMICHAEL gt. grandfather in ScotlandCarmichael-Census: 1881-
88332 to 333DEC99Woodger, JohnMore Woodyeare WillsTranscripts of two WOODYEARE wills - Edward (1583) and Marie (1610) of Cooling, Kent-
88333 to 336DEC99Timms, ChristinaDiscoveryHARROD of Cudham/Hayes etc., & PEARCE of Hayes, 19-20cHarrod of Hayes-Pearce of Hayes-
88336 to 339DEC99Cole, LionelOld EdenbridgeReprint of poem about Edenbridge and its people composed c1785, with commentary by Mr ColeEdenbridge: poem-
88343 to 346DEC99Crawley, PeterAn Irregular Delegate's View of 'Time and Tide'Author's recollections of the NWKFHS conference at Avery Hill, Sep 99Conference: 1999-
89367 to 368MAR00Anthony, RonA New Society Branch?Announcement of Society's new Computer BranchComputer Branch: announcement-
89369 to 370MAR00Leeds, TessaFamily History - More than a Name and a List of DatesThoughts on 25 years of family history research-
89371MAR00Ranson, Brian35 Years a SoldierObituary of Sgt. E. RANSON of Bromley, d.1953Ranson, Sgt.-
89372MAR00Fothergill, JeanA Settlement Certificate 1755Concerns William & Ann CATMORE of KensingtonCatmore: Kensington-
89373 to 374MAR00Manning, PatA BaptismPERFECT family of Shoreham & Bexleyheath, early 19th cent.Perfect: of Shoreham, Bexleyheath-
89374 to 375MAR00Steadman, RichardPrison HulksResearch eventually connects STEDMANs on various prison hulks, 18-19th cent.Stedman-Prison hulks: Stedman-
89376MAR00Woodger, JohnAnother Woodyer WillTranscript of will of John Woodyer, 1772Woodyear: John d.1772-
89377MAR00Townsend, Robert W.Find Them by Their ForenamesAuthor's search for TOWNSEND ancestors helped by use of forename Cassibelinus (west Kent, 17-18c)Townsend-
89378 to 383MAR00Copus, MatthewBaptist Burials from Speldhurst Parish RegistersList of c80 burials in baptist burial grounds in Speldhurst: 1684 & 1700-80. Includes useful introduction.Speldhurst baptists-Baptists, Speldhurst-
89383 to 385MAR00Brown, ValTom of Milk Street: The Story of Tom Soan 1741-1809Farmer of Bromley: brief biography and full details of will.Soan, Tom d.1809-
89386 to 388MAR00Cocket, AmyKentish Roots in the Search for David CockettGrocer of Blackheath d.1833. Mentions CATT of St Pauls Cray, papermakersCockett, David d.1833-Catt of St Pauls Cray-
89389 to 390MAR00Allcott, CatherineEdward Augustus SandfordEngineer of Gravesend b.1855, biographySandford: Edward Augustus-
89391MAR00Martin-Loat, DoreenEnglish Cemetery, MaltaThree memorial inscriptions (not Kent)-
810416 to 420JUN00Rawson, MaureenJosephine Birchenough Memorial Fund Bursary Award 1999Josephine Birchenough Bursary Award-
810421 to 424JUN00Allcott, CatherineE.A. & H. Sandford, Marine Engineers, Canal Iron Work, GravesendSandford: Gravesend marine engineers-Gravesend: marine engineers-
810425 to 427JUN00Balfe, BarbaraThe LadburysLADBURY family of Rochester 19cLadbury family, Rochester-
810428 to 429JUN00Fothergill, JeanIt Pays to AdvertiseCatmore: new info.-
810430 to 431JUN00Gray, RonAlfred William GrayGray: Alfred W. b.1875-
810452JUN00NWKFHS MembersBrian Kell, 1935-2000ObituaryKell: Brian (obituary)-
811455 to 456SEP00Field, TonyThe North West Kent FHS Computer BranchReport on first two meetingsComputer Branch: meetings report-
811458 to 463SEP00Cufley, DavidHall Place, Bexley, Conservation PlanIncludes historical survey 15-20cHall Place, Bexley-Bexley: Hall Place-
811464SEP00Clark, MollieTravelling by Road-
811465 to 468SEP00Street, HughThe Last Seven Days of May 1740Account of 1740 trip to Tunbridge Wells by a Mr RichardsonTunbridge Wells, 1740-
811470 to 474SEP00Leeds, TessaThe Railway NavvyNavvies, railway-Railway navvies-
811476 to 478SEP00Stirk, JeanUnwillingly to SchoolSchools: records-
812498 to 499DEC00Goffin, CarolineMemories of Family Life at 25 Wiverton Road, Sydenham from 1910 OnwardsBrief note on Leonard James Skinner m.1884 & family. Includes photoSkinner, Leonard J.-
812500 to 502DEC00Jackson, KenA Greengrocery DynastySnashall family of Greenwich, 19-20c. Two photos.Snashall: of Greenwich-
812503 to 505DEC00Harris, MarjorieWartime MemoriesPersonal recollections of WW2 from New ZealanderWartime memories-
812506 to 508DEC00Ranson, BrianChildhood Memories-
812509 to 513DEC00Dasley, HelenAn Extract from the Memoirs of Albert Edward Forster from the Year 1925'Covering the Emigration from England to Australia by Ted Forster, his Fiance Edith Emily Gouldson and Ted's Mother and Father'Forster, Albert Edward-
812514 to 515DEC00Easy, DennisThe CavesChislehurst: caves-
812515 to 517DEC00Gray, RonThe Thirties and Forties-
918 to 10MAR01Staples, PeterOh What a Tangled WebResearching COLLINS of Kingston-upon-Thames, and legend re. Irish linkCollins, of Kingston-
9110 to 11MAR01Anthony, RonSerendipityCroft: of Baldock/Bromley-
9112 to 16MAR01Alexander, CyrilAn Ordinary PersonAutobiographyAlexander: Cyril b.1918- image
9118 to 20MAR01Jones, Duane LeeMy Early Kent AncestorsNotes on Shelley, Manning, Brandon etc.Shelley-Manning: 14-16c-
9121 to 22MAR01Biggs, JuneN.W.Kent Policemen -1899-
9122 to 24MAR01Manning, PatEmma's LetterTranscript of 1824 letter from Emma Bertie, plus biographical notesBertie, Emma-
9129MAR01Rainer, AudreyOur LibraryReport of Society library opening, 3 Jan 2001Library (Society): opening of-
9146 to 47MAR01Lee, Ken; Cufley, DavidTony Field 1931-2001Obituary
9252 to 54JUN01Holmes, JenniferCarried OutBurials-
9254 to 56JUN01Payne, BrendaThe IceCream Tub or More of the MyattsMyatt: follow-up article-
9256 to 59JUN01Biggs, JuneIt's Worth a Try-
9260 to 64JUN01Cufley, DavidDanson House, Welling Conservation Plan (Pt. 1)Includes historical survey 18-20cDanson House, Welling-
9264 to 67JUN01Whitworth, SueMemoirs of a CentenarianReminiscences of author's gt. uncle (early 20c, Swanscombe/Gravesend etc)-
9267 to 68JUN01Hurst, JaneSweet F.A. and the 1881 CensusAdams, Fanny d.1867-
9269JUN01Dyer, AnnA Wartime Childhood-
9270 to 71JUN01Easy, DennisMisleading CertificatesEasy family-
9271 to 72JUN01Hanney, JenniferIn Search of KateWall, Kate-
9274 to 77JUN01Cufley, DavidJosephine Birchaenough's Slip IndexesNotes on their contentBirchenough: Josephine (slip indexes)-
92101JUN01Pullen, DorisEdna Lucy Antrobus, 1908-2001ObituaryAntrobus: Edna, obituary-
93103 to 104SEP01Ratcliffe, RichardGovernment Policy on ArchivesArchives, Govt. policy-
93105 to 106SEP01Gray, RonUsing Census and Free BMDGray: of Kent-
93106 to 108SEP01Hills, AlanMum's ReactionFoy-
93108 to 109SEP01Shalice, JohnMy GardnerGardner, Henry W.G. b.1877-
93110 to 113SEP01Ellson, AlanThe Streets of London - A Walworth FamilyEsdaile, of Walworth-
93113 to 117SEP01Holness, JohnA Circular LetterDetails of Stepney 1920-1930Local History and personal names-
93118 to 121SEP01Cufley, DavidDanson House, Welling Conservation Plan (Pt. 2)Continued from Jun 01 journalDanson House, Welling-
93122 to 124SEP01Pullen, DorisBecoming a Red Cross Nurse and Serving with the Voluntary Aid DetachmentReminiscences, 1930s-40sRed Cross-
94152DEC01Holmden, NormaAn Incurable Disease-
94154 to 158DEC01Langridge, BarryGlory or Poverty - The Chances for a Late Victorian SoldierTong, Horace Frank b.1873-
94159 to 160DEC01Shalice, JohnSources of Information-
94161 to 163DEC01Pullen, DorisI Was Born in 1920-
94164 to 170DEC01Harrop, AudreyWartime Experiences-
95189 to 194MAR02Bultitude, HelenBreaking Through the Brick WallDAVEY of Brasted etc. 19cDavey, of Brasted 19c-Brasted: Davey family-
95195 to 196MAR02Sutton, RogerMy Ancestors in Westerham and South East LondonPICKERING of Deptford/Bromley etc.Pickering of Deptford/Bromley-Rolls, Charles-
95197 to 199MAR02Fox, AnnFamily History is Not Just About Findng AncestorsSearch for author's sister (Sheila SULLIVAN)Sullivan: Sheila-
95202 to 207MAR02Cattermole, CathyEdward Shoebridge 21st HussarsShoebridgeShoebridge-
95208 to 215MAR02Orbell, JohnPocket RemembrancerEarlEarl-
95216 to 217MAR02Herbert, SusanHow One Thing Leads to AnotherBridgerBridger-
96243 to 245JUN02Cockett, AmyThe Silver Jubliee of King George V & Queen Mary, 1935-
96246 to 247JUN02Pullen, DorisBrushes with Royalty-
96248 to 250JUN02Harrison, Joan M.Whatever Happened to MariaMaria SandersSanders, Maria d.1864-
96250 to 256JUN02Langridge, BarryYour Country Needs YouHarding, Walter John-Chinn, Frank Henry-Todd-Naylor, William Bryan-Bott, George---
96257 to 259JUN02Brown, Antony SanterCricket Lovely CricketCricket-
96260 to 262JUN02Gilbert, JudithTracing the Nevill Family of North West KentOf Trottiscliffe 18-19cNevill: of Trottiscliffe-Trottiscliffe: Nevill family-
96269 to 272JUN02Eves, WalterLibrary SurveyLibrary (Society): survey-
97289 to 290SEP02Stirk, JeanThe Presidents PanelConcerns Josephine Birchenough Bursary AwardJosephine Birchenough Bursary Award-
97291 to 292SEP02Eves, WalterThe Chairman's ReportConcerns Civil Registration White PaperCivil registration: Govt. White Paper-
97293SEP02Cufley, DavidAppreciation of Stuart Bligh, Local Studies Manager at London Borough of BexleyLocal Studies Librarian at Bexley moves to CKSBligh: Stuart-Bexley: Local Studies-
97294 to 298SEP02Dyas, JanetBest Brewers of Chatham - Part 117-19cBest, brewers of Chatham-Chatham: Best family, brewers-
97299 to 302SEP02Stirk, JeanIndexes - Be AwareIndexes: use of-
97302 to 303SEP02Richards, ValerieFound in the London Orphan AsylumColepeper, Louisa ElizabethColepeper, Louisa Elizabeth-
97304 to 305SEP02Smith, NormaAstray in the Valley of Flowers-
97305 to 306SEP02Tayler, KarenDescended from Prince AlbertPattenden, Frederick CharlesPattenden, Frederick Charles-
97307 to 308SEP02Simmons, MaureenIt's a Wise Child etc.Johnson of RochesterJohnson: of Rochester 19c-
97309SEP02Gray, RonHelpful Funeral Directors-
98337 to 342DEC02Dyas, JanetBest Brewers of Chatham - Part 2Cont'd from Sep 02 journalBest, brewers of Chatham-Chatham: Best family, brewers-
98344 to 350DEC02Biggs, JuneDon't Give Up on Your ProblemsWOOSTER of BucksWooster: of Bucks-
98350 to 352DEC02Payne, BrendaThree HenrysSHEPPARD of Deptford/BermondseySheppard, of Deptford/Bermondsey-
98352 to 354DEC02Johnson, AlanDegnin and Johnson-
98354 to 355DEC02Tayler, KarenWilliam Pattenlen Stevens?Stevens, William Pattenlen-Pattenlen-
99388 to 391MAR03Arnold, EvelynBehind the Green Baize DoorBARTHOLOMEW of Stone/Crayford/BetshamBartholomew, of Stone etc.-
99393 to 394MAR03Pateman, JohnSeven Steps to Glory: Private Pateman Goes to WarWalter PATEMAN 1886-1917Pateman: Walter b.1886-
99397 to 398MAR03Gray, RonIt Must be in the GenesGRAY of Northfleet etc. 19-20cGray: of Northfleet-
99399 to 406MAR03Alderman, MariMapsMaps:-
910439 to 440JUN03Biggs, JuneThe Formation of the North West Kent FHSReminiscences of Society's formation, from first Projects OrganiserSociety: formation in 1978-
910440 to 441JUN03Nevill, Guy & AdeleTwenty Five Years AgoReminiscences of Society's formation, from second Projects OrganiserSociety: formation in 1978-
910443JUN03Pike, ValerieChimpanzees or BananasObservations on DNADNA-
910444 to 445JUN03Stirk, JeanJosephine Birchenough's Bursary FundAnnouncement of prize for 2002Josephine Birchenough Bursary Award-
910445 to 450JUN03Redl, DavidMannings of Kent - Part 1Mainly 13-16cManning: of Kent, brief account-
910450 to 454JUN03Alderman, MariVestry RecordsVestry records-
910454 to 456JUN03Phillips, BarbaraA Day in the Life of the Events TeamNWK Family History Society: events teamSociety: events team-
911490 to 491SEP03Fothergill, JeanLetter re Belknap, of OrpingtonBrief note on BELKNAP family of Orpington areaBelknap, of Orpington-
911492 to 494SEP03Alderman, MariNewspapersUse in family history researchNewspapers, use in research-
911495 to 498SEP03Redl, DavidMannings of Kent - Part 2Deals with John MANNING of Downe & his descendants, 16-18c, also Westerham familyManning: of Downe etc., 16-18c-Manning: of Westerham, 17c-Downe: Manning family----
911502 to 505SEP03Staples, PeterMy Cook's TourResearch into legend of kinship to Captain CookCook, Captain-
911506SEP03Manning, PatThoughts About the English-
911507 to 508SEP03Bullock, Frederick JohnSome Memories of Deptford High Street - circa 1930sDeptford: memories-
912539 to 540DEC03Cheeseman, RuthWest Hill School, DartfordSchools: West Hill, Dartford-Dartford: West Hill School-
912540 to 545DEC03Alderman, MariPhotographs and CostumeNotes on dating photographsPhotographs: dating etc.-
912546 to 547DEC03Bullock, Frederick JohnMore Memories of my Life in Deptford - circa 1930sDeptford: memories-
912547 to 551DEC03Stocker, MargaretThe Rays and Russells of Horton KirbyRussell of Horton Kirby 18-19c, includes photo of Court LodgeRussell: of Horton Kirby-
912553 to 554DEC03Fothergill, JeanOther Thoughts About the EnglishFollow-up to article in Jun 03 journal-
10111 to 13MAR04Alderman, MariWorkhouses-
10114 to 19MAR04Camfield, GrahamFrom Plymouth to PeckhamResearching William Powis NETTLETONNettleton, William Powis-
10119 to 20MAR04Kirby, DianeFrom Shoemaker to Pub LandlordResearching the BLEST familyBlest family-
10120 to 21MAR04Chatfield, GlenysMore Memories of DeptfordDeptford: memories-
10121 to 23MAR04Stocker, MargaretThe Rays and Russells of Horton Kirby (pt. 2)Russell:-Ray-
10123 to 26MAR04Twitchett, PeterOnward the Fire BrigadeFire brigade-
10129MAR04Chatfield, GlenysPhotograph and namesThe Top class of Clyde Street School, DeptfordDeptford: Clyde St School-
10260JUN04Stirk, JeanUnwillingly to SchoolSchool records - A supplement to West Kent SourcesSchools: records-
10261 to 64JUN04Alderman, MariNoncomformity - Part 1History of NoncomformityNonconformity: history (pt 1)-
10265 to 69JUN04Stocker, MargaretThe Children of James and Letitia RussellRussell:-
10270JUN04Redl, DavidThe Power of the DNA TestIdentifying the occupants of old TombsDNA-
10271 to 72JUN04Wynne, FrancisLife, Times and MuirheadsMuirheads of Elmers End, BeckenhamMuirhead-
10278 to 79JUN04Cirillo, AudreyPicture GalleryHolbeach Road School, Ldn SE6 - 1939 Ballet class at Holbeach Rd - 1936Holbeach Road School-
10279JUN04Wynne, FrancisThe Muirhead Memorial PhotographMetropolitan Cemetery West NorwoodMuirhead-
103107 to 111SEP04Alderman, MariNonconformity - Part 2How to Identify a Nonconformist FamilyNonconformity: history (pt 2)-
103111 to 112SEP04Teague, DorotheaThe Freedom of CyclingThe Bicycle - a great emancipator of womenCycling-
103113 to 115SEP04Ellis, ChristineChance and Poor EmmaGilbert CHANT of Somerset and sources of informationChant, Gilbert-
103115SEP04Pullen, DorisPicture Gallery201 Sydenham Road and other cottages in Sydenham, once in KentSydenham-
104148 to 149DEC04Alderman, MariMigrationDefinitions of migration , with bibliography and web sitesMigration-
104149 to 150DEC04Whitehouse, DavidFrom Walsall to GreenwichResearching WHITEHOUSES from WalsallWhitehouse of Walsall-
104150 to 153DEC04Brunton, AnnFrom Drover to DraperThe Murdochs of DrumwhirnMurdoch, of Drumwhirn-
104152 to 153DEC04Gray, RonAnn Pearson 1827-1919 from Stone Next DartfordResearching Ann GRAY (PEARSON)Pearson: Ann-
104154 to 155DEC04Sutton, RogerMigratory AncestorsResearching DONNELLY and LORD and HAINSWORTHDonnelly-Lord-Hainsworth----
104155 to 157DEC04Biggs, JuneMy Wandering WoostersResearching WOOSTERS and sources usedWooster: sources-
104158 to 160DEC04Fairfax, NormanA 1000 Year Family JourneyThe Fairfax family from the Danish Viking invasion to the present day.Fairfax-
104160DEC04Rason, PaulSt Mary Cray Junior Schools Logbooks and Admission RegistersUpdate on transcriptions by Volunteers-
104161DEC04Cufley, DavidKeith Vansittart Stewart 1929 - 2004ObituaryStewart, Keith-
105201MAR05Bailey, VeraHMS Laurentic and W. M. OdellPeter Threlfall researching the crew of HMS LaurenticHMS Laurentic-
105202 to 204MAR05Curtis, LenMemories of an Evacuee-
105204 to 205MAR05Oldfield, JeannetteFrom One Soldier to AnotherSergeant J Peters wrote this letter to a fellow soldier-
105205 to 208MAR05Pike, ValerieChildhood Wartime MemoriesSidcupSidcup:-
105208 to 209MAR05Bullock, F JSome Memories of War in South East London-
105209 to 210MAR05Gummer, KenA Wartime Problem - Travelling to and from Work-
105210 to 211MAR05Ward, RitaA Young Family in Rainham, KentMemories of the war-
105212MAR05Marsters, RuthDont Let Those Sirens Sound AgainA poem by Ruth Marsters with whom the copyright remains-
106242 to 244JUN05Alderman, MariTitle DeedsTitle deeds:-
106245JUN05Fearn, Maureen; Wilkins, PaulA Modern Day Wedding in Gretna GreenMaureen and Pauls wedding and website references
106246 to 248JUN05Evans, JackieFrederick Matthias AlexanderThe history of Frederick Matthias ALEXANDERAlexander: Frederick-
106249 to 250JUN05Cozens, AudreySome Wartime MemoriesWartime in BromleyBromley: wartime-
106250 to 251JUN05Sargeant, Mary200 Years of an Ordinary FamilyA brief history of Thames watermenWatermen: brief history-
106251 to 253JUN05Cheeseman, RuthMixing The GenesThe story of John ODBOY found as a baby, in a haystackOdboy, John-
106254 to 256JUN05Langridge, BarryLondon Schools Attendance Medals-
107289 to 293SEP05Alderman, MariThe Royal Navy and Merchant NavyReferences for documents held at The National Archives, KewNavy: TNA references-
107293 to 295SEP05Curtis, JuneLord Nelson and the Co. of Watermen & LightermenWatermen: Lord Nelson-
107295 to 296SEP05Curtis, JuneAlmshouses of the Co. of Watermen & LightermenAt Penge in KentAlmshouses, Penge-Penge, almshouses-Watermen: almshouses----
107297 to 299SEP05Streatfield, VictorBombs, Doodlebugs and Rockets-
107300 to 302SEP05Fairfax, NormanDNA and the Family HistorianDNA-
108332 to 334DEC05Alderman, MariWills 1858 To The PresentTerms used and where to find the recordsWills:-
108335 to 336DEC05Harley, DianaWills and Their UsesWills:-
108336 to 341DEC05Manning, PatTrying for the Josephine Birchenough's AwardThe deaths of 30 Beckenham auxiliary firemen in WW2, incl. namesBeckenham: firemen-
108341 to 343DEC05Blackbourn, DavidBe Still my Hart??Research of HARTSILL familyHartsill-
108343 to 344DEC05NWKFHSTrafalgarPurchase of a young man's account of the Battle of TrafalgarTrafalgar, battle of-
108344 to 345DEC05Barnett, ChrisOur Cousin DaisyMemories of a lifetime-
108348 to 351DEC05Dunks, PatPicture GalleryPhotos relating to the CHOPPING familyChopping family-
109375 to 376MAR06Cryer, PatIn Memory of Joan DolmanAppreciation of a society member who helped so many peopleDolman, Joan-
109376 to 377MAR06Knights, DoreenVolunteering at London Metropolitan ArchivesAn account of the work involvedLMA-
109377 to 378MAR06Tyrwhitt-Drake, BillA Book of Common PrayerA bid to return the books to the JOHNSTON familyJohnston-
109379 to 381MAR06Alderman, MariIllegitimacyReasons, Registers and DocumentsIllegitimacy-
109381 to 384MAR06Smith, JeanThank Goodness it was DiannaResearch into the CORNWALL familyCornwall-
109384 to 385MAR06Linden, PaulineThe Gasson Families in KentResearch into the name GASSONGasson-
109386 to 387MAR06Hart, TerryDartfords Forgotten RiverThe River CranpitDartford: River Cranpit-
109387 to 388MAR06Langridge, BarryRegimental Numbers-
1010416JUN06Eves, WalterFrom the ChairmanReport on 2006 AGM at EynsfordAGM-
1010420JUN06Stirk, JeanJosephine Birchenough's Bursary FundReport of the judging panelBirchenough: Bursary Fund Award-
1010422 to 426JUN06Alderman, MariProbate Before 1858Good summary of wills & probate proceduresWills:-
1010426 to 430JUN06Brissenden, StephenMysteries and Tragedies in Victorian London and How Ordinary Folk Would Rise Above Tragic Circumstances...Concerns BRISSENDEN of S.E. London, late 19th cent. [part 1 of 3]Brissenden family: Part 1-
1010430 to 434JUN06Pike, ValerieStrokes of LuckResearching NIXON of Biddulph, Staffs, & PEARSON of Salford/BiddulphNixon of Biddulph-Pearson: of Biddulph/Salford-Biddulph, Staffs----
1010435 to 437JUN06Davey, GeraldSmallpox outbreak in Chiddingstone in 1813[reprinted from 'Bygone Kent', Vol.6 No.6]Chiddingstone: smallpox-
1010442 to 443JUN06Goodwins, JoanThe Meopham House GroupReminiscences from 20 years of the House GroupMeopham House Group-
1011468 to 470SEP06Alderman, MariEarly Name Lists and TaxesBrief notes on a dozen taxes including Lay Subsidies, Hearth Tax etc.Taxes-
1011471 to 473SEP06Pike, ValerieThe Princess Alice DisasterAccount of Thames steamship disaster in 1878 (plus photos)Princess Alice disaster-
1011474 to 476SEP06Streatfield, VictorSt Clere Estate and Memories of Farming ThereEstate in Ightham/KemsingSt Clere estate-Ightham: St Clere estate-
1011476 to 477SEP06Cookman, RogerNew Cross MemoriesCOOKMAN family, 19-20th cent.Cookman family-New Cross-
1011478 to 479SEP06Finding, IrisThe Revd. Thomas BeckBiography of author's 5 x gt. grandfather, 18-19th cent. non-conformist minister in S.E.London; [follow-up in Dec 06 journal with two photos, p.525, 530]Beck, Thomas-
1012516 to 518DEC06Alderman, MariDeath and BurialNotes on available sources for death and burial-
1012519 to 520DEC06NWKFHSNorth West Kent wins Best Web Site of the Year AwardBrief report on FFHS website competition 2006Website: Award-
1012520 to 522DEC06Korta, AnnThe Search for Robert William PickettResearching PICKETT of Bexley/Dartford, 19cPickett of Bexley/Dartford-
1012522 to 524DEC06Hutcheson, PaulCurious Curate of BeckenhamBiography of George Frederick LEICESTER 1792-1833 of Richmond, Hatfield Broad Oak (Essex), Beckenham, BrightonLeicester: George Frederick-
1119 to 12MAR07Alderman, MariDrawing Family Trees and Record KeepingNotes on how to do itFamily trees, drawing-
11113 to 15MAR07Cufley, DavidCalico Printing - The Cray, Wandle and Lea Migration TriangleNotes on the calico printing industry, with examples from CUFFLEY family and othersCalico printing industry-
11115 to 18MAR07Brissenden, StephenMysteries and Tragedies in Victorian London and How Ordinary Folk Would Rise Above Tragic Circumstances...Concerns BRISSENDEN of S.E. London, late 19th cent. [part 2 of 3]Brissenden family: Part 2-
11118 to 21MAR07Biggs, JuneThe Distaff SideNotes on the Lives of Female Ancestors-
11121 to 22MAR07Bass, EddyCharlton Park Open Air SchoolBrief notes on school that operated 1929-62Schools: Charlton Park-Charlton Park School-
11122 to 24MAR07Huggett, ColinOut of the BlueNotes on Researching HUGGETTHuggett: researching-
11124 to 26MAR07Barnett, ChrisCrowborough to India: A Soldier's Diary from 1916Entries from the diary of Philip Frederick BARNETBarnet, Philip Frederick-
11256 to 57JUN07Phillips, Barbara1877 letter re. WOLLASTON of Penn (Staffs) etc., 17-18cTranscript of 1877 letter re. WOLLASTON of Penn (Staffs) etc., 17-18cWollaston of Penn (Staffs)-
11258 to 59JUN07Stirk, JeanJosephine Birchenough's Bursary Fund AwardsNotes on the award winners for 2006, with advice for future entrantsBirchenough: Bursary Fund Award-
11259 to 62JUN07Alderman, MariParish RegistersNotes on this important FH sourceParish Registers: notes on-
11262 to 63JUN07Radford, JeanWomen Con ArtistsConcerns Eliza ROBERTSON and Charlotte SHARPECon artists, female-
11263 to 70JUN07Brissenden, StephenMysteries and Tragedies in Victorian London and How Ordinary Folk Would Rise Above Tragic Circumstances...Concerns BRISSENDEN of S.E. London, late 19th cent. [part 3 of 3]Brissenden family: Part 3-
11270 to 71JUN07Bonnick, GerryTwenty Years Seeking My MotherAuthor (who was adopted) searches for information about his 'real' family-
11272 to 74JUN07Williams, DavidSeal: History of a ParishDescription of forthcoming book by David Williams, Jean Fox and Peter Mountfield, includes three photosSeal: book review-