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Royal Arsenal Woolwich introduction video

 The video produced for the Family History Federation Really Useful Show last November (2023) has now been put on our web site. There is a button link on the Royal Arsenal Woolwich page.


North West Kent Family History Society includes the area that was the Royal Arsenal Woolwich site along the Thames shore from Woolwich Dockyard through Woolwich and included part of the parish of Plumstead as far as the Erith parish.

The Royal Arsenal Woolwich information accessed via our web site was provided by the late Ray Fordham one of the members of the Royal Arsenal Woolwich Historical Society (RAHS) and Mr Phillip Clarke who was their Membership Secretary. They recovered tons of records that were being destroyed. The Royal Arsenal Woolwich Historic Society was unfortunately disbanded in the autumn of 2016.

Among the recovered tons of records that were being destroyed were the glass negative plates of the Childrens Christmas parties held in the 1950s for the employees' children.There are no names of the people involved but you may find someone you recognise in our Gallery of pictures.

Now on the Arsenal site is "Assembly" by the sculptor Peter Burke, which represents a group of life size people coming together. They are in the square at the West and East Guard houses.

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