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If you are a NWKFHS member, please login, if not, please join today.


Medieval Workshops Recordings Online

The Video recordings from the two Medieval Records Workshops are now available online. Sign in to the MOA and go too the Workshop videos to see our archive of recordings including the latest Medieval Records Workshops. 

  1481 Hits

Scottish Interest Group Discussion

The Society has a Scottish Interest Group (SIG) that discusses aspects of researching their ancestors that were born, lived married or died in Scotland. At the last Zoom meeting on the 12th January, we discussed the highland clearances and the families that were affected by them. This raised a question about the timeline for this period of tho...

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  1624 Hits

Blog New Workshops – Sign up to join in.

Three new zoom workshops have been organised Drawing Charts and diagrams by hand as a research tool. 11 November 2020. Thinking outside the Box. This is an exploration of sources both inside and outside the box. 25 November 2020. A discussion group on a theme chosen by the participants. 16 December 2020 Contact workshop.booking@nwkfhs.org.uk t...

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  2143 Hits

Zoom discussion group - Brickwall Session- Moderator David Cufley

The zoom discussion group starts on Wednesday 9th September from 14.00 to 15.30 or longer if required. Members who wish to attend should email workshop.booking@nwkfhs.org.uk to ask for an invitation code. Member who wish to attend should send details of their 'brickwall' so that the moderator can prepare source data pages beforehand ...

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  2143 Hits

Zoom workshops and discussion groups start

The Society is very pleased to announce workshops and discussion group meetings are available to members. Contact workshop.booking@nwkfhs.org.uk with the subject you want for the workshop you wish to attend. If you want to be part of a discussion group then let let us know the topic you wish to discuss. If you are an out of area member or an overse...

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  2273 Hits

First Workshop Zoom trial run yesterday successfully

News for all members that use Zoom we have now run our first workshop (13 August 2020). The trial went well and we hope to be announcing soon the dates and times to all members of other workshops. We need your ideas of what workshops should be the first to be run. We would also like you to say what times and the day of the week&...

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  2282 Hits