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Heralds' Visitations Workshop Wednesday 14 December 2.30 pm

This workshop will look at the Heralds Visitations which were collected and compiled from the 16th century.

From 1530 at intervals of approx. 30 years the Heralds made tours of the country to examine the claims to have arms and had the right to destroy all unlawful arms and crests.

The visitations continued until c1686.

Although some are suspect many are genealogical records of value (quote by Pauline Saul in 'Tracing your ancestors. The A-Z Guide' published by FFHS).

The Harleian Society has printed and published copies of the visitations.

Heralds' Visitations Workshop with David Cufley Please log in from 2.15 pm for the 2.30 pm start. 

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A Mystery Workshop by David Cufley
A Mystery Workshop Wednesday 7th December 7.30 pm

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