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Free zoom talk open to all

FREE Zoom talk open to all on Saturday 3rd April 10am for 10.30-Francine Payne "Dartford Hospitals WW1"  Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82765793790?pwd=VjJjNnRZaFNueVdIcVE4TXpyQjNYZz09 Meeting ID: 827 6579 3790Passcode: 762980 Prompt sign in is recommended as limited to 100 attendees

  1894 Hits

Bromley 22nd September meeting now on 15th September

Due to an unfortunate sequence of events that were out of our hands, we have had to change the date of our September meeting from Saturday 22nd to Saturday 15th. The venue is the Methodist Church as usual. Meryl Catty will still able to visit us, but we have had to change the title of the talk, as Maureen Binks will be on holiday on the 15th. Meryl...

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  3882 Hits

3rd March 2018 meeting CANCELLED

Guest speaker Peter Calver of Lost Cousins Our meeting on Saturday 3 March was cancelled as the venue, Dartford Science and Technology College, had been closed due to snowfall. It was hoped to hold the meeting this Saturday 10 March as the speaker, Peter Calver, of LostCousins is available. BUT UNFORTUNATELY THE COLLEGE HAS TOLD US THAT THE HALL IS...

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  3790 Hits