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If you are a NWKFHS member, please login, if not, please join today.


MOA access will be lost

Be aware if you have not renewed your membership for 2022 you will lose your access to the members only area (MOA) in the next 14 days. Membership is only £10 per year and in our opinion very good value. Membership is cheaper than a meal out. An advantage is that you can sit at home and not wear a mask to avoid  Covid-19

  1442 Hits

What’s a blog about?

A blog gives news, details of events and workshops, talks about research and advice on doing your family history If you want to get regular updates why not subscribe to the blogs to Stay Informed by clicking on the boxes and filling in 'your name' and 'E-mail address'. To get more out of our web site learn about the Talks, Workshops and Discussion ...

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