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Addresses used on marriage certificates and parish registers

At the discussion group yesterday (Wednesday 3 February) it was mentioned that the same address was mentioned in the parishn registers for a number of entries for both parties to the same marriages. The address quoted was 101 Gosterwood Street, Deptford. Using street view it was seen this building was a small Victorian Terrace house c1890s. Unlikely to accommodate many people. It seems to be a two up two down house.

However at 111 Gosterwood Street there was the Gosterwood Tavern built in 1888 according to the plaque on the parapet. The direcotories record Alfred Garrard in 1891 Post office Directory, 1895 William Perou (sic) Post office Directory and 1899 Frank A Simmonds Post Office Directory. However in a planning application for an extension to the Gosterwood Hotel by William Peron was noted in the 1894 Woolwich Gazette. Obviously under this publican he also provided accommodation as a Hotel. Was this to create extra bedrooms? It appears from the Street view the extension is to the left of the main building and was a two storey structure.

Perhaps the door numbers changed and it was the Gosterwood Hotel (Tavern) that provided accommodation for the prospective marriage couples and thus a local address.

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Lucy Boxes
Zoom Talk "The Inns Of Court"