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1851 Census finding aid update.

If you have been waiting for the update to the names indexes then today is your day. We are still recovering these indexes but the latest introduction notes and surname index have been added in the MOA (members only area) Enjoy the work of our 1990s Census team. 

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During the recent Society Library cataloguing exercise we have found an old Strays slip index (2002). We are trying to get it digitalized for the use of members. We anticipate it may contain over 7000 entries when completed. WHAT IS A STRAY? A stray is a recorded event in which a person is described in the record as being from, or connected with, a...

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1851 Census finding aid.

1851 Census is most important, as it was the first census to give the birth place of one's ancestors. NWKFHS created surname indexes in the 1980s and 1990s when there were no commercial subscription online data providers. While these indexes do not include all the schedule data, they are a finding aid using the piece number with folio number of the...

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