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Brick Walls are not a hurdle but a learning experience

At the recent 'Breaking down brick walls' workshop a member said that she thought you had to submit a research problem to attend. Not so.The workshops are designed to explain sources and how you can organise your research to help find that elusive ancestor. Other members' 'brickwalls' can be of help to other family historians as the thinking process explained with the sources used can apply to everyones research.

Methods are supported by the guides and bibliographies in the members only area (MOA) along with the recordings. Listerning to the recordings allows you to recap any one of the sessions. They may cover a point that has occured in your latest research and you did not know you needed at the time of the workshop or talk.

Each family can have different research needs and by discussing them another member may be able to suggest a document or reference that provides the information you need. That's another reason for coming to one of the discussion groups, it is because when you voice a problem you organise your thoughts in a way that others will understand. In doing so a solution may come to you, but at least the listerners can offer from their experiences, a method or source you were not aware.

Don't be alone out there, join a family history society and participate in the workshops, discussion groups and talks they run. NWKFHS is very good value at only £10 per annum.

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