Three new enlightening and fascinating talks by David Cufley on ways to breakdown brick walls now on the website to view See COOK, WINN & GRIST presentations
Talk given by Ian Waller FSG on the 8th January entitled 'All Drawn By Horses' a must see for family historians. PLEASE NOTE video will only be available until the 24th January 2025
Sevenoak branch January Newsletter now available on the website
Happy New Year to all our members and the 1st January 2025 Newletter is now available on the website
Two new Zoom video talks available to members first '1827 Beadle of Enfield Poster' and second one 'Lets Talk about Christmas' both by David Cufley
Three new Zoom workshops have been added which brings the total of workshops to 40 inaddition 28 zoom talks which are all available to our members. Please explore the list for a subject that interests you
Now available on the members only area under Research, Zoom workshop videos. Please join the society to view A workshop giving sources and places to search when looking for your Agricultural Labourers.
Two more workshop videos have been entered on the website giving information on how to breakdown brickwalls Login as members then go to Zoom workshops page
Watch workshop video showing the society Library and what it contains plus extra piece on accessing external databases Login as members then go to Zoom workshops page
Regeneration Team in Bromley Council want your feedback regarding the Crofton Roman Villa. See link on members home page for details
The society eNewsletter is now on the website please read it as it contains important information regarding the future of the society
The society now has 25 recorded talks and 49 recorded workshop videos which members can view at anytime. A wide variety of subjects are covered on family research why not have a look to see what could help your research. You can find them on our website under RESOURCES / Zoom Talk or Zoom Workshops
Click HERE to see new workshop video How to Draw a Pedigree Chart lead by David Cufley
Discussion group on Apprentices run by David Cufley. Video now on website Click HERE
David Cufley's workshop on Basic Excel is now available to view on the website. Click HERE
New workshop by David Cufley added to the website Click HERE to view
The April Society eNewsletter now on the website to view Click HERE
New workshop "Drawing Trees & Charts by Hand " added to website Click HERE to view
Latest video workshop added on website "Creating Family Trees form GEDCOM files" a workshop by David Cufley. Click RESOUCES on top menu then ZOOM WORKSHOP VIDEOS
The Mid-February Society newsletter is now on the website see below Download PDF File Here
Don't miss Saturday's meeting for a talk on DNA for Family Historians by Dr Geoff Swinfield He has lectured widely on all aspects of genealogy, its sources, and research techniques including the use and application of DNA testing to Genetic Genealogy.
The February edition of the society newsletter has been added to the website
New workshop added to website " What makes a good Family Tree" by David Cufley Find it under Resources tab on home page then Zoom workshop videos
See the latest society information and details of the next ZOOM Talk: A Grandmother's Legacy with Jenny Mallin on the 26th of January from 7.30 pm to 9 pm
14 JANUARY 2023 Speaker PETE ALLEN talk entitled "Oh No It Isn't! A History of Pantomime" And what is it really like to play the back end of a Pantomime Cow? and the answer to whether something really is behind you. Pete works extensively as a professional theatre director and filmmaker.
The newsletter for 7th January Dartford meeting is on the website. The talk 'Tracing Your Ancestors During Lockdown' is by Clare Walker a former journalist, author & pilot. Clare's presentations are highly visual, using rarely seen historical footage, photos & fascinating anecdotes & are based on in-depth interv...
Happy 2023 to everyone see the January Society newsletter on the website
Another useful workshop added to the website and if you have ever wondered if you are Royalty this is the one to see. On the home page top menu under "Resources" click on "Zoom Workshop videos"
The December Society newsletter is online. On the home page go to Community on the top menu then click newsletters
We now have 25 recorded talks and 34 recorded workshops for members to view at their leisure. Three new ones were added today. Take a look at the variety of relevant subjects covered, all planned to assist you in your family research.
Example 8 Angus Gunn workshop breaking down brick walls now on MOA of website
Go to Community tab on top menu of website and pick Newsletters to see the latest editions
Mapping Family Movements workshop by David Cufley on 5th October added to Zoom workshop page
The newsletter for the Sevenoaks meeting on the 8th of October now on the website Click community on home page top menu then down to newsletters
Go to Community tab on top menu of website and pick Newsletters to see the latest editions
Handout for Births & Deaths Registration talk held on 15th September 2022 added to Zoom Talk page of website
Gill Thomas gave a talk at Dartford branch meeting on the 6th August on Creating a One Street Study. Go to 'Resources' on top menu and 'Reserch' then click on 'Workshop Handouts' for useful guide
The 14th of July newsletter for Sevenoaks meeting is now available on the website
New workshop video added breaking down brickwalls Example 5 Alexander Duff Calico printer
New workshop video added Example 6 "My Incredible Hulkes Mystery"
Catching up with Family Search website Sharon Hintze
New recorded workshop talk to Essex FHS by David Cufley on Brickmaking now available to view on Workshops page.
Workshop handouts and talk 'Fluctuated Population Numbers' by David Cufley on 4th May has been updated
Ian Waller's talk Family History Frustrations now on website to view log in as member and go to Zoom Talk page
Only available until 19 March 2022 recorded talk by Penny Walters searching adopted ancestors Go to page
Video of Cloud Recording-DNA Clustering using Excel by David Cufley now available
New recorded talks be quick as one only available until 11th March Click HERE to view or join
Handouts available for researching merchant navy relatives following a talk by Penny Allen at Dartford meeting on the 4th September 2021 Click HERE for link
The Mid January 2022 Society Newsletter is now available on the website click HERE
Next FREE talk for all Saturday 1st May 10am for 10.30 Donna Rutherford (Part 1)- "DNA for beginners" Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 817 1466 1579Passcode: 973577
FREE talk by 'Elizabeth Barton - the Holy Maid of Kent' talk by Melanie Gibson Barton on Tuesday evening 13th April 7.00 for Her Talk is about Elizabeth Barton of Aldington. The Prophetess who was executed for speaking against Henry VIII Join Zoom Meeting - it's a one-click link - no separate password requ...
FREE Zoom talk open to all on Saturday 3rd April 10am for 10.30-Francine Payne "Dartford Hospitals WW1" Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 827 6579 3790Passcode: 762980 Prompt sign in is recommended as limited to 100 attendees
Ian is a retired professional genealogist with over 30 years experience in English research ,a former Chairman of and a Fellow of AGRA (The Association of Genealogists and Researchers in Archives) and has published several books related to Family research. During a lifetime most people left a large number of records (we all generate about 100 recor...
FindMyPast discount code Did you know that Society members get 15% off FMP subscriptions? The cheapest FMP subs is £79.99 which means a discount of £12, yet the Society annual subs is only £10. There is an even bigger saving if you pay the FMP Plus or Pro rate. To find out the code use this link, which only works for members logged into our we...
Dont forget to login to Zoom talk "The Inns of Court" By Ian Bevan on Saturday 6th February 10 am till 12.00 In 2006 Ian successfully completed the City of London Guides course and in October 2017 he was proud to be granted Freedom of the City of London in a ceremony at the Guildhall Join Zoom Meeting
The latest Society eNewsletter for February is now available to download from the website. To view see under top menu Community then click on Newsletters