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Blog request of the Library – Thomas Pound

Query 4th June 2020.

I am wondering if you might be able to give me some assistance in my family history research. I am trying to find the baptism of my gt-gt-grandfather Thomas Pound whose entry in the family bible states that he was born on 5th February 1813 and christened in Chatham, but no specific date for that is given. They were a Navy family and other entries show that baptisms took place at Brompton Church, Chatham. When I look online it appears records do not go back that far and although the church has a facebook page and I have left a message I am not sure how often that will get looked at.

Do you think I am looking at the correct church and could you advise how I would be able to check their records.

Response 5th June 2020

We are North West Kent Family History Society. Our area is from the west ancient boundary of Kent eastward to a line North South from Gravesend to Frant. Please see the map on our web site.

We do not cover Rochester or Chatham, which are in Kent Family History Society area, see their web site www.kfhs.org.uk.

In the web site there are details of the parishes we cover.

Brompton is in Gillingham, Kent but as it's on their west boundary is sometimes referred to as Chatham as its just outside the Chatham Dockyard gates. Our publication 'West Kent Sources' covers these parishes for research details as we have an arrangement with the Kent Family History Society as its part of Rochester Diocese. Gillingham registers start from c1558 but Brompton as you have discovered only from c1848. WKS also says where parish registers are archived and what transcriptions have been made and the location they are held.

If you have any further queries, the answers may be on the web site but feel free to email us again if you need further help.

We are in shutdown at the moment. As a registered charity we rely on our volunteers. Some of our volunteers have expertise on areas not just on our area and may be able to help you. Be aware they may not respond quickly because of this current situation.

Why not join NWKFHS which at £10 per year is VERY GOOD VALUE or you can send a donation via our web site.

Response from Enquirer 5th June 2020.

Many thanks for your prompt reply. It was interesting to learn that Brompton was just outside the Dockyard gates which would explain the use of that Church for later baptisms when the family were based there.

I will try some of the other Kent resources in an attempt to solve the mystery! 

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Blog donation to the Library – Crockenhill, Kent.
Blog request of the Library – Fogarty or Seymour.

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