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Greenwich Park Wall History talk given on the 24th April 2024

The talk on Greenwich Park Wall History is now available in the members only area of this web site. If you missed this or other zoom talks, workshops and discussions register by emailing workshop.booking@nwkfhs.org.uk and giving your membership and email address to get the links for the coming month's zoom sessions. 

  807 Hits

Wednesday 24th April -GREENWICH PARK WALL HISTORY 1609 – 2024.

The Bricks and Brickwork of Greenwich Park Wall are normally not seen, as the viewer looks passed and into the park and at its Observatory. This talk explores the boundary wall and how it has been changed over its 400-year life. It discusses not only its construction and materials but also the buildings that were built onto or through it. Built at ...

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  740 Hits

Lets Talk Family History Zoom meeting 2.30 pm on 28th February 2024.

Chance for you to talk about anything to do with Family History that puzzles you or may help you solve your family line brick wall. Perhaps you wonder about the big FH question! How come I'm here and how did my ancestors survive, the Black Death 1350, the plagues of 1665, the Spanish Flue of the 20th century and Covid of the 21st century? 

  824 Hits

‘Discovering’ the TNA. 20th December Zoom 10.30 am.

 An additional zoom session put on at the request of one of our members. This extra discussion session will explore the National Archives web site and its search engine 'Discovery' Discovery holds more than 32 million descriptions of records held by The National Archives and more than 2,500 archives across the country. Over 9 million records a...

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  759 Hits

Ratcatchers zoom talk 11 October at 7.30 pm

As requested at a discussion group meeting I'm putting out this aide memoir for this talk which was previously given to the Society 7 years ago. It has changed and been extended by further research. It was requested by the previous workshop coordinator and Trustee Carolyn Barclay. A talk on the 19th century profession of ratcatchers using Enfield a...

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  945 Hits

Zoom link glitches 28th July 2022

You will know by now that tonight we had a problem with members signing onto the talk. The problem appears to be a change and update by Zoom a couple of days ago. It now appears that unless you have the FREE 'Basic' licence or better on your computer you will have problems joining the meeting whether you use the link or you use the ID and passcode....

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  1628 Hits

Wills for family History by Jackie Depelle 14th September

  14th September at 7.00 pm the Society presents the zoom talk by Jackie Depelle a family history tutor and speaker. The talk explains the value of using wills, perhaps the most useful resource after certificates & censuses. It is a personal insight into relationships & possessions. Find indexes & associated records. Jack...

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  1836 Hits