Blog request of the Library – East Street, Plumstead in 1891 Census
Query 6 May 2020
Can I ask please, have you ever heard of EAST STREET, PLUMSTEAD, or possibly LAST STREET? It appears on the 1891 Census.
Answer 7 May 2020
One of our researchers wrote. If memory serves me well East Street was down near Siemens Factory (which became AEI where he had spent his apprenticeship) and this area is now an industrial site opposite the Thames Barrier. Its Woolwich rather than Plumstead
I'll try to confirm it for you as I have some old maps.
Another of our researchers wrote that he had found it on the 25 inch OS map.
East street runs south from Eton Rd to the junction of Wilmot St, Wilmot Place and Mount Pleasant. Its just south of Woolwich Arsenal Station. He had found the address in 1891 census. He was going to have a closer look at the census enumerator's walk to see if he could can locate it by other landmarks.
The other researcher responded that his East Street is closer to Charlton than Plumstead. It runs north of Woolwich Road close to Charlton Vale. Thus. the Woolwich location looked to be the Plumstead reference. He thought the first researcher was right as it fits with the census data and enumerator's route.
A warning to members there is two Woolwich, East Streets in c1891.
We checked W T Vincent's 'The Records of Woolwich District' published in two volumes c1890. Vincent was the editor of the Kentish Independent. There are no entries for East Street in either volume. It does not appear in either Woolwich Street Names chapter or in the other section on Plumstead Street Names. Sorry, Vincent was of no help.
Conclusion is that the 1891 East Street is south of Woolwich Arsenal Railway Station.
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