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If you are a NWKFHS member, please login, if not, please join today.

Society Officers

These are the main Society Officers for 2023-2024
President, Vice Presidents, the Society Committee and some of the other taskholders:

Tony Codling
Tony CodlingVice President
Walter Eves
Walter EvesVice President
Joyce Hoad
Joyce HoadVice President
Sue Pittman
Sue PittmanVice President


Nigel Arthur Durrant
Nigel Arthur DurrantChairman
Michael Burrell
Michael BurrellVice Chairman
Paul Merrington
Paul MerringtonSociety Secretary
Hilary Waters
Hilary WatersLibrarian
Barbara Phillips
Barbara PhillipsPublications & Projects
Janet Rose
Janet RoseDartford Branch Rep
Barbara Attwaters
Barbara AttwatersSevenoaks Branch Rep

Other Taskholders

(non-committee posts)

Pauline Heathcote
Pauline HeathcoteJournal Editor
Barbara Attwaters
Barbara AttwatersPostal Sales
Kate Holloway
Kate HollowayMembership Secretary
Barbara Phillips
Barbara PhillipsSociety Projects
Laura Lincoln
Laura LincolnWorkshop Coordinator (Zoom)
Paul Merrington
Paul MerringtonWorkshop Coordinator (Library)
Michele Jeannotte
Michele JeannotteWEB TEAM LEADER