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Library Master Catalogue updated 2nd Oct 2022

The master Catalogue has been updated.

We were asked about the search facility in the pdf data files.

In windows use your control key and the 'F' Key pressed at the same time, its easy to remember F=Find. [ctrl+f pressed together]

The question was raised when a member asked about Horton Kirby. If you Ctrl +F and in the search box that pops up type 'Horton' [you don't need to add Kirby] You will get 23 hits for 10 books. The reason for the hit number is because Horton appears not only in the parish field but also the title field.

There is also a web page that gives all the resources in the library not only the Master Catalogue but also:-

                                          Stray Birth Certificates

                                          Stray Marriage Certificates

                                          Stray Death Certificates

                                          Microfilm and microfiche catalogue

                                          Map Collection

                                         Old Document Collection.

Coming soon will be:-

The Strays Index the digital form of our slip index that contains the names of people found outside Kent but born or who had lived in Kent.

The 'Old Document Collection' is in the process of being updated and there will be more names listed so that a search  of the details may provide a source that is only available on our web site and can be viewed at the Library. It is hoped to  have all the document's images available in the future. 

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