Constitution No.12 (October 2021)
A review was undertaken during 2020 and 2021 by a sub-committee under the chairmanship of President David Cufley looking at the Society’s ability to manage its administration and other meetings using video conference allowing simultaneous visual and audio participation. Known as virtual meetings. It also allowed for postal voting at an AGM or EGM. The revised Constitution was approved at the Society postal AGM in October 2021. The text of David Cufley’s report to the Society is below.
Summarised Report by the Constitution Subcommittee to the postral AGM, by its Chairman, David Cufley the Society President.
Proposed Constitution edition 12 (2021)
Proposed changes to the NWKFHS constitution (No 11 dated April 2019) as a result of the 2020 pandemic. These changes are to determine the types of meetings of the Society and how they are held. The advice from the government guidance published 7 April 2020 and updated 26 June 2020 contains the statement ‘so we advise trustees to check their governing document and see if they can make amendments themselves to facilitate changes as to how or when meetings are held’.
The postal AGM voted and passed these changes in October 2021
The postal AGM voted and passed these changes in October 2021.
David Cufley thanked Tony Codling – Society Chair and the subcommittee that had reviewed the constitution, with input from the Trustees.
The Society forwarded the proposed amended constitution to the Charity Commission who accepted them in their email of January 2021 subject to them being approved by the members.
The Constitution changes come into effect from the Society Committee meeting dated 23rd November 2021.