Blog request of the Library - Early Census (CD-ROM)
Query 7 May 2020
Please could you advise whether the above CD includes Rochester and Chatham? Also is this just numerical data or does it include the names and/or occupations of people resident.
I have an ancestor who was born elsewhere but was a cutler in Rochester from c1825 to 1847 when he died. I am trying to find out when he arrived in Rochester and anything else, I can find prior to the 1841 census. Can you recommend suitable material, maybe from your library, that may assist me?
Answer 7 May 2020
We are North West Kent Family History Society. Our area is from the west ancient boundary of Kent eastward to a line North South from Gravesend to Frant. Please see the map on our web site.
We do not cover Rochester or Chatham, which are in Kent Family History Society area, see their web site
In the web site there are details of the parishes we cover.
I have copied this email to our publications team that can explain what is included in all our CD publications.
If you have any further queries, the answers may be on the web site but feel free to email us again if you need further help.
We are in shutdown at the moment. As a registered charity we rely on our volunteers. Some of our volunteers have expertise on areas not just on our area and may be able to help you. Be aware they may not respond quickly because of this current situation.
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