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If you are a NWKFHS member, please login, if not, please join today.


Royal Arsenal Woolwich introduction video

 The video produced for the Family History Federation Really Useful Show last November (2023) has now been put on our web site. There is a button link on the Royal Arsenal Woolwich page. https://www.nwkfhs.org.uk/resources/data-sets/royal-arsenal-woolwich North West Kent Family History Society includes the area that was the Royal Arsenal Woolw...

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  748 Hits

Lets Talk Family History Zoom meeting 2.30 pm on 28th February 2024.

Chance for you to talk about anything to do with Family History that puzzles you or may help you solve your family line brick wall. Perhaps you wonder about the big FH question! How come I'm here and how did my ancestors survive, the Black Death 1350, the plagues of 1665, the Spanish Flue of the 20th century and Covid of the 21st century? 

  824 Hits

Do you have a burning question?

There are moments when you have a burning question or you just want to share a family history fact. These can be voiced at any of the discussion groups held every Wednesday. The next session with an open agenda is the 'Lets talk family history' on the 27 September when any subject can be discussed. Sometimes voicing a family history query the act o...

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  936 Hits

How UK Family History Societies can help with your research

The Family History Federation has organised a panel of Angela Malin, David Cufley Hillary Blanford, Ian Waller and Malcolm Austin at Rootstech 2022. These representatives of some UK family history Societies will explain the benefits of joining a UK family history Society. They will be able to advise how their and other Societies can help your resea...

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Open discussion. All welcome. 15th September 2021

Mike Weeks is leading a Coffee Morning open discussion about family history, the Society and the family history world in general. Got any burning questions or queries come and ask Mike. For the zoom link email workshop.booking@nwkfhs.org.uk

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