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All you need to know about DNA

 The FHF has issued the latest Bulletin No 37 September 2023 with two articles about using the four types of DNA tests and their results to help prove and or disprove family history documentary research. Go to https://www.familyhistoryfederation.com/ and click on the banner heading for the 'Bulletin' and don't be put off because it says subscr...

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Every family has them …

As we were closing the DNA discussion Zoom meeting today (16-8-2023) a number of members asked about NPEs (Non parental events) to be discussed not only as a DNA subject but also within the normal family history research. David mentioned the article in the Journal Vol 16 No 2 page 77-78 which is available on the web site in the MOA. There is also a...

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DNA Discussion Group 17th May 2023

 This session in addition to the normal for those wanting to discuss particular aspects of DNA research Laura will be showing how you can group your DNA Matches to represent your four grandparent lines. This may help you target which of your DNA Matches might help you understand a particular branch of your tree. Maybe this could provide a clue...

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  1098 Hits

‘Endogamy’ a word from todays DNA discussion group.

At todays (22-3-2023) DNA discussion group the chance of your lineage having two people on both the maternal line and paternal line was considered as likely where they had come from a 'tribe', 'clan' or a small community. Endogamy means marriage between one's own tribe or similar unit. An example is a brother and sister marrying a sister and b...

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