Three new enlightening and fascinating talks by David Cufley on ways to breakdown brick walls now on the website to view
See COOK, WINN & GRIST presentations
If time allows, we will explore four case studies. 1)COOK(E) – 6 Army pensioners. 2)WINN – Three occupations or three different people. 3)GARDNER – Dead but where is she buried. 4)GRIST – Seeking Joseph's origins. Brick walls are not a hurdle but a l...
Talk given by Ian Waller FSG on the 8th January entitled 'All Drawn By Horses' a must see for family historians. PLEASE NOTE video will only be available until the 24th January 2025...
Sevenoak branch January Newsletter now available on the website
Happy New Year to all our members and the 1st January 2025 Newletter is now available on the website
In a Christmas present 'Genealogy, Essential Research Methods' by Helen Osborn in the forward it opens with 'Sources, and the skills to understand them, are the key tools we need to unearth our family history'. A statement that resonated with me and ...
The Really Useful Bulletin No 52 December 2024 has two interesting articles, the first 'The Story of Pantomime by Alan Ruston and the second 'Christmas 1910-1914, The Fletton Experience' by Dr Sadie McMullon. The Federation also offer their subscribe...
Two new Zoom video talks available to members first '1827 Beadle of Enfield Poster'
and second one 'Lets Talk about Christmas' both by David Cufley
Peter Allen gave an excellent talk to the Dartford Branch on Saturday 7th December entitled 'Oh No It Isn't - A History of Pantomime' it ranged from the Greeks to the modern celebrity pantomimes of the current theatre circuit. Among the pantomimes me...
Three new Zoom workshops have been added which brings the total of workshops to 40 inaddition 28 zoom talks which are all available to our members. Please explore the list for a subject that interests you...
Now available on the members only area under Research, Zoom workshop videos. Please join the society to view A workshop giving sources and places to search when looking for your Agricultural Labourers....
Two more workshop videos have been entered on the website giving information on how to breakdown brickwalls
Login as members then go to Zoom workshops page
Watch workshop video showing the society Library and what it contains plus extra piece on accessing external databases Login as members then go to Zoom workshops page...
The talk on Greenwich Park Wall History is now available in the members only area of this web site. If you missed this or other zoom talks, workshops and discussions register by emailing and giving your membership and e...
mThe Really Useful Bulletin No 44 April 2024 has two interesting articles. The first a longer piece deals with illnesses cures and death of our ancestors. Written by Lady Teviot, one of the Federations Vice Presidents, has brought her experience in r...
The Bricks and Brickwork of Greenwich Park Wall are normally not seen, as the viewer looks passed and into the park and at its Observatory. This talk explores the boundary wall and how it has been changed over its 400-year life. It discusses not only...
Breaking down brick walls workshop 10th April 2024 at 7.30 pm will include three subjects 1. Finding Missing death, 2. Finding Zinc Mill at Dartford 3. Searching for a lost Grandfather's birth and parentage. These topics may also give you clues ...
Chance for you to talk about anything to do with Family History that puzzles you or may help you solve your family line brick wall. Perhaps you wonder about the big FH question! How come I'm here and how did my ancestors survive, the Black Death 1350...
The video produced for the Family History Federation Really Useful Show last November (2023) has now been put on our web site. There is a button link on the Royal Arsenal Woolwich page.
Regeneration Team in Bromley Council want your feedback regarding
the Crofton Roman Villa.
See link on members home page for details