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Welcome to our section dedicated to newly added items to the shop. Please check back regularly to see what's new; we have lots of interesting projects and products in the pipeline.

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Ash: St Peter & St Paul

Ash: St Peter & St Paul - DVD of CD115, CD107, CD130, CD131 & CD132.
Transcript of Parish Registers Composite 1560-1737, Baptisms 1736-1937,
Marriages 1738-1954 & Burials 1736-1994


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Chelsfield: School

Chelsfield School Log Books 1870-1920. Transcribed in a searchable PDF (210 pages)
Remainder of this information (1921-1974 - 200 pages) can be viewed at the Society's library.


Chelsfield: St Martin

Chelsfield: St Martin

Registers 1558-1812, Baptisms 1813-1985, Marriages 1813-1985,
Banns 1824-1908 & Burials 1813-1986.

Amended for Data Protection as at 2022.


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Eltham: St John the Baptist

Eltham: St John the Baptist
DVD of Baptism transcripts CD082, CD105, CD106, CD108
Covering Baptisms for 1813-1918


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Eltham: St John the Baptist

Eltham: St John the Baptist
DVD of Marriage transcripts CD133, CD29, CD31.
Covering Marriages for 1754-1932


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Eltham: St John the Baptist

Eltham: St John the Baptist
DVD of Burial Transcripts CD110, CD118, CD119, CD120, CD126, CD127, CD128, CD135.
Covering 1813-1970


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Keston: [parish church]

Keston: ancient parish church
DVD of CD061, CD125 & CD129 transcript files with alphabetical indexes.
Composite 1690-1868, Baptisms, 1690-1946, Marriages 1754-1810 & 1818-1955 & Burials 1813-1943.

Amended for Data Protection as at 2022.


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Plumstead: St Nicholas

Plumstead: St Nicholas
DVD of CD117, CD121 & CD122 transcript files and alphabetical indexes.
Baptisms 1788-1861, Marriages 1788-1846 & Burials 1788-1859.


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Swanley: St Mary & St Paul

DVD version of CD-OR025 & CD-OR048

  • St. Mary Baptisms 1902-1925 & 1946-1983, Marriages 1902-1954
  • St. Paul Baptisms 1862-1969, Marriages 1862-1954.

Amended for Data Protection as at 2022.


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