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If you are a NWKFHS member, please login, if not, please join today.

Zoom Talk: The Hidden Secrets of the 1939 Register with Linda Hammond

The 1939 Register is often compared to an extra census for England and Wales, but it's much more.

Although assembled in 1939, the Government continuously updated it with changes in names, deaths, and other key details until about 1990. Some updates are visible, while others are hidden in annotations and codes next to entries. This presentation will show how to decode these markings, offering deeper insights.

Learn how to search the register and uncover its hidden secrets to enhance your family history research.

Linda Hammond is a professional genealogist who has been active in genealogy for over 35 years as both a researcher and a lecturer.  She is a tutor at the University of Strathclyde and, in addition to her teaching role, Linda frequently speaks at conferences and family history fairs, where she shares her knowledge and expertise.

Please log in from 7.15pm and enjoy chat with other participants before the talk starts.

The talk will be recorded for the benefit of members not available that evening or in different time zones and will be available in the Members Only Area of the website for 2 weeks only. You need to log in and then go to this screen https://www.nwkfhs.org.uk/resources/all-other/zoom-talk-videos

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Any society member who would like to receive the Zoom link for this talk needs to submit their name, email address and membership number via https://www.nwkfhs.org.uk/?location=1#Contact stating "Please send me the Zoom links" .  Then you will automatically be emailed monthly with the Zoom links for all the Zoom events during that month.  You can then attend any Zoom event that you wish to without any booking.

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But Society membership only costs £10 a year (£12 joint members).  https://www.nwkfhs.org.uk/about/membership/our-membership/#options

Event Information

Event Date 10-04-2025 7:30 pm
Event End Date 10-04-2025 9:30 pm
Capacity 100
Individual Price Free
Location Zoom online