If you are a NWKFHS member, please login, if not, please join today.

If you are a NWKFHS member, please login, if not, please join today.

Zoom Discussion group: Let's Talk Family History with Laura Lincoln

This is a session when you can talk about family history in a similar manner to the coffee breaks at the library

Please log in from 10.15am and enjoy chat amongst participants before the workshop starts.

To Get the Zoom Link

Booking is no longer required for individual Zoom Workshops and Discussion Groups.

For 2024 a Zoom Register has been created to cover all attendance to any of the zoom groups. 

Once a month the zoom links for the discussion groups and workshops will be sent by email to those members on the register. Members who have registered can then attend as many of the Zoom groups as they wish with no need to make a specific booking for each one.

All Zoom Workshops and Discussion Groups are members only-events.


Event Information

Event Date 22-05-2024 10:30 am
Event End Date 22-05-2024 12:30 pm
Capacity 12
Individual Price Free
Location Zoom online