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All Branch Meetings

Sunday. 28 August, 2022 - Saturday. 03 September, 2022
Week 35
Saturday. 03 September, 2022
9:45 am

Dartford Talk: Medals with Glen Jones

Dartford Branch

Doors open 9.45am. The meeting / talk will start at 10.30am and end by 12.30pm.

Glen Jones leads the Kent Branch of the Orders and Medals Research Society (OMRS).  https://www.omrs.org/branches/kent

OMRS exists to promote a general interest in the study of orders, decorations and medals and to actively encourage and publish research into all aspects of civil and military medals, with a particular focus on those issued by Great Britain and the Commonwealth countries.

Glen's talk covers medals issued for gallantry, campaigns, long service, jubilee and coronation and will include interesting historical facts and stories.

He will offer some advice on research and also Dos and Don'ts regarding those family medals which you may be lucky enough to possess.

There is a large, free car park but it is shared with other users and can be busy at times.

No booking, just turn up.

The Society is a registered charity and membership fees and donations are an important part of our income. The Talk is free to members but guests and visitors are asked to make a donation towards hall hire and speaker's fee. There will be a donations box at the venue.