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If you are a NWKFHS member, please login, if not, please join today.

Dartford Talk: Lost Rivers of London with Roger Squires

Doors open 9.45am. The meeting / talk will start at 10.30am and end by 12.30pm. 

Many members will have had family who lived in or passed through London in the past. They would have been familiar with the many rivers which are no longer visible above ground but which were part of daily life and often carried effluent into the River Thames.

Roger will tell us about these tributaries which still do flow but are now covered, hence the term "lost rivers". He will explain how there are still clues to following the routes of these rivers thereby enhancing our understanding of where and how our ancestors lived.

The Talk venue has a large, free car park but it is shared with other users and can be busy at times.

No booking, just turn up.

The Society is a registered charity and membership fees and donations are an important part of our income. The Talk is free to members but guests and visitors are asked to make a donation towards hall hire and speaker's fee. There will be a donations box at the venue.

Event Information

Event Date 05-08-2023 10:30 am
Event End Date 05-08-2023 12:30 pm
Capacity 100
Individual Price Free to members. A donation towards hall hire and speaker fee is appreciated from visitors.
Location Dartford Branch

Venue Information - Dartford Branch

Dartford Science and Technology College Heath Lane Dartford Kent DA1 2LY

There is a large free car park at the College but it is shared with other users and can be busy at times.